Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 781 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved

Chapter 781 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved (3)
"Yeah!" Ling Rui nodded and said, "The results made on the machine are right."

"It turned out to be true!" Sun Xiaofen looked at the DNA test report in a daze, and did not rush to pick it up and flip through it. Ling Rui said yes, the result must be credible, but that child Wu Meng, really It's my daughter!

At this moment, Sun Xiaofen couldn't figure out what kind of feelings she had in her heart. Many kinds of feelings were mixed together, and for a while, she didn't know what kind of attitude to use to face all this!
Her biological daughter is not dead yet!Thinking of this, she just wants to find a place to cry quietly!
"Yes, godmother!" Ling Rui looked at the intense emotions in Sun Xiaofen's eyes, and sighed slightly in his heart, please forgive him, he really didn't want to say congratulatory words against his will.

Mr. Bai looked at Ling Rui, his eyelids twitched, and asked, "Boy Rui, do you think there's something wrong?"

"There was no problem in the whole process of testing, and the result is true, but my intuition, this matter is not simple, of course, this is just my intuition!" Ling Rui originally didn't want to take those who didn't It is based on scientific speculation, but it is related to the relationship between the Junbai family. He felt that it was necessary to warn Mr. Bai.

"You mean, this report may not be credible?" Mr. Bai and Sun Xiaofen listened to Ling Rui's words, with serious and nervous expressions.

"It's just my suspicion!" Ling Rui said, looking at old man Bai with deep eyes.

"I was skeptical the first time I heard the news, but after so many tests, there shouldn't be any problems!" Mr. Bai said after pondering for a while.

"So, for now, doubts can only be doubts!" ​​Ling Rui said frankly.

"Okay, I see, I will pay attention!" Mr. Bai patted Ling Rui on the shoulder, facing Ling Rui's calmness, he felt a little heavy in his heart, so he changed the topic: "How is Shishi girl recently?" ? There are a lot of bad things at home, and I haven't bothered to see her these days. "

"I've gained weight!" Ling Rui smiled softly when he heard old master Bai ask about Tang Shishi.

Because of the twins, Tang Shishi's belly is bigger than the average pregnant woman's belly, and she showed her pregnancy earlier, and now it is slightly swollen. He bathed the little wild cat at night, and now one more thing is to apply olive oil to her, Ono Cats are afraid that their belly will grow too fast and they will get stretch marks!The little wild cat also said that this is for his future visual beauty investment, so he paints it very carefully every time, although, in fact, he thinks that even if there are one or two stretch marks on the little wild cat's belly, it's nothing , These are the same as the scars on the soldiers, they are military medals and credit books, but after the little wild cat became pregnant, his temperament changed drastically, and he paid special attention to his external beauty. For this reason, he also quietly consulted a psychologist The psychiatrist said that this is a manifestation of potential insecurity, so Ling Rui often reflects on himself recently, and strives to be perfect in everything.

"Does Shishi girl know about this?" Sun Xiaofen smiled when she heard that Tang Shishi had gained weight.

"I know!" Ling Rui answered truthfully.

"Did girl Shishi say anything?" Sun Xiaofen asked after her, she was particularly concerned about Tang Shishi's attitude now.

"I thought it was a conspiracy at first, but the test results really make people speechless." Ling Rui replied.

"Oh!" The expression on Sun Xiaofen's face changed, "I'll go see her later!" The moment she learned the result, Tang Shishi was what she wanted to see the most, not Wu Meng.

"Okay." Ling Rui nodded, "She has been thinking about you these two days."

Sun Xiaofen smiled, and there was joy in her eyes that she couldn't even notice.

After Ling Rui left the Bai family, Mr. Bai locked himself in the study and sat there for a long time, while Sun Xiaofen went back to the room and cried hard. After crying, she washed her face and tidied up. Putting down her own mood, she is going to see Tang Shishi, she now needs someone who can talk intimately.

It's just that Sun Xiaofen didn't go to the Jun's mansion to look for Tang Shishi as planned, because Wu Meng did.

Compared with the last time we met, Wu Meng lost a lot of weight in just a few days, her hair was a little messed up by the wind, dry and dull, her face was haggard a lot, and her eyes that used to love to smile were also dull look.

Seeing Wu Meng like this, Sun Xiaofen was taken aback, and quickly took her hand and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I——I..." Wu Meng looked at Sun Xiaofen, hesitated to speak, and after "I" for a long time, suddenly threw herself into Sun Xiaofen's arms and cried, "Aunt Sun, save me! Even if you don't want to Recognize me as a daughter, please, don't let me marry Xie Quan! Woooo..."

Sun Xiaofen was staggered by Wu Meng, she stabilized her body, looked at Wu Meng in her arms, wept heartbroken, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart, she slowly stretched out her arms, slowly, Slowly wrapping his arms around Wu Meng's shoulders, he patted Wu Meng's shoulders with one hand, and said, "What's the matter, tell me slowly, did Xie Quan bully you again?" Sun Xiaofen asked softly road.

At the Shen family banquet last time, because she meddled with Wu Meng and Xie Quan, Tang Shishi almost had an accident, which made Sun Xiaofen blame herself, and Sun Xiaofen was not very satisfied with Wu Meng's performance that day, although, Neither Zhou Hu nor Tang Shishi had ever said anything to her, but that day she suspected that Xie Quan and Wu Meng were doing it on purpose to drive her and Zhou Hu away from Tang Shishi, and a rift arose in her heart. Wu Meng approached with confidence, and Sun Xiaofen involuntarily began to care about Wu Meng and Xie Quan's affairs, and naturally heard something. The Wu and Xie families were already discussing the wedding date of Xie Quan and Wu Meng. Preparations for the wedding.

"He—" mentioning Xie Quan, Wu Meng trembled, and the tears fell even more fiercely, already wet the clothes on Sun Xiaofen's shoulders.

"What's wrong with him?" Sun Xiaofen helped Wu Meng up, looked Wu Meng up and down and asked, but as soon as he finished speaking, Sun Xiaofen saw a suspicious bruise under Wu Meng's neck, and she pulled Wu Meng away impatiently Looking at the collar of Wu Meng's collar, he found that there were many such marks on Wu Meng's neck and chest. On his fair skin, those bruises were extremely dazzling!

"He actually took you—this bastard!" Sun Xiaofen roared angrily.

"No! I haven't made it to the end yet, I——I kicked him and ran out! Huh..." Wu Meng hugged her chest with both hands, gathered her clothes together, and began to cry loudly: " I dare not go back! I—" Wu Meng looked at Sun Xiaofen tearfully, with countless hopes in her eyes.

Sun Xiaofen looked at Wu Meng in a daze, with a strange look on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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