Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 782 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved

Chapter 782 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved (4)
"I—I'm sorry! I—I shouldn't have come!" After Wu Meng finished speaking, she looked at Sun Xiaofen and covered her mouth with one hand, as if trying to block back the uncontrollable sobs and tears.

"I'm leaving now! Huh..." After Wu Meng finished speaking, she turned around and ran towards the door.

Sun Xiaofen instinctively stretched out her hand to grab Wu Meng's arm, but Wu Meng's speed was too fast, she missed, and that hand stayed in mid-air, with fingers slightly bent downwards, without retracting.

"This is your home, where are you going?" Just as Wu Meng ran to the door, there was a loud scolding voice from behind him!

Wu Meng suddenly stopped her body, turned her head abruptly, her gaze passed over Sun Xiaofen, and she looked up upstairs.

Old Man Bai stood at the door of the study, looking down at Wu Meng, the voice just now came from his mouth.

Not only Wu Meng, but also Sun Xiaofen looked up at Old Man Bai at the door of the study in astonishment, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, but he didn't make any sound!

"I—" Wu Meng covered her mouth, her voice choked up, she tried her best to calm herself down, and asked in a trembling voice, "Can I really stay here?"

The old man Bai looked at Wu Meng below, with tears flashing, his eyes full of unconfidence, with a light of hope, the old man Bai nodded heavily, and said: "I asked someone to do a DNA test report. , it has been confirmed that you are the blood of the Bai family!"

"I... woo..." After old master Bai finished speaking, Wu Meng squatted on the ground suddenly and burst into tears.

Sun Xiaofen looked at old man Bai, walked to Wu Meng's side in a moment, pulled Wu Meng up, hugged her tightly, and said, "My daughter, you have been wronged!"

"Mom! Mom! Huh..." Wu Meng also hugged Sun Xiaofen tightly, crying continuously.

Old Master Bai looked at Wu Meng and Sun Xiaofen who were crying bitterly in the living room, and said, "I'll call the child's father and tell him to come over quickly!" After speaking, he turned and went into the study.

"Yeah!" Sun Xiaofen raised his head and glanced at the back of the old man, and agreed softly.

And Wu Meng, who was in Sun Xiaofen's arms, couldn't help but tremble slightly after hearing what Old Master Bai said.

"What's wrong?" Sun Xiaofen asked concerned.

"It's nothing!" Wu Meng shook his head and shed two more tears, but his face was a little worried.

"You child, you don't even want to tell the truth to your mother!" Sun Xiaofen dragged Wu Meng to the sofa, her tone full of reproach.

"I just feel a little uneasy." Wu Meng looked at Sun Xiaofen and said frankly.

"There is nothing to worry about! Don't be afraid. When your father comes, we will announce the test results to the public. By then, you will be the rightful young lady of the Bai family! With your parents here, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Sun Xiaofen patted He patted Wu Meng's hand and said comfortingly.

"Yeah." Wu Meng nodded timidly, bit her lips suddenly, and asked nervously, "I'm not as good as Sister Shishi, will Dad not like me?"

Sun Xiaofen stopped pouring tea, looked at Wu Meng with a slight smile, and said, "Silly boy! You are our own flesh and blood, why does your father not like it? But he is indeed a serious person, so that's all." It's not good, but it's the same for everyone!"

Wu Meng nodded, took the hot tea handed over by Sun Xiaofen, said thank you, and did not intend to leave her eyes from the teacup, quietly, not knowing what she was thinking!
Sun Xiaofen didn't speak for a while, sipping tea quietly, recognizing Wu Meng was just a simple matter of a few words in such an instant, but after recognizing Wu Meng, things became complicated.

"Actually, I am still very contradictory in my heart." After a long time, Wu Meng suddenly raised her head, looked at Sun Xiaofen and said.

"What's wrong?" Sun Xiaofen asked puzzled.

"I know, at this time, I shouldn't just rush to the door so recklessly, it will cause a lot of trouble, but - but I really can't hold on!" Wu Meng finished, biting her lips tightly, Tears welled up again.

"Stupid child, leave these to parents, don't worry!" Sun Xiaofen handed Wu Meng two tissues and said.

"But, my current identity, I..." Wu Meng choked up and couldn't continue.

Sun Xiaofen sighed, patted Wu Meng's hand, and said, "Just stay at home and leave everything to your parents. No one will dare to touch you!"

"En!" Wu Meng looked at the unquestionable look in Sun Xiaofen's eyes, tilted her head and leaned on Sun Xiaofen's shoulder, very attached.

"Since I found out that I am not the biological daughter of the Wu family, I feel that the world has fallen, especially when they asked me to marry the Xie family. I feel that I have been forced to a dead end. Xie Quan is such a person ——I feel that my life is gloomy!" Wu Meng leaned gently on Sun Xiaofen's shoulder and said: "That day, I saw you shopping for clothes with sister Shishi in the boutique, and I suddenly felt that I had a crush on you. The inexplicable intimacy, that feeling makes me unable to help myself!"

When Wu Meng said this, a hazy smile appeared on his face, as if he was immersed in the scene of meeting Sun Xiaofen for the first time.

Sun Xiaofen let Wu Meng snuggle up, quietly, without speaking, acting as a good listener.

"I think that purple dress is very suitable for you. Although it is the first time we met, I feel that I should be very familiar with you! Later, I followed Wang Fengzhen to Baofeng Tower to look at the accessories, while dealing with Wang Fengzhen, At the same time, I was thinking, if you really bought that purple dress, what kind of accessories would match it better, so I searched for it, and silently portrayed your appearance in that purple dress, who knows , We met again that day!" Wu Meng said here, smiled happily, raised her head and asked Sun Xiaofen, "Tell me, isn't this strange?".

"Well! This is our mother-daughter fate!" Sun Xiaofen looked at Wu Meng's face and said with a smile.

"Actually, I didn't expect that you would recognize me! At least not at this time!" Wu Meng looked at Sun Xiaofen, lowered her head again, and her tone was full of guilt. She knew that it meant that the Bai family recognized her at this time. What!
"Don't talk stupidly, how can there be any reason why parents don't want children? No matter what time it is, it's the same!" Sun Xiaofen looked at Wu Meng lovingly and said.

"En!" Wu Meng looked at Sun Xiaofen gratefully, then smiled happily, and said, "I never thought that Sister Shishi and I became real sisters now! I really want to see her right away!".

Sun Xiaofen didn't know why she didn't correct Wu Meng. In fact, Tang Shishi was two months younger than her, so she just smiled and said: "Today is not over, let's talk, in the future, your sisters will be together for a long time , don’t be in a hurry.”

(End of this chapter)

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