Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 783 Killing the mouth VS doing it for oneself

Chapter 783 Killing the mouth VS doing it for oneself (2)
"This is a cash cow for our bar!" said another man watching.

"Damn it!" A black-faced man spat and said angrily.

"Then go! It doesn't cost any money anyway!" A short and thin man said with a smile, "Third brother, look at your talent!"

"Damn! You're promising! Have you ever messed with her?" The dark-faced man called the third child rolled his eyes and became even more angry.

"My brothers here, I'm afraid you are the only one who hasn't done it! They are all worn-out shoes by our brothers!" The short and thin man said with a sneer.

"Damn it! Grandma, you don't call me this kind of thing!" The black-faced man looked at Bai Mo who was already being eaten tofu by countless salty pig hands, and shouted with a thick neck.

"Haha!" Seeing the appearance of the black-faced man, several men burst into laughter. One of them pushed the black-faced man and said, "Go up quickly, or she will be so confused that she can't even stand up in a while." I've lost all my strength! It's like a dead body, it's boring!"

"Fuck! Don't say it earlier!" Hearing what his companion said, the black-faced man rushed to the stage recklessly.

The companion behind him looked at the black-faced man and laughed endlessly.

"Tell me, this Baimo is really our sister-in-law's sister? Why do I see that these two people are not as good as enemies?" Seeing the black-faced man carrying Baimo off the stage, he didn't know where he went. A hint of doubt appeared on the thin man's face.

It's really jaw-dropping for this sister to do this. The younger sister actually sent her older sister out to be a whore.

"How many times have I told you that it's the same mother and half father! You still ask this! My sister-in-law heard it carefully, and I have a bad life!" A man reminded the short and thin man and said.

"I know, I know! Isn't this just a few words of emotion!" Thinking of Xu Manlin's methods against those brothers who secretly helped Bai Mo, the short and thin man couldn't help shivering!
Xu Manlin, the sister-in-law, is usually pretty good, but when it comes to Baimo, she becomes disrespectful and vicious. This has caused their brothers to suffer a lot. After all, which man can control his "brother"? Because of this, many people complained about Xu Manlin, but they dared not speak out. Whoever told their eldest brother to be eaten to death by this little girl, they obeyed her!

Bai Mo dragged her two sore legs back to where she lived. Now she and Bai Xiaolan lived in a second-hand small building in City B.

Ever since Bai Xiaolan recognized Bai Mo back, Bai Xiaolan's current husband knew that Bai Xiaolan had an illegitimate daughter before she married him again, and he and Bai Xiaolan kept arguing all day long. Mo rolled together, she was really ashamed and angry, in a fit of rage, she divorced the man surnamed Xu, moved out with Bai Mo, and cut off contact with the man surnamed Xu since then, in order to avoid the man surnamed Xu. Bai Xiaolan and Bai Mo kept the new address tightly covered by Xu's animals, and even Xu Manlin didn't know about it.

Because Xu Manlin and Bai Mo are in the same situation, after Bai Xiaolan divorced a man surnamed Xu, Xu Manlin was angry that Bai Xiaolan protected Bai Mo everywhere, and she became estranged from Bai Xiaolan. Not seeing each other, less than 10 minutes after seeing each other, they definitely fell out and broke up unhappy.

That small building is a two-unit house with [-] square meters. The environment is not good, and the location is a bit out of the way. Fortunately, Bai Xiaolan cleans it up every day, but it is still clean.

Bai Mo walked downstairs unsteadily, but was bumped by a man unexpectedly.Bai Mo supported the wall, stood firm, took a look at the men in front of her, thought they were those wretched men who took advantage of her, she didn't mind, she giggled coquettishly.

That man was walking in a hurry, and after bumping into someone, he originally wanted to avoid them, but when he saw Bai Mo's face clearly, he was stunned for a moment, especially when Bai Mo smiled at her, it almost shook his heart. The soul is hooked away!

Seeing that man, Bai Mo stared at herself in a daze, a little silly, stretched out her hand to hook the man's chin, met the man's eyes, felt the man's breathing was stagnant and his body was tense, Bai Mo flirtatiously offered a kiss, Then he pushed the man away, turned around and walked upstairs, muttering to himself while walking: "It's really boring!"

The man was suddenly pushed back by Bai Mo. After standing still, he came to his senses and saw Bai Mo's figure no longer. Could it be that he was dazzled?While thinking, the man stretched out his hand and stroked his lips. The temperature on it was so real, it couldn't be fooled!

Bai Mo went upstairs and wanted to get the key to open the door, but found that the door was unlocked. She pushed the door open suspiciously, and a strong smell of blood rushed to her face. Bai Mo looked at Bai Xiaolan who was lying in a pool of blood in the room, and suddenly The hairs stand on end!
"Mom!" A shrill cry resounded throughout the community.

"Bai Xiaolan was killed!" Bai Ziqi called old man Bai, and this was the first sentence he spoke.He sent people to look for Bai Xiaolan around these few days, but he was one step too late.

Old Man Bai was holding the phone tightly, tightening it quickly. After a long while, he said in a deep voice, "The DNA test report from Boy Rui came out. The DNA test report that Wu Meng gave to your daughter-in-law is true!"

"How is this possible?!" Bai Ziqi roared excitedly.

"Yes! How is this possible!" Old Man Bai sighed.

"Dad, what's going on here? Did Kid Rui say anything?" Bai Ziyu asked in confusion.

"Boy Rui said that he is only suspicious now and can't come up with any real evidence!" Old Master Bai told Bai Ziyu what Ling Rui meant.

"In other words, there is really a ghost here!" Bai Ziqi said coldly.

"Hmm." Originally, old man Bai was only skeptical, but Bai Xiaolan's death made him affirm his suspicion. Killing Bai Xiaolan is simply trying to cover up!

But what is going on with this DNA test report? !
This is something they can't figure out!

"Dad, that girl, you—" Bai Ziqi urged worriedly.

"I know that if you have time, come to City A as soon as possible. When things have developed to this point, we can only follow the other party's script and go on."

"it is good!"

At the same time, the phone in the Shen family's mansion rang. Yu Manqing picked up the phone, glanced at the number displayed on it, and immediately answered it.

"How is it?" Yu Manqing asked nervously.

"Solved!" The other party replied.

"Are you sure?" Yu Manqing asked again worriedly.

"Okay!" The other party replied.

Yu Manqing hung up the phone in satisfaction, picked up the hot tea brought by the servant, sat in the living room and took a sip gracefully, feeling the fragrance of the tea flowing slowly in his stomach, and feeling indescribably happy!

(End of this chapter)

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