Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 784 Killing the mouth VS doing it for oneself

Chapter 784 Killing the mouth VS doing it for oneself (3)
Shen Kui came out of the study, went downstairs to the living room and sat down. Seeing Yu Manqing's good mood, he couldn't help but ask, "What's so happy?"

Ever since Tang Shishi spoiled the situation at the last banquet, Yu Manqing's face has been covered with a haze these days, and her brows are rarely stretched.

"Bai Xiaolan is dead!" Yu Manqing put down the teacup in his hand, his brisk tone seemed to say that the weather is fine today!
"What?! Dead?! Did you have someone do it?!" Shen Kui suddenly put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Yu Manqing, and asked eagerly.

"Yeah." Yu Manqing looked at Shen Kui's anxious look, and said with a nonchalant smile, "Look at you..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Kui was slapped heavily on the face!

"You—" Yu Manqing was stunned. After all these years of marriage, Shen Kui has never laid hands on her!
"You idiot!" Shen Kui looked at Yu Manqing with furious expression on his face!This woman really wants to piss him off!How could Bai Xiaolan be allowed to die at this time?

"What's wrong with me? I'm not helping your old friend to deal with the aftermath!" Yu Manqing yelled aggrievedly and angrily, covering the side of her face that was beaten.

"Yu Manqing! Put away your tricks!" Shen Kui stared at Yu Manqing with murderous eyes!
Yu Manqing suddenly felt her body stiffen and her whole body was cold. She had never seen Shen Kui with such a fierce look. For a moment, she was so frightened that she forgot any reaction!

"Take it as if I don't know, you're just trying to cover it up! What you say to help Wang Fengzhen is bullshit! If you do this, a discerning person will know that Wang Fengzhen has a ghost in her heart, and she will kill her! You are trying to set the blame on her. Borrowing a knife to kill!" Shen Kui mercilessly exposed Yu Manqing's little thoughts in person!
This woman became jealous when she was fighting for the wind, she was hopelessly stupid!

He originally arranged everything well, so that the Bai family and the Jun family would suspect Wang Fengzhen, and then at the critical moment, Wang Fengzhen would be dismantled and pushed to the top of the tank. This is a good move, because this woman's selfishness has completely destroyed her. His plan!

"I—" Yu Manqing's face turned red and then pale. It was the first time that Shen Kui didn't show mercy to her at all, which made her unable to react in time. Facing Shen Kui like this, she was so powerless even to defend herself.

"Idiot!" Shen Kui raised his hand and swept the exquisite tea set on the table to the floor, then turned back to the study!

When the door of the study room was slammed shut, Yu Manqing seemed to have been drained of all his strength, covered his face and collapsed on the sofa.

At some point, there was a person on the sofa opposite. After Yu Manqing saw Shen He sitting on the sofa, he immediately cheered up, sat up, took away the hand covering his face, and calmly looked at Shen He. asked: "When did you go home?"

"Wearing this mask all day, aren't you tired?" Shen He looked at Yu Manqing, who instantly recovered her dignified and reserved appearance, and his eyes fell on the red and swollen half of her face, mockingly.

"Get used to it, and you won't feel tired!" Yu Manqing wanted to pour herself a cup of tea to ease her embarrassment, but when she raised her hand, she realized that the tea table was empty, and she put down her raised hand in a slumped manner.

"I hope you can take it with you forever!" Shen He was not surprised by Yu Manqing's answer, and put on a mask that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Yu Manqing looked at Shen He, touched his face, suddenly raised his head to look at Shen He, and asked, "Are you relieved?"

The smile at the corner of Shen He's mouth froze, and a cold light shot out from his eyes. He looked at Yu Manqing as if he was looking at an enemy. After a while, he snorted coldly, stood up, and said, "You can do it yourself!"

"You too!" Yu Manqing replied unceremoniously, this is their mother and son, and once again, they will tear their faces apart!
But this time, it's different from the past, because some things can't be undone if they are spoken out.
These days, Wang Fengzhen's life is not to mention how nourishing it is. One is because Lu Tao is back, and the other is because the Lu Group has recently received several big orders under the support of caring people.

I got the news of Bai Xiaolan's death because Wang Fengzhen met Bai Mo when she was just out of the spa.

"Who are you?" When the noble Wang Fengzhen came out of the spa, she was stopped by Baimo. She looked at the ordinary Baimo in front of her and asked displeasedly.

"Aunt Wang, my mother was murdered!" Bai Mo looked at Wang Fengzhen and was about to throw herself on her, crying loudly.

Wang Fengzhen was so frightened that she ran away quickly, thinking that she had run into a liar, beggar or something, and looked around to find her driver.

"Your mother was killed, what does it matter to me?" Wang Fengzhen said angrily, her tone was very mean.

Where did this come from, a wild girl who couldn't get on the stage? She came out of a mental hospital, right?

"My mother asked me to come to you before she died! She said that only you can take care of me!" Bai Mo looked at Wang Fengzhen tearfully, like a fragile and helpless little white flower.

"Don't talk nonsense! I don't know your mother at all!" Wang Fengzhen was taken aback by Bai Mo's words!She is superstitious, she has done a lot of bad things, so she naturally believes in ghosts and gods.

"Aunt Wang, my mother is Bai Xiaolan!" Bai Mo continued with tears in her eyes, looking at Wang Fengzhen in front of her, who was dressed in a luxurious outfit.

"Bai Xiaolan?! You said your mother is Bai Xiaolan?!" Wang Fengzhen suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Bai Mo's arm, asking eagerly.

"Yes!" Bai Mo replied, crying.

A trace of doubt arose in Wang Fengzhen's heart. If she had to say that the thing she couldn't let go these days was Bai Xiaolan's affairs, but he was not allowed to act rashly, and she didn't dare to make her own claims, and she didn't even dare to call Bai Xiaolan, so The news of Bai Xiaolan's death really shocked her. After being shocked, she looked at Bai Mo in front of her with a complicated expression.

"Follow me!" Wang Fengzhen pulled Bai Mo towards her car.This is not the place to talk, especially when he is dressed in brocade clothes and jade ornaments, standing next to Bai Mo who is so shabby, it is inevitable that he will not arouse suspicion.

Bai Mo obediently followed Wang Fengzhen into the car, then asked the driver for some tissues, wiped her tears, and sat down properly.

Before she came to look for Wang Fengzhen, she made clear about Wang Fengzhen's preferences and temperament. The moment she saw Wang Fengzhen, she made up her mind to rely on Wang Fengzhen, so she naturally made her performance more perfect.

"What did your mother say before she died?" Wang Fengzhen asked after being silent for a while, seeing Bai Mo's little movements.

In fact, Wang Fengzhen was very anxious at this moment, looking at Bai Mo, afraid that she would say something that she didn't want to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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