Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 785 Killing the mouth VS doing it for oneself

Chapter 785 Killing the mouth VS doing it for oneself (4)
"When I went back, my mother was still breathing her last breath. She took my hand and said..." Bai Mo seemed to be recalling the most painful thing in her life, immersed in the scene at that time, and said this At the same time, she deliberately paused, feeling Wang Fengzhen's breathing was slightly stagnated, she sneered in her heart, but her face was crying even more miserably.

Since she fell from the clouds and lost her identity as the eldest lady of the Bai family, although it was only a few months, she lived in such a place in the past few months, and those encounters made her unforgettable, and she learned more Acting on every occasion, learned to pretend, learned to hide!

Wang Fengzhen looked at Bai Mo who was crying uncontrollably, her heart was anxious and irritable, she wished to go forward and grab Bai Mo's arm, urging her to quickly tell everything Bai Xiaolan said, but she still tried her best to restrain herself. Containing his excitement, he quietly waited for Baimo.

"My mother said... said... woo..." Bai Mo cried heartbroken, but couldn't fully express the words.

"What exactly did your mother say? Tell Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang is a good friend of your mother and will definitely help you!" Finally, Wang Fengzhen couldn't stand Bai Mo's ink, and urged her, but it sounded gentle and kind, With a little stiffness.

"Aunt Wang, you are the only one I can rely on!" Bai Mo looked up at Wang Fengzhen after hearing Wang Fengzhen's words, full of grief.

"Don't worry, with Aunt Wang here, you will definitely not be wronged!" Seeing Bai Mo's appearance, Wang Fengzhen quickly stated her position, and asked lovingly, "What did your mother tell you before she died? Did you mention anything?" To Auntie me?"

"Yes!" Bai Mo looked at Wang Fengzhen and nodded seriously.

"What did you say?" Wang Fengzhen's heart tightened. Looking at Bai Mo, she wished she could slap her head off with a slap. She really could be terrified to death by this woman!

"My mother said, let me come to you." Bai Mo whimpered and cried again.

"What do you want from me?" Wang Fengzhen asked nervously, her eyes fixed on Bai Mo's face without blinking.

"My mother said, let me take refuge in you. She said that after she left, the only person I can rely on in this world is you! Huh..." Bai Mo finally finished her sentence completely. Under the scrutiny of a pair of radar electric eyes, the whole person seemed to be crushed by this sadness, losing vitality and strength.

Seeing Bai Mo like this, Wang Fengzhen breathed a sigh of relief: "Did your mother say anything else?" Wang Fengzhen was still a little worried.

"No more." Bai Mo raised her tearful eyes, looked at Wang Fengzhen, and said softly.

"Have you found out who did it?" Wang Fengzhen asked again, as if she was concerned about her old friend.

"No." Bai Mo gently shook her head.

"Go back with Aunt Wang! From now on, Aunt Wang will cover you for everything!" After hearing Bai Mo's words, Wang Fengzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Xiaolan's dead, could it be him?Thinking of this, Wang Fengzhen couldn't help feeling happy again.

He—after all, still cared about her!Even if he doesn't care about her, he still cares about Tao'er!
"Aunt Wang!" Bai Mo choked up again after hearing Wang Fengzhen's words, and said sadly and helplessly, "From now on, you are the only one I can rely on!"

Wang Fengzhen nodded, thinking that after all, she met Bai Xiaolan once, and she also did a lot of things for her, and now she died because of that secret, so if she takes care of her daughter by herself, it is considered as repaying her favor !

Bai Mo secretly looked at Wang Fengzhen's thoughtful expression, and kept sneering in her heart.

Bai Zizhen came to City A the next day, and after meeting Wu Meng, he formally made an appointment with Wu's family, and the discussion was naturally about Wu Meng's true identity.

The Bai family insisted on recognizing their own flesh and blood, expressing that they had inherited the Wu family's kindness in nurturing them over the years.The Wu family resolutely refused to let him go, saying that Wu Meng was adopted by them and was a member of their Wu family. The Bai family would admit it if they said they would admit it. How is it different from a robber?
Later, Bai Zizhen didn't want to let it go, so the topic naturally turned back to the matter of changing the baby, and brought up the relationship between Bai Xiaolan and Wang Fengzhen. Bai Xiaolan was killed at this juncture. If the Wu family still refuses to let go, then they will A case will be filed to investigate the truth of what happened back then, whether the child was brought back from the orphanage, or whether there are any twists and turns in it, must be clarified one by one.

When the Wu family heard what the Bai family said, their momentum obviously weakened. At the end of the dispute, everyone decided to let Wu Meng decide for herself. After all, she is already an adult with autonomy.

Wu Meng was extremely entangled. On the one hand, she talked about her biological parents, and on the other hand, she was talking about her adoptive parents who raised her since she was a child. She couldn't let go of either one, and it was difficult to choose.

In the end, Wu Meng lived in Bai's house, but he still respected and loved Wu Yingda and Wang Meizhen as always. However, his marriage with Xie Quan fell through!

The Bai family held another confession banquet!

This time, all the dignitaries in City A were invited to this banquet, and the banquet was held in a grand and grand manner. Sun Xiaofen seemed to want to make up for the debt she owed Wu Meng for more than 20 years at once, and treat Wu Meng well. There is simply no way to add it!
This is Tang Shishi's first time in the Jun family's mansion after she became pregnant. At today's banquet, she wore a Korean-style high-waisted orange dress, which perfectly covered her bulging belly, and she looked like a As delicate and soft as a doll.

"Godmother, I'm so happy for you!" Tang Shishi took Ling Rui's arm, walked up to Sun Xiaofen, hugged Sun Xiaofen, and said with a smile.

"You girl! How are you doing lately?" Sun Xiaofen's enthusiasm for Tang Shishi is very useful. She has no time to go out these days. Although she has called Tang Shishi a lot, Ling Rui's 3 minutes every time I couldn't enjoy the chat because of the restrictions, so I was very happy to see Tang Shishi this time.

"Well, look at my body!" Drying meat is Tang Shishi's habitual language recently.

Sun Xiaofen had heard from Ling Yue that Tang Shishi had complained many times about the rapid growth of flesh. After hearing Tang Shishi's words, she smiled knowingly and said, "At this time, there is no reason not to grow flesh!" There are a lot of people talking, and when they talk, they don't mention such a sensitive topic as pregnancy.

"Girl Shishi, let me take a look!" Bai Ziqi stepped forward, looked Tang Shishi up and down, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Not bad! Not bad!"

"Godfather!" Tang Shishi looked at Bai Ziyu and called out obediently.

"I haven't seen you for so many days, godfather really misses you, especially your cooking!" Bai Ziqi looked at Tang Shishi and said jokingly.

Sun Xiaofen shot Bai Ziqi angrily, and before Tang Shishi could speak, she said angrily, "You don't even know when you're talking!"

(End of this chapter)

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