Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 787 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished

Chapter 787 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished (1)
"Godmother, what's wrong with you? I seem to be such a stingy person!" Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen with some reproach, and said.

"I'm afraid you have a lump in your heart!" Sun Xiaofen saw that Tang Shishi really didn't care, and said with a reassuring smile: "Now I have two daughters all at once, it's like a dream. Get along well and don't cause any quarrels."

"Godmother, no, I know Bai Meng is unintentional, and it's not like I've known her for a day or two!" Tang Shishi said with a nonchalant smile, "Don't worry about it!"

"Yeah!" Sun Xiaofen agreed with a happy smile.

"Girl Shishi, she has always been sensible!" Bai Ziqi looked at Tang Shishi and smiled warmly.

Sitting there stiffly, Bai Meng felt uncomfortable after listening to Bai Ziqi's words. He praised Tang Shishi as a sensible person, isn't he secretly blaming himself for being ignorant?
Just now, in fact, she slipped the tongue on purpose. Looking at Tang Shishi from a distance, Ling Rui was talking and laughing with Sun Xiaofen and Bai Ziyu. How could she not be uneasy? I still care about it in my heart, but I just don't want to be used by them, and I don't want to be talked about.

She used the matter of her pregnancy to mention Tang Shishi's past in order to test her position in the hearts of Sun Xiaofen and Bai Ziqi. Her father treated Tang Shishi much better than she did, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

The conversation was still going on, but Bai Meng was sitting on pins and needles here, she felt like a discordant factor who suddenly appeared out of thin air and forcibly intervened among the four of them, destroying their relaxed atmosphere just now.

Because, she is sensitively aware that these people are on guard against her.

"Bai Meng, do you have any plans recently? Are your hands ready? Do you still want to continue designing?" Tang Shishi looked at Bai Meng sitting there with a somewhat sleepy expression, and her eyes fell on Bai Meng's injured hand , took the initiative to speak, and asked with concern.

When Bai Meng returned to Bai's house, the marriage with Xie Quan naturally fell through, because the marriage failed, and the old lady of Xie's family went to the Jun's mansion again, complained fiercely to Grandpa Jun, and vented her anger. After talking for a while, she said bad things about Grandpa Bai and her godfather and mother, and even refused to listen to Grandpa Jun's persuasion. In the end, she even complained that Grandpa Jun didn't save her face, made the decision, and watched the Bai family bully them , making Grandpa Jun extremely troubled.

"Hands are completely healed, but in the near future, I want to stay in China and don't plan to go abroad for the time being." Bai Meng heard that Tang Shishi took the initiative to talk to her, and immediately replied happily.

Tang Shishi nodded clearly, then looked at Bai Meng, and asked openly, "How is Lu Tao?"

"Lu Tao?!" Bai Meng looked at Tang Shishi in astonishment, and then unconsciously glanced around Ling Rui and Bai Ziqi's faces, and found that these two men who were very sensitive just now were like It was as if he didn't hear what Tang Shishi said at all, as if the name Lu Tao belonged to a stranger completely!

"Yes, how is he recently?" Tang Shishi asked again with a faint smile.

"Sister Shishi, you..." Bai Meng glanced uncomfortably at Ling Rui and Bai Ziyu, who still ignored her conversation with Tang Shishi, then deliberately lowered her voice, and whispered to Tang Shishi: "He recently Very good, I heard that I have received several big orders, and I am very busy every day!"

"That's good. When is Lu Tao going to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan? I never expected that he is the second young master of the Shen family!" Tang Shishi mentioned Lu Tao's name again without hesitation.

"Well, I can't tell. Sister Shishi also knows how self-respecting my cousin is!" Bai Meng said on Lu Tao's behalf.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that! But, the people of the Shen family don't seem to treat him very well!" Sun Xiaofen recalled that at the Shen family banquet that day, when Lu Tao was found, his hands were locked by steel chains, and he seemed in a very good state of mind. No, as if he had been greatly frightened, he couldn't help sighing.

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite!" Ling Rui, who was chatting with Bai Ziyu, suddenly interrupted, and patted Tang Shishi's shoulder comfortingly, with his usual expression.

"It's not surprising what happens to a family like the Shen family!" Bai Ziqi obviously had a deep prejudice against the Shen family, and did not shy away from his own views.

"What godfather said is true, the Shen family is indeed extraordinary!" Tang Shishi smiled, with some sarcasm on her face.

Bai Meng saw that both Sun Xiaofen and Tang Shishi did not shy away from Lu Tao's topic, and Bai Ziqi and Ling Rui didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with their discussion of Lu Tao's affairs, but they joined in instead, and they were quite surprised. In particular, she just deliberately said that Tang Shishi knew Lu Tao very well, but these people didn't seem to hear it and didn't respond.

It is said that this major general of the Huaxia Kingdom loves his wife very much, loves his wife like life, and is extremely jealous. Unexpectedly, there is such a big discrepancy between this legend and the reality. Now they are openly discussing Tang Shishi's ex-husband. There is no jealousy at all!

However, why did none of these people give her a good face when she mentioned the past?

"Actually, this matter is mainly due to my aunt. My cousin should be very unwilling in his heart. After all, although he is a businessman, he is a businessman with backbone. I believe you should understand this, Sister Shishi "Since everyone is not shy, Bai Meng feels that there is no need to hide what she hides.

"This is also his sadness. After all, no matter who she is, no matter how rich and powerful she is, his biological mother is not his choice!" Tang Shishi agreed with Bai Meng's words very much. After all, Bai Meng's love for Lu Tao The evaluation is very objective.

After Bai Meng heard Tang Shishi's words, her heart was shocked. She looked up at Tang Shishi, and found that there was no special expression on her face, and sighed faintly: "Yes! If you can choose by yourself, how much Good!" After finishing speaking, he lowered his eyes and bowed his head in silence.

Tang Shishi's words made Bai Meng's heart tremble, and she began to think guiltyly, was Tang Shishi's words intentional or unintentional?

"Look at you two sisters, the more you talk, the more distant you are!" Sun Xiaofen blamed Bai Meng and Tang Shishi pretending to be angry.

"Mom, I was wrong!" Bai Meng quickly apologized.

"Godmother has always been a good mother! I don't know how many people want to be reincarnated as your child, so I really earned it!" Tang Shishi said with wrinkled eyes.

"Little sycophant!" Bai Ziqi scolded Tang Shishi with a smile.

"You're the only one with a sweet mouth!" Sun Xiaofen smiled happily, looking at Tang Shishi with a loving face.

(End of this chapter)

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