Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 788 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished

Chapter 788 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished (2)
"I don't even look at whose wife it is!" Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi's shoulder lovingly, asking for credit.

"You're not bad either! Just do it!" Sun Xiaofen gave Ling Rui another reproachful look and said with a smile.

"That's about the same!" Ling Rui hummed.

At this moment, Ling Rui's usual stern face softened a little, and he and Sun Xiaofen began to quarrel.

"You brat! You're panting for being fat, aren't you?" Bai Ziqi stretched out his hand and punched Ling Rui on the shoulder.

"Godfather!" Seeing Ling Rui being "beaten", Tang Shishi immediately protested to Bai Ziyu in dissatisfaction. She looked at Ling Rui and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Ling Rui shook his head, this was originally a way of greeting between men, besides Bai Ziqi's strength, not to mention that he didn't use any strength at all, even if he did, it still couldn't make him hurt!
"This stinking girl!" Bai Zizhen glared at Tang Shishi, and said angrily, "Sure enough, the girl is extroverted, and the married daughter threw water!" After speaking, she shook her head again.

"That's not what it is!" Sun Xiaofen also came up to chime in, but looking at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, her eyes were full of smiles.

"Stinky boy and stinky girl are a match made in heaven!" Ling Rui didn't take it seriously, and showed an expression of "You guys are the truth! Thank you for the compliment", especially when he said it in his usual cold tone, which made people Hearing this, I hated him so much, but I couldn't do anything to him!
After hearing Ling Rui's words, Tang Shishi held Ling Rui's arm and giggled.

Bai Zizhen and Sun Xiaofen, who were angry, couldn't hold back Tang Shishi's smile, and laughed along with them.

"You guys!" Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen said in unison, putting on an expression of being helpless with Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Ling Rui was the one with the least change of expression, he just curled the corners of his mouth slightly, but anyone could tell that he was in a good mood at the moment and enjoyed everything!
Looking at the four laughing and noisy people in front of her, Bai Meng felt as if she was separated by an invisible wall. Even though they were sitting so close, she could clearly see every inch of each of their faces. Laughing happily, but she felt that she was so far away from them at the moment, so far away, as if they were separated by two time and space.

"What's wrong with you, Bai Meng? Why don't you talk, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Tang Shishi was the first to notice Bai Meng's strangeness, and asked with concern.

"What's the matter?" Sun Xiaofen listened to Tang Shishi's words, and looked at Bai Meng, seeing that she was looking sleepy but trying to keep her spirits up, and asked worriedly.

Seeing Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen's sincere concern, Bai Meng felt warm in his heart, smiled, shook his head and said, "I'm fine, maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm a little sleepy!"

"You child! Why don't mom take you back to the room first, take a rest, and I'll call you when it's almost over." Sun Xiaofen suggested looking at Bai Meng's tired face.

"I'll just go by myself, you can talk to Sister Shishi here!" Bai Meng glanced at Tang Shishi and said to Sun Xiaofen.

"Sending you there and coming back will be the same!" Sun Xiaofen refused.

"That's right, we're just chatting!" Tang Shishi also said with concern: "Let the godmother accompany you."

Bai Meng finally felt a little more at ease, but she still refused Sun Xiaofen's offer, and said, "There are so many guests at the banquet, it's not good for the two of us to leave at the same time, it's better for me! Besides, I'm such an adult, and I don't want to leave." I'll get lost!" Bai Meng made a face at Sun Xiaofen.

Only then did Sun Xiaofen stop insisting, Bai Meng greeted Bai Ziqi and Ling Rui, and then quietly left the banquet scene alone, feeling that there was always a gaze behind her watching her, the corners of Bai Meng's mouth slightly curled up.

Bai Meng went upstairs with her skirt in her hand, thinking about something on her mind all the time, she didn't notice the movement around her at all, and she was in her own home, so she was not prepared.

Bai Meng walked to the corner of the stairs, but was stopped by someone. Without further ado, that person pressed Bai Meng against the wall at the corner of the stairs. Before Bai Meng could scream, he hurriedly blocked her. mouth.

"Hmm..." Bai Meng was shocked by this sudden change, and kept struggling, but her strength was limited after all, and the incident happened so suddenly, how could she compete with a strong and strong man?
"No... um..." Bai Menghua turned pale, and twisted her body vigorously, trying to get rid of the other party's invasion!
As soon as Xie Quan came to the banquet, he kept staring at Baimeng. Today Baimeng was extraordinarily beautiful and charming. He was wearing a pink dress. He was much quieter and more elegant than his carefree look before, like a An alluring peach made him even more unbearable!
Xie Quan had been looking for an opportunity to get close to Bai Meng, but he never expected that Huang Tian would live up to his painstaking efforts, he really made him wait!This corner was originally secluded, and everyone was at the banquet in front, even if there was any movement here, no one would notice it at all!Therefore, he must get this woman today!

Dare to divorce!He wants to let this woman know the price!
"Don't... um—" Bai Meng knew that Xie Quan would not let him go. The last time this man was at her home, he sneaked into her room while the parents of both parties were discussing marriage. She took advantage of his unpreparedness and kicked his vulnerable parts. That time, she could not escape the clutches of her own hands!
Looking at the woman who was pushed into the corner by him, with a pair of dull and lifeless eyes, Xie Quan was a little proud and distressed. Although it was a political marriage, he really liked this woman, but this woman was really fucking Hypocritical!He is willing to take care of her, what is there that is not worthy of her?This woman is fucking incompetent!

After succeeding, Xie Quan was extremely satisfied, he took off his suit jacket, put it on Bai Meng's shoulders, then hugged her and asked, "Where is your room?"

Bai Meng is like a soulless doll, except for the tears in his eyes, there is no expression at all, as if he didn't hear what Xie Quan was asking!
"Tell me quickly, otherwise, I'll just carry you out like this!" Xie Quan threatened!

Although this place is remote, it is not a place to stay for a long time. If someone finds out, it will be bad after all.Xie Quan didn't want to force Wu Meng in such a drastic way, the situation just now was just his last resort.

"Above, the second room." Bai Meng finally had a reaction, but after saying this, she closed her eyes and stopped looking at Xie Quan. Now she hated this man to death!
Xie Quan didn't take it seriously, and didn't pay attention to Bai Meng's attitude at all. He carried Bai Meng into the room and looked at the delicate and warm decoration in the room. Compared with Bai Meng's room in Wu's house, I don't know how many times it has improved, but it seems that the Bai family really loves Bai Meng as their own daughter, and Bai Meng has a very good life here!
(End of this chapter)

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