Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 789 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished

Chapter 789 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished (3)
After putting Bai Meng on the bed, Xie Quan looked at Bai Meng who was curled up, his clothes were torn and naked...

Bai Meng felt that Xie Quan's body was pressed down again, and she pushed in panic, but Xie Quan controlled her hands. She looked at Xie Quan in fear, and said, "Go away, or I will call someone!"

"Then shout! Let everyone see how close we are!" Xie Quan said angrily.He wasn't afraid of Bai Meng shouting, he knew Bai Meng wouldn't dare!Otherwise, Bai Meng would have yelled a long time ago when he was at the stairs!

"You bastard!" Bai Meng cried bitterly, reaching out to beat Xie Quan.

"Don't think that if you become the eldest lady of the Bai family, you can have the wind and the rain. Let me tell you, in this life, you have no other choice but to marry me!" Xie Quanyi With a satisfied face, he leaned over to look at Baimeng and said.

Bai Meng didn't speak, and the expression on her face was dull. She didn't expect Xie Quan to be so bold as to invade her on the Bai family's territory in such a day!Now she regrets very much that she didn't let Sun Xiaofen accompany her upstairs.

Xie Quan saw that Bai Meng didn't speak, and he looked dumbfounded. He was a little worried, but he didn't regret what he did today. He knew that if he didn't take some extreme measures, this woman would be alone in this life. There is no chance!
After venting, Xie Quan gave Bai Meng a simple treatment, then pulled the quilt and covered Bai Meng, and he quickly dressed neatly. After all, he was a guilty conscience, Xie Quan did not dare to be in Bai Meng's room stay long.

"Bai Meng, I will treat you well in the future, don't think about rejecting me!" Xie Quan pinched Bai Meng's face and said.

Bai Meng stared blankly at the ceiling, and didn't hear what Xie Quan was saying at all.

Just as Xie Quan was about to leave, he heard someone knocking on the door outside.

Both Xie Quan and Bai Meng in the room were taken aback, but Xie Quan reacted quicker. After checking that there was nothing suspicious in the room, he took a warning look at Bai Meng and hid in the washroom Inside, leave a small crack in the door to observe every move of the people outside.

Bai Meng wiped the tears off his face, pretending to be asleep.

Sun Xiaofen knocked on the door a few more times, but seeing no response from the people inside, she thought she was fast asleep?So he said outside the door, "Daughter, I'm coming in!"

After speaking, he pushed open the door and walked in.

Sun Xiaofen saw that Bai Meng was really sleeping deeply on the bed, sighed, stepped forward to tuck the corner of the quilt for Bai Meng, then smoothed her forehead hair, and sat down on Bai Meng's bedside for a while. Yes, and found that Baimeng showed no signs of waking up, so she had no choice but to shout: "Baimeng, wake up! Wake up!"

Bai Meng couldn't pretend anymore, so she had to slowly open her eyes, then looked at Sun Xiaofen with a confused face and asked, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"You child! You're drowsy!" Sun Xiaofen smiled lovingly, looked at Bai Meng and said, "The guests are leaving, shall we go down with mom?"

"Ah?!" Bai Meng, as if she had just come to her senses, yelled in surprise, and said, "I'm really sleepy! Get up now!"

"En!" Sun Xiaofen looked at Bai Meng and nodded, but had no intention of leaving.

"Mom, I need to change clothes!" Bai Meng said coquettishly to Sun Xiaofen.

"Mom, help me!" Sun Xiaofen said enthusiastically.

But Bai Meng quickly shook her head with a guilty conscience, she didn't dare to let Sun Xiaofen see herself under the quilt, because Xie Quan's silent warning before still made her shudder!

"I'm not a child anymore!" Bai Meng said angrily.

"That's right! Our dreams are so big, and my mother has missed the company for so many years!" Sun Xiaofen suddenly felt sad, looking like she was about to cry.

Bai Meng was really in a hurry, seeing Sun Xiaofen's sad look, he hated Xie Quan more and more in his heart, wishing to expose him!It's just that she didn't have the courage to face the consequences like that.

"Mom, don't be sad, you have to go down to see the guests off!" Bai Meng lay on the bed anxiously, she was naked at the moment, she dared not get up at all, she couldn't even give Sun Xiaofen a hug to comfort her.

"Okay." Sun Xiaofen nodded, stood up a little disappointed and said, "Then hurry up and pack up, I'll wait for you at the door, and our mother and I will go down together."

"En!" Bai Meng saw the disappointment in Sun Xiaofen's eyes, but she had no choice but to nod in agreement.

As soon as Sun Xiaofen went out and closed the door, Bai Meng quickly jumped off the bed, then opened the closet, grabbed a small high-necked dress from inside, tore off the tag on it, and put it on in a hurry.

It's just that the zipper of that small dress was also at the back, she couldn't reach it at all, and she didn't dare to call Sun Xiaofen in, because she saw a lot of hickey marks on her back from the dressing mirror.

As early as when Sun Xiaofen went out, Xie Quan opened the glass sliding door of the wash room, leaned against the door and watched Baimeng who was in a hurry, and saw that she couldn't zip up the zipper impatiently, and was sweating in a hurry, so He kindly stepped forward to help, and after closing the zipper, he hugged Bai Meng's waist from behind and kissed her on the face.

Bai Meng didn't dare to struggle hard, her body was trembling a little, and her legs were already weak, she almost couldn't stand up.

Xie Quan is very satisfied with Bai Meng's current appearance, seeing Bai Meng transformed into a woman because of him, his heart is agitated.

"Bai Meng, marry me! I will treat you well, really!" Xie Quan couldn't help whispering in Bai Meng's ear.

From Bai Meng's eyes, sharp blades of resentment shot out.

What's good for her!snort!He simply wanted to tie the Wu family and the Bai family to the boat of the Shen family!

But Xie Quan didn't care at all, he pinched Bai Meng's chest and said, "I will find a way to get you to agree!"

Feeling that Bai Meng's body trembled even more, knowing that his threat had worked, Xie Quan let Bai Meng go with satisfaction.

As soon as Baimeng was free, she hurriedly left the room as if fleeing.

"It's packed so quickly!" Sun Xiaofen said with a smile as she looked at the fully dressed Bai Meng.

"I'm afraid you'll be in a hurry!" Bai Meng said with a strong smile, holding Sun Xiaofen's arm.

"In the past, Bai Mo—" Sun Xiaofen mentioned Bai Mo, but suddenly stopped, looking at Bai Meng with an apologetic expression.

"Mom, it's all over!" Bai Meng leaned on Sun Xiaofen's shoulder and said.

"Yes! It's all over! You are a sensible child just like Shishi girl, mother is very pleased!" Sun Xiaofen said with a long sigh.

When Bai Meng heard Sun Xiaofen mentioning Tang Shishi, his eyes darkened, then his expression returned to normal, and he followed Sun Xiaofen into the banquet.

Mr. Bai is still chatting happily with Mr. Jun. Tang Shishi and Ling Rui are helping Bai Ziyu see off the guests. In fact, Ling Rui is just standing beside Tang Shishi, protecting his big baby. , not seeing off guests at all.However, his cold face did play the role of seeing off guests. Most people, seeing Ling Rui's appearance, definitely walked faster than usual. The words were held in his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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