Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 790 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished

Chapter 790 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished (4)
"Sister Bai Meng, your clothes are so beautiful. You are worthy of learning design, but you know how to dress up better than ordinary people!" As soon as Bai Meng and Sun Xiaofen appeared, Bai Li's eyes lit up. She was wearing this little retro dress. Western clothes are new styles at Paris Fashion Week this season, and they are very expensive.

Bai Meng smiled politely, her smile was weak, she didn't have the heart to deal with these people now, and walked towards Bai Zizhen with Sun Xiaofen.

Bai Li's compliment was met with cold reception, and she was very angry. She saw Bai Meng leaving the scene sadly, and thought it was just a good opportunity to provoke the relationship between Bai Meng and Tang Shishi. What combat power!

Seeing Bai Li's appearance, Bai Mei stepped forward to pull Bai Li, and shook her head at her. Today is not a good time. Anyway, they have a long time to come, so they are not in a hurry!
Tang Shishi felt a little tired after helping send off the guests. Ling Rui, who loved his wife like his life, left without saying a word, holding Tang Shishi in his arms.

"You didn't tell me about Bai Xiaolan's murder!" As soon as she got home, Tang Shishi started to settle accounts with Ling Rui!

If her godfather hadn't slipped his tongue today, she wouldn't even know about it.

"These bloody things are not conducive to prenatal education!" Ling Rui said seriously, carrying Tang Shishi's body upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Sophistry!" Although Tang Shishi agrees with Ling Rui's words, she is still unwilling!

"Honey, today is such an important day, don't quarrel and spoil the atmosphere!" Ling Rui put Tang Shishi on the bed, and her body directly fell down.

"What is the important day today, why don't I know?" Tang Shishi asked with a naughty blink of her eyes.

"I'll find out in a while!" Ling Rui snorted coldly, obviously disdainful of Tang Shishi's acting like a fool.

There is a countdown to bathing this little wild cat every day, and now this woman is pretending to be stupid for her!
He wants to see how long this woman can pretend!
"Ling Rui, don't!" After pregnancy, Tang Shishi's body became much more sensitive. When Ling Rui took off Tang Shishi's dress, she just lightly attacked her sensitivity, and Tang Shishi couldn't help screaming. One sound.

The movements of Ling Rui's hands froze. Looking at Tang Shishi, who was blushing, his throat suddenly became dry as if it was about to burst into flames. He lowered his head to touch Tang Shishi's lips, wanting to kiss Fangze and comfort him at this stage. Forbearance.

Who knew that just as Ling Rui's lips touched Tang Shishi's, there was a fierce knock on the door.

Tang Shishi, who was closing her eyelids, suddenly opened her eyes, and pushed Ling Rui's chest nervously.

Feeling disturbed, Ling Rui turned over and sat up depressed, and asked displeasedly, "Who?"

As soon as Ling Yue heard Ling Rui's voice at the door, she knew that this kid was being irritable!So he began to knock on the door more intentionally. As soon as this brat came home, he brought Shishi girl into the room. Everyone knew Sima Zhaozhi's heart. She couldn't let this frizzy guy hurt her precious Jin Sun, no matter what you do, you have to be instructed.

In fact, Ling Yue can't wait to watch these two people have sex!

Although she knew that Ling Rui had been keeping up with his duties in the past three months, she also knew that this man had been holding back for a long time, and it was difficult to grasp his senses, so it would be impossible not to remind him!
"It's me!" Ling Yue slammed on the door twice and said, "Open the door!"

Ling Rui raked her hair irritably, put Tang Shishi on a nightgown, then stood up, and opened the door under Tang Shishi's gloating eyes.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Ling Rui blocked the door, not letting Ling Yue in at all!
"I'm here to talk to girl Shishi!" Ling Yue said while trying to find Tang Shishi's figure from the gap.Seeing Tang Shishi sitting on the bed in her pajamas, Ling Yue's eyes were full of worry, this brat is quick to move!

"What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow, don't disturb my daughter-in-law's rest!" Ling Rui refused bluntly, he knew very well that his mother had nothing important to tell his daughter-in-law, she just wanted to sabotage it!

"No! This matter is very important!" Ling Yue shouted at Ling Rui.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Tang Shishi immediately asked when she heard that Ling Yue had something important to tell her.

Ling Yue pushed Ling Rui who was still blocking the way at the door, and proudly entered their bedroom. With the consent of his daughter-in-law, this brat has nothing to do with her!

"Mom, what's the matter?" As soon as Ling Yue sat down beside Tang Shishi's bed, Tang Shishi anxiously took Ling Yue's hand and asked.

"Girl Shishi—" Ling Yue glanced at Ling Rui, who was standing at the door with her arms crossed and staring at her, then lowered her voice, and whispered something in Tang Shishi's ear.

"Mom—" After hearing Ling Yue's words, Tang Shishi was so embarrassed that her little head could not wait to hang under the bed.

"What's there to be shy about, remember?" Ling Yue shook Tang Shishi's hand and asked.

"I know!" Tang Shishi nodded lightly, with a large cloud of fire on her face, she didn't dare to look up at all.

"You must listen to Mom! Remember?" Ling Yue asked again worriedly.

Tang Shishi was too ashamed to speak, so she nodded quickly.

Seeing that Tang Shishi was so well-behaved, Ling Yue was relieved and left.

As soon as Ling Yue went out, the door was slammed shut by Ling Rui, angrily Ling Yue scolded outside the door: "You brat!"

"You just love to worry about the children's affairs!" After washing, Jun Zeyu came out to look for Ling Yue, and said after hearing her complaints.

"How can this be a blind worry! You forget that you were—" Ling Yue glared at Jun Zeyu angrily.

"Ahem!" Ling Yue hadn't finished speaking when a violent cough came from the living room.

Ling Yue glanced guiltyly at Mr. Jun who was sitting in the living room, his face blushed, and then he gave Jun Zeyu a hard look.

This old guy, when he came to City A last night, he was in a hurry!Can the son not follow the father?

Jun Zeyu touched his nose in embarrassment, and looked at Ling Yue speechlessly.

But Ling Yue didn't seem to intend to leave Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's door at all. Like a door god, she guarded their door, closed her ears, and listened to the movement inside.

"What did Mom tell you?" Seeing that his little daughter-in-law was too embarrassed to lift her head, Ling Rui suddenly became interested, sat beside her, raised her chin, and asked.

"Why did I tell you!" Tang Shishi rolled Ling Rui's eyes in embarrassment, and slapped Ling Rui's big hand away. She couldn't believe that the old rascal didn't see the ambiguous eyes of her mother-in-law just now!Not to mention that this old hooligan didn't guess what her mother-in-law meant!
"It seems that you have to do it!" Ling Rui bullied Tang Shishi with a smirk on his face, grabbed Tang Shishi's small mouth, and waited until Tang Shishi's body fell limply into his arms, Ling Rui let go Passing Tang Shishi's ravaged blood-red delicate lips, he said ambiguously: "I also like to use them!"

(End of this chapter)

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