Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 791 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished

Chapter 791 Baimeng was humiliated VS Ling Rui was punished (5)
Tang Shishi hammered Ling Rui's chest angrily.

"Wife, what should I do? Give an order, I will definitely cooperate!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he quickly tossed off all his clothes, and then lay on the bed stretched out.

"Mom told you to soak in cold water by yourself!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look.

"Honey, don't lie, that's my own mother!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with a smile, unceremoniously exposed her lies!

Tang Shishi didn't dare to look at Ling Rui's scorching eyes, let alone his body, and yawned pretending to be tired, and said, "So what about my mother? Mom loves her grandson even more now! I Go to bed first, you can do it yourself!"

"Little wild cat!" Ling Rui roared angrily as he watched Tang Shishi slip into the bed!
He was on fire, and this unscrupulous woman dared to pretend to be stupid for him!
Tang Shishi trembled when Ling Rui roared, but the corners of her mouth curled up happily.

And Ling Yue, who was outside the door, faintly heard Ling Rui's roar, and began to knock on the door impatiently again!

"Who?!" Ling Rui roared when he heard the knock on the door. This time, he was obviously angry!
"It's me!" Ling Yue yelled outside the door unwilling to show weakness, now she is not afraid of this brat's bad temper, nothing is as important as her baby Jinsunlai!

"What's the matter with you?" Ling Rui asked violently.These people still let people live!
"It's very important, brat, open the door quickly!" Ling Yue's hand hurt when he knocked on the door, and he kicked it with his feet instead, making the house rattling.

Mr. Jun couldn't stand his daughter-in-law's torment and directly hid in the room, out of sight and out of mind, while Jun Zeyu looked helplessly at Ling Yue who was tossing and tossing endlessly, feeling sorry for Ling Rui in his heart!

Ling Rui grabbed a nightgown and wrapped it around his body, then got out of bed angrily, opened the door, and asked in a deep voice: "Mom, are you finished?"

"You brat!" Ling Yue looked at his son who had already put on his nightgown, glanced at the clothes thrown on the floor, raised his hand to pat Ling Rui on the head, and then looked at the son sitting on the bed wearing his nightgown. Tang Shishi, who was neat and tidy, said with a smile: "Girl Shishi, you have to remember what I just said, ah?"

"Mom, I know." Tang Shishi nodded hastily like a little ostrich.

"Then mom can rest assured!" Ling Yue said that she was relieved, then glanced around the whole bedroom worriedly, and finally looked at Ling Rui's dark face, and said dissatisfiedly: "You brat! You made me worry !"

"Leave quickly!" Ling Rui growled dissatisfied.

Seeing Ling Rui about to growl, Ling Yue patted her chest in fear, and just about to accuse Ling Rui of being an unfilial son, she heard Ling Rui say to Jun Zeyu, "Dad, take care of your wife ! And keep people from sleeping?"

Jun Zeyu gave Ling Rui a sympathetic look, and then said to Ling Yue: "Go back to your room quickly! Don't make a fuss about Shishi and rest!"

Ling Yue didn't say much this time, and followed Jun Zeyu back to the room.

Ling Rui watched the door of his parents' room close before closing the door with confidence.

Tang Shishi looked at the bitterness on Ling Rui's face, and laughed so hard.

Ling Rui returned to the bed, looked at Tang Shishi, and said viciously, "See how I deal with you tonight!"

"Cut, who are you scaring?" Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui disdainfully, and then said triumphantly, "As long as I yell, maybe you won't be able to go back to sleep on this bed in the next few months!"

"Little wild cat! You are ruthless!" Ling Rui gritted his teeth and growled after being stabbed to death by Tang Shishi.

He is the most outstanding major general in Huaxia Kingdom. No matter how many people hear his name, they are frightened, but he is eaten to death by this woman, and he is so obedient!
"Hey! It's just so-so!" Tang Shishi raised her chin arrogantly.

"Really, it's getting more and more naughty! It seems that the master is going to revive the husband tonight, and let you know how powerful it is!" Ling Rui tugged Tang Shishi's nose, put her in his arms, and put his hands up and down!

"Heck, let me go! It's tickling me to death!" Tang Shishi, who was tickled by Ling Rui, smiled coquettishly to avoid Ling Rui's attack.

It's just that the two of them were arguing on the bed like this, and the atmosphere suddenly quieted down. Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with deep affection in his eyes, and Tang Shishi stopped laughing and looked at her with a little panting. Ling Rui.

The faces of the two got closer and closer, and finally, the four lips pressed together fieryly.

"Little wild cat, help me!" After kissing for a long time, Ling Rui suddenly raised his head slightly and said to Tang Shishi.

It was only then that Tang Shishi realized that the clothes on her body had been separated from her at some point, and Ling Rui's nightgown was also loosely draped over her body, revealing a large solid and smooth chest. With a masculine appearance, it is unusually eye-catching.

"Okay!" Tang Shishi looked at the muscles on Ling Rui's face tensed because of forbearance, and nodded slightly, a little shyly.

In fact, there were many times when Tang Shishi saw Ling Rui endured so much and wanted to help him solve it. After all, Ling Rui was considerate of her, and she loved Ling Rui very much.

But every time Ling Rui resolutely refused, so this time, Tang Shishi actually made up her mind to satisfy Ling Rui once.

Just when the two of them were getting better, the door started to slam again violently.

Ling Rui was at a critical moment, when he heard the movement outside the door, the veins in his body jumped violently, because when Tang Shishi heard the knock on the door, she had already reflexively withdrawn her hand quickly, and pulled the pajamas away. He put it on, sat on the bed well-behaved, and motioned him to open the door quickly.

"Who?!" Ling Rui roared angrily!
Standing outside the door, Ling Yuemu Bei Lingrui's eyelids twitched in shock from the loud roar of Lingrui, but he still replied, not to be outdone: "Your old lady!"

After all, she was worried in the room, and came to listen to the corner again. Who knew there was no sound for a long time, so she wanted to confirm whether the two people had fallen asleep so late. Who knew, she didn't know until she knocked on the door. No security!

How could her little golden grandchildren endure such torment?
"Mom! Are you sure you are my real mother?!" Ling Rui wailed!

"Don't talk nonsense! Open the door quickly! It's absolutely true!" Ling Yue began to slam the door again!
Ling Rui had no choice but to put on his clothes and get out of bed to open the door. He really wanted to die now!
"Is girl Shishi asleep?" Ling Yue asked as soon as Ling Rui opened the door.

"What do you think?" Ling Rui looked at Ling Yue coldly and asked.

Seeing Tang Shishi sitting upright on the bed, Ling Yue was also a little embarrassed, but she was still annoyed at Ling Rui, and scolded: "You brat, take care of my golden grandson!"

(End of this chapter)

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