Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 792 Ling Rui, you are guilty!

Chapter 792 Ling Rui, you are guilty! (1)
"Mom—" Tang Shishi was overwhelmed with shame and indignation, and said to Ling Yue: "We didn't..." She really couldn't say the following words!
"Dad, are you okay?" Ling Rui asked Jun Zeyu who was standing at the door before Tang Shishi could finish her defense.

"Who is dying?" Just when Ling Rui had just finished speaking, a concerned voice broke in.

Jun Haodong, who has been so busy recently, finally went home once, and met Ling Rui and his third uncle. This kind of thing is rare in a hundred years. How could he not be so kind as to blow them off? light a fire?
Jun Zeyu looked at Jun Haodong with a sincere expression, and then at Ling Rui, feeling even more angry.

"Stinky boy! How did you talk?" Jun Zeyu yelled at Ling Rui.

Old men also have dignity!Old men are even more afraid of being told no!What's more, the person who questioned him was still his own son!

What a rebellious guy!

Jun Zeyu's roar stunned Ling Yue and Tang Shishi, especially Tang Shishi, who has been married to Jun's family for so long, and has yet to see who her father-in-law has blush with, let alone Ling Rui!
Seeing Jun Zeyu fighting Ling Rui, Jun Haodong was overjoyed, but he asked innocently, "What did Ling Rui say to make third uncle so angry? Did I come back at the wrong time?"

Ling Rui rolled Jun Haodong's eyes, and gave Jun Haodong a look of "Don't pretend to be ignorant!" Jun Haodong replied, "I just want to pretend to be ignorant, what can you do to me?"

Ling Rui took a deep breath, looked at Jun Haodong with terrified eyes, and knew that this guy was malicious revenge because he punished Suzaku last time and left too many things to him these days, but can he be blamed?Suzaku did something wrong by himself, that bastard second brother lived a life of seclusion on the mountain where he only envied sparrows and not immortals, and even told himself that he should step up to make people, and if he didn't fall behind, even his second aunt would take him for granted. no way!
Ling Rui gave Jun Haodong a look that doesn't distinguish between public and private, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore, turned to Jun Zeyu and said, "Dad, if you are really good, just control my mother and don't let her take care of me." No business!"

Ling Rui ignored Jun Zeyu's anger, and after leaving a word, he slammed the door shut!
Ling Yue's ears buzzed from the sound of the door being slammed, she rubbed her ears and stared angrily at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's room door, "I'm not doing this for your own good!"

Who knows that just after Ling Yue finished complaining, Ling Rui suddenly opened the door again, and said dissatisfiedly to Ling Yue: "Stop talking about things under the guise of being good for us, and don't check what time it is now. It's not you, Shishi has already slept for half an hour now!" Ling Rui said with a dark face.

"Ah! It's already so late!" Ling Yue glanced at his watch, screamed, and looked at Tang Shishi, who was still sitting on the bed in the bedroom with a tired face, and said apologetically, "Shi Girl Shi, it's all mother's fault today, go to bed quickly, mother promises that she won't knock on the door again this time!"

Tang Shishi twitched the corner of her mouth in embarrassment, smiling extremely stiffly.

Ling Rui snorted coldly, and closed the door again!

"Huh!" Ling Rui, who was lying dead on the bed, exhaled angrily!He had been looking forward to a good night for more than a month, but he was ruined by his unscrupulous mother!
Ling Rui looked at his brother who had been wronged and wronged, and sighed helplessly. Now he suspects that, like the second brother, he is definitely not his own!

"Old rascal, we..." Do you want to continue?Tang Shishi stretched out her hand and pushed Ling Rui's body, she didn't have the confidence to ask. Although the mother-in-law said that she would never knock on the door again this time, she "forgot" something important again if she couldn't guarantee it.

"Let's go to bed!" Ling Rui said a little breathlessly, then got into the quilt and hugged Tang Shishi, closing his eyes.

"Old hooligan, actually... I'm not sleepy yet!" Tang Shishi said with a blushing face, nestling in Ling Rui's arms.

After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Ling Rui finally looked better, but his little wild cat still loves him!He rubbed Tang Shishi's head with his chin a few times and said, "Go to sleep, I'm fine!"

For the little wild cat, he can bear it!When the little wild cat fell asleep, he got up and took a cold shower!
"I don't want you to take a cold shower every time! It hurts your body!" Tang Shishi has long seen through Ling Rui's thoughts. In fact, she knows Ling Rui's forbearance these days. She offered to help him before. He refused, she couldn't speak to him, but now, she didn't want Ling Rui to endure so hard anymore.

"You have seen through all of this?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's blushing little face with persistence, tugged at her nose, and said, "Today is too late, let's do it tomorrow!"

"Don't! Just today!" Tang Shishi became stubborn. She knew that Ling Rui was interrupted just now. If she didn't vent her anger today, it would really hurt her body!

"Small sample! So impatient? Could it be that these days, you miss me, too?" Ling Rui smiled mischievously, and stretched out his hand to pinch Tang Shishi's little nose, but Tang Shishi quickly reached out and grabbed his big hand. He took a gentle bite on his index finger.

"Huh—" This bite made Ling Rui's muscles stiffen!This naughty little wild cat really knows how to tease him!
Tang Shishi looked at the tooth marks on Ling Rui's hand, then looked at Ling Rui with a forbearing face, and stuck out her tongue proudly!

snort!Let you pretend!Elder sister, I can just hook my little hands and move my little mouth, and I can make you submit obediently!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with a disgruntled face, and despised himself in his heart. How could he, who has always boasted of his excellent determination, be so vulnerable in front of the little wild cat!

However, Ling Rui won't get entangled in these matters, he has always been a real fighter, not to mention, it is the most difficult to bear the grace of a beauty!

Not long after Tang Shishi was proud, one hand was pulled down by Ling Rui. Feeling the heat in her hand, her little face turned redder, but she didn't say anything, and moved skillfully.

The two cooperated tacitly, plus Ling Yue did what he said and did not knock on the door again, Ling Rui quickly surrendered.

Although it was somewhat different from the expected idea, but the little wild cat can do this for him, Ling Rui is still very satisfied. He cleaned up Tang Shishi, and then went to the bathroom to tidy himself up. Seeing happiness in the mirror Smiling at himself, Ling Rui curled his lips, feeling full and warm in his heart.

When Ling Rui returned to the bedroom, he found that Tang Shishi had fallen asleep, so he also got into the bed, hugged Tang Shishi, adjusted her to the most comfortable position usually, and fell asleep with his arms around her.

Compared with the warmth of Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, Ling Yue walked back and forth in the room thousands of times until Jun Zeyu was fainted and had to be kidnapped to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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