Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 793 Ling Rui, you are guilty!

Chapter 793 Ling Rui, you are guilty! (2)
"I'm really worried that that brat is not serious!" Ling Yue said a little worriedly: "No, I'll go over and listen to what happened!"

"Honey, you can sleep with peace of mind! Our son is not the kind who doesn't know the importance, so you can rest assured!" Jun Zeyu grabbed Ling Yue and persuaded him.

This time, no matter what she said, she couldn't let her listen to the corner again. According to my wife's temper, she might be impulsive again and couldn't help but knock on the door again!
He didn't want to be laughed at by that brat again!
"But—" Ling Yue was worried after all!

"There's nothing wrong with it!" Jun Zeyu became hardened rarely, turned over and pressed Ling Yue under him, his eyes burning.

"What are you doing, you're crushing me!" Ling Yue complained as she pushed Jun Zeyu.

The look in this man's eyes made her flustered.

"Wife, it's not okay for my son to laugh at me!" Jun Zeyu complained with a resentful temperament.

"Do you also take that brat's angry words to heart? The older you are, the more impatient you are!" Ling Yue remembered Jun Zeyu's angry yelling at Ling Rui, and couldn't help but blame him.

"Honey, you also think I'm getting old!" Jun Zeyu's resentful temperament became more and more intense, and he suddenly said bitterly: "It seems that I want to prove whether I can do it or not!"

"Jun Zeyu, you are an old man! What do you want to do!" After a while, Ling Yue screamed.

"Honey, can I do it? Huh?" Jun Zeyu asked panting.

"You rascal!" Ling Yue's voice was broken into shyness like a stream of water.

"Can you do it?" Jun Zeyu looked like I would not stop until you gave me an answer.

"Okay, okay! You're the best!" Ling Yue gasped and growled.

"Well, these words are pleasing to the ear, you should tell me more in the future!" Jun Zeyu was finally satisfied.

"You are an old man!" After Yun Yu's first rest, Ling Yue beat Jun Zeyu's chest feebly, coquettishly.

Looking at Ling Yue's shy face, Jun Zeyu just hugged Ling Yue in his arms with a satisfied face.

Tang Shishi thought that she woke up late enough, but she didn't expect her mother-in-law, who always got up early, to wake up later than herself!
"Dad, where's my mother?" Tang Shishi asked concerned as she looked at her father-in-law who was busy in the kitchen after taking over her mother-in-law's shift.

"Your mother is a bit tired and still sleeping." Jun Zeyu served Tang Shishi the soup with a kind smile.

"Oh!" Tang Shishi felt guilty in her heart, "Dad, I can't eat this morning."

These days, the mother-in-law has been busy taking care of herself in every possible way, and it is indeed time for her to take a good rest.

Jun Zeyu didn't notice that Tang Shishi's expression was wrong. Hearing Tang Shishi's words, he was secretly funny. After a long meal, she forgot that she was going to have a check-up today, so she couldn't have breakfast.

"It's okay, I'll put it in a thermos for you, and you can eat it as soon as you finish the inspection! Don't be hungry!" Jun Zeyu smiled lovingly, and then turned to his daughter-in-law to be her Lovely breakfast to go.

"En!" Tang Shishi nodded, Jun Zeyu's words warmed her heart. Ever since she married Ling Rui, her father-in-law and mother-in-law have been so kind and caring to her!And these days, she has put all her heart on the baby, neglected her mother-in-law, and made her so tired!It really shouldn't be!

Ling Rui looked at his daughter-in-law with self-blame on her little face, and knew that she must be thinking wrong, so she whispered a few whispers in Tang Shishi's ear, and Tang Shishi's little face suddenly became popular!

Ling Yue didn't get up until almost eight o'clock. She sat up, looked at the time, and patted her forehead with a wry smile. Today is a sore back, and my whole body is sore and limp, and I have slept until this time!
Although it's not too late to get up at eight o'clock, she can't lie down before six o'clock these days.

When Ling Yue was fully dressed and walked down the stairs slowly, she saw the eyes in the living room shooting towards her. Even though she was used to strong winds and waves, she couldn't help feeling guilty.

"Mom, you only have energy when you torment us!" Ling Rui looked at Ling Yue and said very unkindly!
"You brat, shut up!" Being exposed by Chi Guoguo by her son, Ling Yue yelled out of embarrassment as if she was caught by her son on the spot for doing something bad.

"Brat, don't be the same size as your mother!" Jun Zeyu, who dotes on his wife like his life, glared at his son.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind!" Ling Yue didn't look good towards Jun Zeyu, the culprit.

It's not all because of this old and unscrupulous person that she got up so late!Don't think that if you say a few good words, this matter will be settled!
"It seems that the third uncle's treasured sword is not old yet!" Jun Haodong will always make a move at the most appropriate time.

Looking at Ling Yue's blushing face again, Jun Zeyu didn't dare to make a sound, but just gave Jun Haodong a wink of "you still have eyes!", but when Jun Haodong was complacent, Handed him a "and most sinister" look.

Jun Haodong shut up embarrassingly, thinking that he should save some face for his elders, just continue watching the show!

"What are you arguing about so early in the morning!" Seeing Tang Shishi huddled in a corner in shame and lowering her sense of existence, Mr. Jun coughed heavily and angrily reprimanded.

"Grandpa, it's past eight o'clock, isn't it too early for you this morning?" Ling Rui retorted resolutely, and took old man Jun's words to make use of it!

Ling Rui knew that if he didn't seize the opportunity this time, maybe the situation last night would happen every day in the future. If that happened, he would really be tossed to death!Who let him compare with the two babies in his belly, he was picked up by the child's grandma from some corner!

Tang Shishi heard that Ling Rui was still talking, and secretly tugged at the corner of Ling Rui's clothes, thinking that this old hooligan had smoked again today, didn't he see his parents' faces so ugly?
"Mom, Dad left some rice for you, and I'll get you some rice." Afraid that Ling Rui would really annoy his parents-in-law, Tang Shishi hurried out to smooth things over.

"Where can I make you work hard? Mom is not hungry and doesn't eat. But you, are you starving? It's all my mother's fault, so don't be an example!" Ling Yue naturally accepted Tang Shishi's stalk and immediately changed the subject, otherwise, she I really don't know where to put this old face!
Today is the day of Tang Shishi's prenatal examination, she didn't wake up until this point in sleep, and it's really wrong to ask everyone to wait for her.

It's all because Jun Zeyu is so old and unscrupulous!

"How can I do without eating! I'm not hungry at all, I ate twice last night!" Tang Shishi immediately stopped Ling Yue when she heard Ling Yue say that she was leaving without breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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