Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 799: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed

Chapter 799: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed (4)
"Without the support of the Han family, the Shen family is better than the Feng family now. If he breaks the pot, you can't do anything about him! Others don't know, don't you know? That old Shen family is a well-known Old scoundrel!" Mr. Jun objected.

The Feng family is hiding their heads and tails now, and they are diligent in diplomacy, completely avoiding the Jun family's edge, trying to make the Shen family and the Jun family waste two, in an attempt to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and the Shen family, these few times with the Jun family. The Jun family fought against each other, and they all returned home. The two families have completely torn their faces. At this time, to demonstrate against the Shen family, if they fail to keep the balance, it will be counterproductive!

"Then give them something sweet, let them let my granddaughter go first!" Mr. Bai became irritable, the Shen family is a big pit that cannibalize people, and his granddaughter will stay in the hands of the Shen family for one more day. You can't sleep all day, and you can't sleep at night!
"Don't you know what the Shen family wants?" Mr. Jun rolled his eyes at Mr. Bai!
Mr. Bai was choked by Mr. Jun, and suddenly lost his words.

The Shen family's ambitions have always been great, and they are not satisfied. Not only does the Shen family want to be in power, but they also want to control the military power of the entire Huaxia Kingdom and eliminate dissidents. If they show weakness to the Shen family at this time, the Shen family's purpose is [-]% Ten thousand is the micro punch!
There was another burst of oppressive silence in the study, and everyone's heart was like a mirror.

Ever since Ling Rui came to City A, the Shen family has been stumbling him a lot, even instructing members of the Shen family's faction at many important meetings to force him to use the excuse of properly disposing of high-end new weapons and speeding up the development and application of new energy weapons. The Jun family handed over the micro-chance.If you show weakness to the Shen family at this time, you don't even need to think about the conditions of the Shen family, it's just the Wei Chong!

"Old man Jun, what do you think you will do if this matter is left to you?" After a long silence, old man Bai suddenly asked sullenly.

"If I knew, why would I still be worrying here?" Mr. Jun gave Mr. Bai a look of "you're an idiot", and said, "Is there any difference between your granddaughter and my granddaughter now?"

Mr. Bai's heart was comforted by Mr. Jun's words.He sighed, and said, "Poor that child! Our Bai family is ashamed of her! If it happens this time——I hope she will vote for an ordinary family in her next life!"

The old man Bai's words have already made clear his position. Although these words are cruel, they are the only choice when they have no other choice.

"I always feel that the Shen family may not be able to fully control that child!" Bai Ziqi felt a pain in his heart when he heard his father's words, and said in a deep voice.

As a father, he is now full of powerlessness.

"I think so too!" Jun Zeyu nodded in agreement, and said, "The Shen family doesn't have much time now, if they really controlled that child, they wouldn't waste so much time playing Tai Chi with us!"

"So, there is still hope?" Old Master Bai's dark eyes suddenly lit up again!
"You old bastard! You've lived in vain for so many years! You're worthless!" Mr. Jun gave Mr. Bai a disdainful look.

Mr. Jun and Ling Rui had already considered Jun Zeyu's doubts.

"If I care about it, I'll be chaotic! Besides, I'm not as smart as an old fox like you!" Mr. Bai was not annoyed when he was rejected by Mr. Jun. Instead, he felt a lot more relaxed, and the heavy expression on his face eased a lot.

At the same time, in the study in the Shen family mansion.

"Is there any movement from the Bai family?" Mr. Shen asked, holding a teacup, taking a sip of tea, looking at Shen Kui and Shen He.

"No!" Shen He replied.

"There won't be any problems with that report, right?" Mr. Shen looked at Shen He, who was sitting in a chair with Erlang legs crossed and a loose look, frowned displeasedly, and continued to ask.

"Nothing will go wrong!" Shen He looked at Old Man Shen, the light that seemed to be a smile that was not a smile in his eyes narrowed, and said, "Grandpa, you don't believe me anymore!"

Mr. Shen glared angrily, looked at Shen Hepo and reprimanded him with a bit of resentment: "It's not all the mess you made, if it wasn't for your bad things again and again, why would you need to be so troublesome now!"

"Dad, Shen He has tried his best to make up for it! The matter is over. Getting angry now will not help!" Seeing that old man Shen was angry again, Shen Kui spoke for Shen He.

"It's all because of you!" Old Master Shen yelled at Shen Kui angrily again!

Shen He listened to Shen Kui and Mr. Shen's words calmly, with a wider smile on his face.

"Where's that Lu Zhendong?" Mr. Shen put down his teacup and asked Shen He: "Have you found it yet?"

Shen He shook his head.

Mr. Shen was silent.

What he was really worried about was the faction that rescued Lu Zhendong!To be able to take someone out from the secret room of the Shen family without anyone noticing, who is the other party?

He had doubted the Jun family, but he was still unwilling to believe that the Jun family had such ability in City A.

Shen Kui turned his head to look at Shen He, and then took a puff of cigarette as if nothing had happened.

"Find him as soon as possible, if you can't capture him alive, then..." Mr. Shen made a silent gesture.

Lu Zhendong mysteriously disappeared from the Shen family, which made the Shen family panic for a while. The Shen family was busy strengthening their defenses at this stage, and they had to pay attention to the Bai family's movements at all times, but they ignored that there was such a person. Although Lu Zhendong only It's just a chess piece to restrain Lu Tao, but if this chess piece can't be used by them, then they can only destroy it!
Shen He and Shen Kui nodded.

Mr. Shen took another sip of tea, then suddenly frowned, and said, "Think of a way to force the Bai family down!"

"En." Shen He agreed without hesitation, which eased old master Shen's calm face a lot, while Shen Kui gave Shen He a very surprised look.

After Mr. Shen finished explaining the matter, he asked Shen Kui and Shen He to go out.

Shen Kui and Shen He left the study room, and after sitting down in the living room, Yu Manqing, who had been waiting for a long time, offered Shen Kui tea with both hands.

Since being slapped by Shen Kui last time, Yu Manqing has shown a lot of respect to Shen Kui.

"I'm looking forward to what kind of method you will use to persecute the Bai family!" Shen Kui looked at Shen He with interest.

"There is always a way!" Shen Heyun said calmly, as if he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Shen Kui narrowed his eyes, he seemed to be getting more and more confused about Shen He recently!Now Shen He is getting out of his control step by step, and his father has recently paid more attention to Shen He. Although he still doesn't give him a good look, he allows him to go to the study to discuss things. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable!

Shen Kui chuckled, but he wanted to see what kind of disturbance Shen He wanted to cause this time!

(End of this chapter)

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