Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 800: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed

Chapter 800: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed (5)
Shen He glanced at Shen Kui, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Don't forget, you still have a son, this is another good pawn!"

"You don't need to remind me of this!" Shen Kui said to Shen He in a cold voice.

Lu Tao is indeed a good chess piece, but Lu Zhendong is not in their hands. It is not that simple to use this chess piece completely for him. He has taken care of him a lot these days, but that guy has been stubborn all the time!
When Yu Manqing heard Shen Kui mentioning Lu Tao to Shen He, her eyes darkened, and her hand holding the teacup tightened.

"You mean..." Shen Kui suddenly recalled and looked at Shen He.

"Since Bai Meng doesn't like the Xie family, how about Lu Tao? Their cousins ​​are not related by blood, and the relationship seems to be pretty good!" Facing Shen Kui's exploration and examination, Shen He looked calm and thought for a while. , suggested.

"How can this be done!" Yu Manqing who was on the side finally couldn't bear it, and interjected.

Let Lu Tao take advantage of the power of the Bai family, wouldn't this further encourage the power of Wang Fengzhen and Lu Tao?She disagrees!

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Shen Kui glared at the talkative Yu Manqing, and after seeing the fear on Yu Manqing's face, he turned to look at Shen He and asked again with certainty.

"Is there anything else that can force the Bai family to express their position as soon as possible?" Shen He looked at Shen Kui playfully with eyes that seemed to be half-smiles.

Shen Kui couldn't see any other emotions from Shen He's face. After pondering for a while, he said to Shen He: "Take their mother and son home, and live in the courtyard to the west!"

"Shen Kui, that's not allowed! I don't agree!" Yu Manqing angrily stood up from the sofa and growled.

"A woman's opinion!" Shen Kui scolded in a deep voice.

Seeing the stern look on Shen Kui's face, Yu Manqing was a little scared, so he turned around and shouted at Shen He in a low voice: "You are crazy! Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

"I only know that doing so is beneficial to the overall situation of the Shen family! With the support of the Bai family, the Jun family will also be cautious, so the Shen family's general election can be safe!" Shen He looked like he was discussing the matter.

Shen Kui looked at Shen He like this and nodded in satisfaction.

"In this case, why don't you marry Bai Meng!" Yu Manqing pointed at Shen He, trembling with anger!

"Oh? What did my father say? Why don't I marry Bai Meng? The identity of the eldest son of the Shen family seems to be more convincing than the identity of an illegitimate child!" Shen He looked at Shen Kui with his brows deep in thought, with a smile that was not a smile asked.

"Nonsense! With Bai Meng's background, how can he be worthy of Shen He!" Shen Kui glared at Yu Manqing angrily, obviously very angry at Yu Manqing's proposal.

"Mother, did you hear that?" Shen He turned his head to look at Yu Manqing, still smiling.

At this moment, Yu Manqing wished she could slap Shen He's head off, and she did so, she raised her hand and gave Shen He a resounding slap in the face!

Shen He was slapped by Yu Manqing, causing blood to flow out from the corner of his mouth.

"You're crazy!" Shen Kui grabbed Yu Manqing's slap and threw her into the sofa.

"I'm crazy! You're going to bring that woman in, how can I stay calm?!" Yu Manqing was not intimidated by Shen Kui's hostility this time, and roared in hatred.The things she has worked so hard all her life to manage are about to make wedding dresses for others, how can she stay calm!
Shen He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth nonchalantly, with the same smile on his face, he stood up, looked at Yu Manqing and Shen Kui and said, "It seems that father and mother have something to settle, so I won't bother you!" , leaving Shen Kui and Yu Manqing with a chic back, and walked away.

Yu Manqing looked at Shen He's back with hatred in his eyes.

"Put away your thoughts, as long as Shen He is the eldest son of the Shen family, no one can shake your status!" Shen Kui said in Yu Manqing's ear.

After hearing Shen Kui's words, Yu Manqing froze, the eyes that were originally glaring at Shen Kui angrily lowered down guiltyly, covering the panic in her eyes!
Shen Kui looked at the smart Yu Manqing, snorted coldly, and left the living room!
This woman thinks she can hide the truth, but he already knew a long time ago that Shen He is not his son!However, as long as Shen He can stay in Shen's house and be used by him, it doesn't matter to him at all!
Tang Shishi's life has been smooth and smooth these days, and she is especially happy today, because Tang Guoduan, Cai Xiaofen and his wife and Mrs. Ling have come to City A!

After eating at noon, Zhou Hu drove out mysteriously. Tang Shishi thought that Zhou Hu had some personal business to deal with, so she pretended not to see it. She has always been a generous boss. Since the last time she joked about giving After Zhou Hu and Suzaku matchmaking, she also realized a problem very clearly. Zhou Hu is also a big boss, and it's time to think about personal problems!Therefore, Tang Shishi happily chose to turn a blind eye to Zhou Hu's level of skipping work.

Who knew, after Tang Shishi took a nap, when she came out of the bedroom, she found Tang Guoduan, Cai Xiaofen and Mrs. Ling sitting in the living room, chatting happily with Mrs. Jun, Ling Yue, and Jun Zeyu.

As soon as Tang Shishi appeared, everyone stopped talking, and all eyes were on her.Especially Cai Xiaofen stood up from the sofa excitedly.

Looking at the people in the living room, Tang Shishi thought that she had fallen asleep and had hallucinations, so she quickly rubbed her eyes, which drew bursts of laughter from the people downstairs.

"You stinky girl! Why don't you know you, Grandpa Ling!" Old Master Ling looked at Tang Shishi with a ignorant and cute face, and scolded with a smile.

However, old master Ling's slightly trembling voice revealed his excitement at the moment, especially his eyes, which always looked at Tang Shishi's stomach unconsciously.

"Grandpa Ling! Uncle and aunt! It's really you who are here!" Tang Shishi shouted happily as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"Slow down, slow down! Be careful!" Seeing that Tang Shishi was so excited that she was about to trot downstairs, Mrs. Ling stood up from the sofa in fright. Because she got up too fast, her body couldn't help shaking !
The last time Tang Shishi rolled down the stairs and had a miscarriage, the old man Ling always had lingering fears. Seeing Tang Shishi going downstairs, he felt his heart jumping overwhelmed.

"Dad, you should also be careful!" Tang Guoduan said dissatisfiedly as he supported Old Master Ling.Mrs. Ling's health has been very bad recently. Originally, he wanted to wait for a while to come here, but the old man missed his grandchildren and had no intention of recovering from his illness. He wished to fly over with wings. He had no choice but to follow his willing!Seeing him so agitated now, I'm afraid that if he becomes agitated, his condition will worsen.

But Sun Xiaofen hurried forward, took Tang Shishi's hand, and also complained: "You stinky girl, you are already a mother, and you are so reckless!" Up and down, carefully looked at it over and over again!

(End of this chapter)

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