Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 801: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed

Chapter 801: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed (6)
"Auntie, I'm fine, I'm just going downstairs!" Tang Shishi said nonchalantly, she was actually not that delicate at all, she was very light, it was because they were too careful!
"You should be more careful when you go downstairs, the stairs are so high!" Old Master Ling looked at the thickly carpeted stairs again anxiously, and warned.

"I know, I won't dare to do it next time!" Tang Shishi saw Mrs. Ling's serious expression and knew what he was worried about, so she obediently admitted her mistake.

"Old man Jun, you old man, you have such a high staircase in your house, and you even let girl Shishi live upstairs! You deliberately make me live an uneasy life!" Seeing Tang Shishi confessing her mistake, Old Master Ling was still worried, facing Grandpa Jun roared angrily.

"Zhou Hu, hurry up and get someone to put non-slip mats on the stairs, and redesign the handrails!" It was rare for Mr. Jun to accept Mr. Ling's bad attitude without any objection, and he humbly corrected the mistake immediately.

"Yes!" After hearing the order, Zhou Hu immediately prepared to execute it.

Tang Shishi wanted to say something, but she received her mother-in-law Ling Yue's eyes to stop her, so she immediately shut her mouth obediently, but she couldn't help but slander her: This is too cautious, is it mobilizing the crowd?

It's just that Mrs. Ling was not satisfied with Mr. Jun's improvement measures, and said: "What are you doing with the stairs, no matter how well you do it, you can't be prepared for anything!"

"Old man Ling, what should we do then?" Mr. Jun asked, looking at Mrs. Ling with his eyebrows crossed.

"Let girl Shishi move downstairs, once and for all!" Old Master Ling said, in short, he was terrified when he saw Tang Shishi going downstairs, no matter how safe the stairs were, he didn't feel safe!

"Ah?" Tang Shishi was dumbfounded when she heard that Mrs. Ling wanted her to move her bedroom to the first floor. There's no need to be so exaggerated, right?

"Ah what? Listen to your grandpa!" Seeing Tang Shishi's unhappy expression, Tang Guoduan stopped Tang Shishi's words and gave her a wink.

"Oh!" Tang Shishi replied helplessly.

"Girl Shishi, don't blame grandpa for being troublesome! Think about it, after you give birth to a child, you still have to live downstairs, otherwise it will be troublesome for the child to go up and down the stairs. If you fall down the stairs... "Old Master Ling saw some reluctance on Tang Shishi's little face, but he still insisted.

When Tang Shishi heard Mrs. Ling say that children were going up and down the stairs, two little guys in creeping suits appeared in her mind, climbing the stairs using both hands and feet. She even imagined the two of them climbing halfway, sitting down to rest, Grinning at her.

But when Tang Shishi heard Mrs. Ling say that the child rolled down the stairs, two little guys rolled down the stairs like a ball rolling down the stairs and fell to the ground, crying loudly. There was a cold war.

"Grandpa, I'm moving!" Tang Shishi said decisively.

"Grandpa knows that you are a sensible person!" Upon hearing Tang Shishi's words, Old Master Ling immediately smiled, took Tang Shishi's hand, and said, "Sit by Grandpa's side and let Grandpa take a good look at it. Did the stage watch you eat properly?"

Mr. Jun was questioned, and snorted displeasedly, but because Mrs. Ling's body couldn't be excited, he didn't care about these things with Mrs. Ling. Who made him always be a magnanimous person!

"Grandpa Ling, I've gained weight!" Tang Shishi began to expose the meat again, with a troubled look on her face.

"Fortunately, Grandpa feels relieved when he sees you!" Old Master Ling looked at Tang Shishi carefully.

"Grandpa, you are still accusing me that you haven't taken good care of your health these days!" Tang Shishi sat beside Old Master Ling and complained coquettishly.

"This is your uncle reporting you again? Grandpa, I saw you, and everything is gone! You feel comfortable everywhere, and you don't need to raise it at all!" Old Master Ling smiled indifferently.

Seeing Tang Shishi and the baby in her belly, Old Master Ling finally felt at ease, and could sleep soundly today.

"I'm not some panacea!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You and the two babies in your womb are far more powerful than a panacea!" Old Master Ling said with a smile.

"It's so mysterious!" Tang Shishi pouted, and then said to Old Master Ling, "Grandpa Ling, this time you are in City A, you have to take good care of your health, and you can't secretly stop taking medicine!"

"You guys! You even told girl Shishi my little secret, you don't save me face!" Mrs. Ling frowned and complained to Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen immediately after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

Yunmo prescribed a traditional Chinese medicine prescription for Mrs. Ling, but the medicine was too bitter. Mrs. Ling often secretly poured out the unfinished medicine, and was arrested by Tang Guoduan several times. The news came to Tang Shishi's ears, which made Old Master Ling feel very ashamed, like a child, he lost his temper.

Tang Shishi looked helplessly at Grandpa Ling, thinking that this is really an old child. Looking at her aunt Cai Xiaofen's eyes begging for help, she hurriedly remedied: "Grandpa Ling, this is not a secret from my uncle and aunt. I am so smart, think about it." Just know!"

"Give you to the ghost!" Old Master Ling poked Tang Shishi on the head pretending to be annoyed, and didn't bother to investigate the truth of the matter.

Tang Shishi had a laugh, and everyone laughed too.

"Your Grandpa Ling just finished eating the traditional Chinese medicine, and I want your second aunt to take a look at it this time." Taking advantage of the good atmosphere, Cai Xiaofen said hastily.

In fact, those medicines were not taken at all, and there were several times, but the old man refused to bring them to City A. He insisted that his health was good, and there was nothing wrong with him. He just asked her to pack a few clothes and bring Tang poetry. The tumbler Shi sent him.

"Second aunt won't come back these days, why don't you let Dr. Liu take a look first? Dr. Liu's medical skills are also very good!" Tang Shishi immediately answered Cai Xiaofen's signal.

The second aunt and the second uncle just set off to the mountains to discuss the lifelong affairs of Youyou and the second brother, and it will take some days before they can come back.

"Okay! Let Dr. Liu take a look. It's not good to stop the treatment!" Cai Xiaofen answered quickly, and Tang Shishi and Tang Shishi decided on the matter without waiting for Mrs. Ling to speak.

Mrs. Ling just wanted to fight for some sovereignty for herself, but Tang Shishi took his arm affectionately and said coquettishly: "Grandpa, can we show Dr. Liu? If your health is not good, I can't sleep well every day. Babies can't sleep well either!"

So Old Master Ling's full protest, seeing Tang Shishi's frowning little face, disappeared into nothingness.

"Grandpa listens to you!" The old master Ling nodded without hesitation when he was happy when he heard that he was so important to Tang Shishi and his little golden grandchildren!He completely forgot that his little golden grandsons are still in the womb!
(End of this chapter)

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