Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 807 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives

Chapter 807 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives (2)
"Did you find that your husband is getting more and more handsome, which makes you fall in love more and more?" Seeing Tang Shishi staring at himself, without hiding the wonder and admiration in his eyes, Ling Rui raised an eyebrow , asked.

"It's so handsome!" Tang Shishi couldn't help saying as she saw Ling Rui dicing the peeled apples and putting them in small plates. The whole movement was agile and elegant.

Ling Rui pierced an apple with a toothpick and put it into Tang Shishi's mouth, proudly said: "You are lucky to follow me!"

Tang Shishi ate the apple, feeling sweet in her heart, but suddenly looked at Ling Rui seriously, and said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, what I just said was that the apple is so handsome, don't you Misunderstand, and don't be sentimental!"

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she showed an innocent expression to Ling Rui, as if to say, you really have a problem with your comprehension!
Ling Rui gritted his teeth, looked at the untold number of apples that he had unloaded from the plate, and then looked at Tang Shishi, who was eating apples with a toothpick, and thought bitterly: I will bear it!
Endure till night!

It's just that the wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

This day is destined to not be an ordinary day.

When Mr. Jun called Mr. Bai, the Bai family mansion was full of disputes.

Although the Shen family did not publicly acknowledge Lu Tao's identity, they accepted Wang Fengzhen to live in the Shen family's mansion. Although they lived in the West Courtyard, their status in the Shen family was not low. Mr. Shen even specially introduced them at the Shen family's family banquet. Mother and son, give their mother and son enough face.

Of course, these are not the main point. The important point is that the Shen family has proposed to the Bai family. For the second young master whom the Shen family has newly recognized, they have proposed to the Bai family, asking to marry Bai Meng!
Because of this incident, the Bai family, which was already turbulent, could no longer maintain its superficial calm this time.

"Bai Meng, what do you think?" Just as those members of the Bai family were talking about the benefits of marriage, Mr. Bai put down his teacup and looked at Bai Meng who was sitting on the side without saying a word. asked.

Bai Meng, who was named, trembled almost imperceptibly. She raised her head and glanced at old man Bai who was sitting at the top. When her eyes touched the depth of old man Bai's eyes, she quickly moved away and hung down to her side. She kept clenching her hand tightly, and her nails were deeply buried in the flesh of her palm, but she could no longer feel the pain.

Yesterday, when she received a call from her adoptive father Wu Yingda, she had already anticipated everything today. She never expected that this group of people wanted her to marry her cousin Lu Tao. Although the two were not related by blood, she and Lu Tao were like Brother and sister are the same, how can we be husband and wife?


"Mengmeng, what do you think?" Sun Xiaofen sat beside Bai Ziqi, seeing Bai Meng's hard-to-make decision, asked anxiously.

The few on the side branch couldn't bear to stand by the Shen family for a long time. If the old man hadn't stopped them, they would have surrendered a long time ago. Now that the Shen family proposes a marriage, it is clearly throwing out a bait to win over Bai. How could they let go of this opportunity if they were in the same boat as them?
"Grandpa, Mom, I don't know, I..." Bai Meng bit her lip, looking at a loss.

"How can the child decide on such an important matter!" Said a man sitting opposite Bai Ziyu, this man is Bai Lan's father, and also a representative of the offshoot of the Bai family who strongly advocated marriage with the Shen family this time.

"That's right! She's still a child no matter what. In a family like ours, the marriage is not decided by the parents?" Baimei's father also said quickly.

"That's right! Girls, after all, are thin-skinned. It's not good for the child to express his opinion in person!" Bai Li's father echoed.

"Uncle, the Shen family used to have the Han family and the Xie family. Our Bai family had no place to stand in the past, but now the Han family is no longer used by the Shen family. Although the Shen family is not as good as before, if we are willing to stay here Stand in a team with them now, then in the future, the Bai family will be the number one under the Shen family, I think at this time, it is the best time to choose the Shen family, this relative, we should get married!" Bai Hui's father said, he His tone was unhurried, and his analysis was very thorough, obviously after careful consideration.

"The number one member of the Shen family?" Old Master Bai snorted coldly, glanced at the two brothers sitting beside him, and found that what they said to his four sons was meaningless, he couldn't help feeling sad and laughing at himself!
Although the Bai family has already branched out, what is the purpose of Zhouquan and the entire Bai family being busy all these years?When the critical moment came, these people couldn't bear the temptation to come out and hold back!
"Brother, I think what the children said is not unreasonable!" Bai Lan's grandfather looked at Mr. Bai and said.

"I also think this timing is the best timing! The Shen family is not as good as before, but they are still the most powerful candidates. They urgently need the help of the Bai family. If our Bai family can join forces with the Shen family at this time, we will soon Time..." Bai Hui's grandfather also said, obviously he and Bai Hui's father had the same idea, even the words were surprisingly consistent.

"When the time comes, will the Shen family fail? Will it be ruined? What's the point of the Bai family being the number one member of the Shen family?" Mr. Bai took the words of his younger brother angrily, and couldn't help the roar in his voice!These two brothers, he really protected them so well, he didn't realize until now that this is not luck!

"Impossible!" Bai Hui's grandfather said decisively after hearing what old master Bai said.

Grandpa Bai looked at Bai Hui's grandfather with burning eyes. Suddenly, Bai Hui's grandfather felt a little guilty and dodged his eyes for a while, but he only dodged for a moment, and soon met the eyes of Old Master Bai without giving in, and said It's not like the previous lack of assertiveness. In this situation, it is obvious that he has made up his mind.

Mr. Bai's heart turned cold for a moment. He knew that these people gathering here today are no different from forced palaces!The temptation of the Shen family is certainly one aspect, but there must be other reasons for them to huddle together to persecute him, and Mr. Bai couldn't figure it out for a while.

Sun Xiaofen looked at Bai Meng sitting in the corner, not saying a word, and felt a little cold in her heart. Although from the moment Bai Meng took out the DNA test report to try to deceive her, she knew very well that it was a scam, but she still She is willing to give Bai Meng a chance. She asks herself that she has always been kind to Bai Meng, especially after what happened between her and Xie Quan. She has been with her these days, enlightened her, and tried her best to help her, but now it seems that it is difficult to support her after all. heart of!

Bai Ziqi looked at the coldness in Sun Xiaofen's eyes, and reached out to hold Sun Xiaofen's cold hand.

Sun Xiaofen held Bai Zizheng's hand back, feeling the warmth from her fingers, turned her head slightly, and shook her head gently at Bai Zizheng. The two of them had the same heart, but they both sighed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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