Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 808 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives

Chapter 808 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives (3)
"Bai Meng, grandpa will ask you again, what do you think in your heart? I can't guarantee the other children of the Bai family, but the granddaughter of my old man Bai is not used as a political victim. What's the matter, grandpa I'll take care of you, Grandpa just wants to hear what you want now! Do you like Lu Tao, do you want to marry him?" Mr. Bai ignored the troublesome people and things around him, and looked at the white man in the corner with fixed eyes. dream, asked.

When Bai Meng heard Mr. Bai's sonorous and powerful voice, her heart was not without shock. It is undeniable that at this moment, she was very moved when she heard Mr. Bai's words. , although all of them are glamorous on the outside, but in private, they have done some shady things in private, soliciting favors. Aren't you and Lu Tao bloody examples?Therefore, she is grateful to Mr. Bai in her heart!
But Bai Meng also knows that gratitude is nothing but gratitude. This is the last chance that old man Bai gave her. As long as she shakes her head or nods, things will definitely go as old man Bai said, and there will be two completely different results, but At this moment, her head was as heavy as a thousand jin, and she couldn't even lift it up.She hates it!Hate yourself for being a fake!Hate myself for not being the real blood of the Bai family!Hate these people, why did they all come to persecute her!
All eyes in the living room are focused on Bai Meng, Bai Meng can't wait to become a transparent person or disappear at this moment, this feeling of being stared at by so many people is too tormented, it's like tearing her heart. The heart is fried in a hot oil pan!
"Bai Meng, you and your cousin have known each other since we were young, and you know him well..." Bai Hui's father, looking at Bai Meng who was always hesitating with his head down, couldn't help it. Open your mouth and say.

"Shut up!" Old Master Bai sneered, "Don't force her! Let her think for herself!".

Bai Hui's father shut his mouth in fright, but his eyes were full of unwillingness!
"Bai Meng, tell Grandpa the answer!" Old Master Bai looked at Bai Meng with a dignified tone, but he could clearly hear some irritability inside, obviously on the verge of breaking out.

Bai Meng was taken aback, raised her head in a daze, her eyes briefly touched Mr. Bai, and then began to wander around the people around her, but she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, her eyes skipped over Sun Xiaofen and Mrs. Bai Zizhen's.

Sun Xiaofen and Bai Ziqi noticed Bai Meng's avoidance, and Qiqi sighed in their hearts again.This child will never be able to pass that hurdle!
"I..." Under the eyes of everyone, Bai Meng spoke in a low voice, her eyes struggling, hesitating, and it was difficult to speak.

The atmosphere in the living room reached unprecedented tension, and the phone of old man Bai rang at this critical moment.

All eyes turned to the mobile phone on old man Bai's table. Leaning on old man Bai's two brothers, when they saw the words "Old Jun" displayed on the mobile phone, their expressions all changed.

Because of this sudden phone call, Bai Meng breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

"Old man Jun, what's the matter?" Old man Bai picked up his phone, and yelled angrily as soon as he connected the phone.

Mr. Jun, who was beaming with joy, clearly heard that something was wrong with Mr. Bai. He pulled back what he was about to blurt out, and imitated Mr. Bai's tone and shouted: "Old man Ling is here, I want to drink tea with you! Kill me by the way!" Two plates!"

"That stinky chess player, looking for abuse! Let him wait!" After finishing his sentence, Mr. Bai hung up the phone without waiting for Mr. Jun to reply, and then he stood up impatiently. When Ji Dunfu wanted to stop him, he glanced at Baimeng again and said, "I want to go out, have you made up your mind yet?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Bai Meng again. Bai Meng felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles. She squeezed her palms hard and said softly, "Grandpa, my cousin, no, the second young master of the Shen family invited me to visit today." Watching a movie, time is coming, I..."

In a word, although she didn't answer Mr. Bai's question directly, it made everyone understand her choice.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Mr. Bai.

"Go!" Elder Bai sighed as he looked at Bai Meng, who had been hanging his head and couldn't see his expression.

Bai Meng got the amnesty, and fled like a panicked little rabbit.

"Brother, look..." Bai Hui's grandfather looked at old man Bai with questioning eyes, obviously wanting to have a definite result of the marriage.

"You guys can't wait to send my granddaughter to someone else's bed!" Mr. Bai snorted coldly, looked at his younger brother with displeasure and said, "When did our Bai family become so reduced that we need to sell our daughter?"

Bai Hui's grandfather got frustrated, and thought to himself, whoever let others fall in love with your granddaughter alone, I want to sell, but they still look down on her!
"Let them get along with each other first. The mother of the second son of the Shen family is not a good person! This Baimeng has been living away for so many years, and it was finally found. I have such a granddaughter under my knees. I don't want to have a big event in my life." Fool!" Elder Bai glanced at the thoughtful people in the living room, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Bai Meng is the eldest lady of the Bai family, so this marriage cannot be fooled!" Bai Hui's grandfather directly misinterpreted the meaning of old master Bai, haha, and then winked at the people around him!
"That's it! That's it! It must be handled properly!" Other members of the Bai family branch also echoed, obviously wanting to confirm what old master Bai said.

"My family's Bai Meng hasn't agreed yet. It's just watching a movie. Are you making too much of a fuss?" Sun Xiaofen looked at a group of spineless Bai family members and shouted angrily.

"We'll talk about everything after the child has a clear attitude." Bai Ziqi also had a very bad expression on his face, and stood up and said.

"Isn't it a matter of time!" Bai Mei's father muttered, obviously dissatisfied with Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen's attitude.

"You are more sure than Bai Meng, who gave you the confidence?" Mr. Bai said with a glare at Bai Mei's father.

Baimei's father was so frightened that he quickly fell silent.

Old Man Bai glanced at the people around him, feeling that he couldn't stay in the smoky living room anymore. Fortunately, Old Man Jun's call came in time, so he snorted coldly, greeted Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen, and left.

Old man Bai was full of resentment, and he arrived at Jun's house angrily, but he didn't expect that Jun's house had such a big surprise waiting for him!

"Old Jun, what are you talking about? My biological granddaughter has been found?!" Mr. Bai vomited bitterness to Mr. Jun, Mrs. Ling and others, telling him that he was chilled by those unsatisfactory things on the side of the Bai family. After complaining a lot, he was suddenly knocked out by a super heavyweight bomb unkindly dropped by Mr. Jun!

(End of this chapter)

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