Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 809 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives

Chapter 809 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives (4)
"My old man never tells a lie!" Mr. Jun snorted arrogantly twice, and said very arrogantly.

"Aren't you telling too many lies? When we were soldiers together, you said you were good as a scout, and you tricked me into becoming a scout with you. As a result, you almost died at the hands of the enemy several times; later you said that my daughter-in-law My son gave birth to a daughter for me. I thought I would have both sons and daughters this time. Who would have thought that I would be a brat when I got home! You still..." Mr. Bai just couldn't get used to Mr. Jun's arrogant look, and he didn't care The juniors sitting around began to expose Mr. Jun's shortcomings in person. Does this damn old man tell too many lies?
"You nonsense! I didn't do it all for your own good! Those don't count!" Mr. Jun was exposed in public, and the blushing and thick-necked Mr. Bai was about to argue with Mr. Bai.

"Uncle Jun, don't be angry, you said the person was really found?" Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen asked impatiently when they heard the two old people talk back.

"Of course!" Mr. Jun looked at Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen, and became arrogant again.

Jun Zeyu and his wife, Tang Guoduan and Mrs. Ling, on one side, sighed silently.

"Where is the person? Is it in the hands of the Shen family?" Bai Zizheng asked.

"Did the Shen family abuse her?" Sun Xiaofen asked, with tears in her eyes and her voice choked up.

"No!" Mr. Jun was still very arrogant, his eyes swept over Mr. Bai who was pretending to be calm.

Bai Zizheng and Sun Xiaofen looked better, but after hearing Mr. Jun's next words, they bounced off the sofa all of a sudden.

"Under my old man's nose, how could the Shen family have the ability to bully her!" Mr. Jun triumphantly looked at Mr. Bai who was suddenly shocked and unable to speak a word, and then shouted in satisfaction. She said: "Girl Shishi, you can come out and meet your biological parents!"

"Shishi girl!" Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen stood up, their eyes full of disbelief, but seeing the seriousness in Mr. Jun's eyes, his heart jumped uncontrollably.

"Old man Jun, are you serious? Is it girl Shishi?!" Old man Bai also stood up all of a sudden, his eyes fixed on Mr. Jun's eyes like radar, not missing any of his subtleties. expression.

"Believe it or not!" Mr. Jun turned his head arrogantly.Being in-laws with the old man Bai made him very upset. In the past, when girl Shishi recognized her as a relative, he didn't feel that no matter how close he was, he wouldn't have as deep a relationship with girl Shishi. As soon as the word "dry" was removed, Mr. Jun began to feel uncomfortable in every possible way!
"I believe it!" Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen said in unison.

If that child is Tang Shishi, they can't wait for it, but the happiness cannonball is too huge, making them feel that happiness is unreal for a while!
A door facing the south of the living room opened in response, and there stood a pair of Bi people at the door. The woman had tears on her face, and the man had a gloomy and helpless face. It was Tang Shishi and Ling Rui.

"Shishi——" Sun Xiaofen couldn't help crying, and ran towards Tang Shishi, but stopped suddenly when she got close, three steps away, with a feeling of disbelief but boundless joy. She stared at Tang Shishi without blinking, and the crying sound was also very suppressed, for fear that Tang Shishi would be frightened, or woke up from a beautiful dream.

"I..." Tang Shishi had already burst into tears, looking at Sun Xiaofen in front of her, and at Bai Zizhen and old man Bai who were walking towards her, her eyes were clouded with tears.

"My child! It's really my daughter! My daughter!" The more Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi, the more she felt like her own daughter, especially those eyes, that natural familiarity and intimacy. She took two steps forward , wrapped Tang Shishi's body in his arms, released him and cried bitterly.

Since what happened to Bai Mo, she has been unable to sleep for many days and nights, and there are also many days and nights where she has been thinking about how wonderful it would be if Tang Shishi were her child, but the investigators The reality let her know that it was her own wishful thinking, but who knew, it actually made her dream come true. The daughter she had been looking for, had actually come to her long ago, and she, as a mother, was actually He didn't recognize her all the time, and at the beginning, he misunderstood her so much!She is so remiss!
"Mom, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Sun Xiaofen apologized while crying.

"Father is sorry for you too!" Bai Ziqi stepped forward to hug Sun Xiaofen and Tang Shishi, his eyes were also crystal clear.

"No, it's not your fault! You are fine! Really fine!" Tang Shishi cried as she snuggled into her parents' arms.

"No, Mom and Dad didn't take good care of you, so you were replaced by bad guys! I'm sorry!" Sun Xiaofen held Tang Shishi in her arms, and tears of guilt flowed endlessly.

Ling Rui on one side looked at Sun Xiaofen, then at Tang Shishi, feeling sad in his heart, and finally knew why the little wild cat had so many tears, it turned out to be entirely hereditary!
"I don't blame you, really, I know you didn't do it on purpose! I've had a good life these years!" Tang Shishi hurriedly comforted Sun Xiaofen, she always knew how much Sun Xiaofen felt sorry for herself and blamed herself .

"Shishi! My daughter!" Sun Xiaofen was still crying, half because of guilt, half because of joy!
Seeing the family of three huddled together and crying, Mr. Bai also raised his hand to wipe the wet corners of his eyes, then looked at Mrs. Jun and Mrs. Ling, and cursed bitterly: "You two old bastards working together!"

Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling kindly didn't bother with Mr. Bai, with a smile on their lips.Looking at these two people, old man Bai couldn't help laughing happily.

"Shishi, can you, can you call me, I, I want you to call me mother." Sun Xiaofen cried for a while, and asked Tang Shishi.

"Mom!" Tang Shishi moistened her lips, sucked her nose, mustered up her courage, and called out softly.

"Hey!" Sun Xiaofen agreed with choked sobs, and hugged Tang Shishi even tighter, but she carefully avoided her belly. No matter how excited she was, she never forgot that her daughter was pregnant now, and her belly was already in her belly. Two little grandchildren, she found her daughter all of a sudden, and even had grandchildren!

"Baby girl, there's me!" Bai Ziqi heard that Tang Shishi called Sun Xiaofen's mother, and immediately refused to accept her request.

"Father!" Tang Shishi said shyly because of Bai Ziqi's baby girl, and called out to Bai Ziqi.

"Hey!" Bai Ziyu replied with a happy voice loud and clear, as if he was afraid that others would not hear him.

"There's me! There's more!" Mr. Bai asked excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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