Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 810 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives

Chapter 810 Forced Marriage VS Recognizing Relatives (5)
"Grandpa!" Tang Shishi shyly looked at the excited old man Bai, and called out sweetly.

"Hey!" Three thick and loud voices responded to Tang Shishi.

"You two old bastards are here to make trouble!" Elder Bai, who felt that he had been taken advantage of, yelled angrily at Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling.

"Girl Shishi called grandpa, but didn't point out that grandpa. What's wrong with our promise?" Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling answered in unison, as if they had discussed it.

"Huh! You two old bastards, you have intentions!" Old Master Bai snorted angrily, and warned Old Master Jun and Mrs. Ling: "Girl Shishi is my granddaughter, you two are not allowed to rob me of my granddaughter from now on. !"

"You are so beautiful!" Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling replied to Mr. Bai together with two big eyes!

Everyone couldn't help laughing because of the three old urchin-like elders, even Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen also laughed with tears in their eyes.

Ling Rui, who was always on the sidelines, frowned in displeasure at Bai Ziyu's "baby girl". The little wild cat is his big treasure, and he doesn't allow anyone to snatch it!Not even the father-in-law!It is said that this daughter is the lover of his father in his previous life. It seems that he has to be more careful about this father-in-law in the future!
Ling Rui has always been a man of action, and seeing the three people who had completed the confession were still hugging each other, he couldn't bear it for a long time, so he "rescued" Tang Shishi from the arms of Sun Xiaofen and Bai Ziyu, and hugged her in her arms Here, she wiped away the tears on Tang Shishi's face, facing the dissatisfied eyes of the newly promoted father-in-law and mother-in-law, she simply placed her chin on top of Tang Shishi's head, showing her defense.

"Husband——" Tang Shishi pushed Ling Rui's body with her small hands, signaling him not to be so close, it was embarrassing.

"Good boy! You just promised me that you wouldn't cry today, but you made a mistake again just now! Let's see how I punish you later!" Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's body and refused to let go, with a hint of love in his tone Plain and simple.

"Boy Rui, I have to talk to you about something!" Bai Ziqi admired Ling Rui very much before, but now that he is so domineering to his precious daughter, he will be punished for crying?He felt that his previous thinking was a bit biased. As a son-in-law, Ling Rui was still a little unqualified, and he needed his father-in-law's help to improve things!
"What's the matter?" What a perceptive person Ling Rui is, he immediately sensed Bai Ziqi's "hostility", and his tone became a little cold.

"Husband—father!" Tang Shishi sensed something was wrong in the conversation between Ling Rui and Bai Ziyu, and looked at the two of them with some anxiety.

"Boy Rui, you two are busy when you have something to do, and I will talk to my daughter about it!" Sun Xiaofen and Bai Ziyu have been married for many years, so they naturally cooperate with each other, so they reached out and held Tang Shishi's hand, facing Ling Rui "Happy face" said with a smile.

The mother-in-law wants to talk to her daughter-in-law, Ling Rui can't stop it, even if Ling Rui wants to stop it, because Tang Shishi has already pushed him away and followed Sun Xiaofen, Ling Rui's arms are empty, feeling a little bit Lost, Little Wild Cat ignores his feelings too much. He doesn't know that sometimes, not only his body needs it, but his soul also needs her comfort very much.

Bai Zizheng and Ling Rui went upstairs to the study room under the watchful eyes of everyone who was expressive and watching the show.

"How did you find out?" As soon as the door was closed, Bai Ziyu suppressed his excitement and asked Ling Rui in a deep voice.

Ling Yue looked at Bai Zizhen with some displeasure, thinking, he has adapted quickly to the new identity of his father-in-law!
"Are you doubting Shishi's identity?"

"You brat! Don't think about labeling me!" Bai Ziyu looked at Ling Rui displeased, and the two of them were in a state of tension, neither giving in.

"Why don't you ask Shishi, how do you know?" Ling Rui sat on the chair, raised his hand and pressed a small protrusion on the armrest of the chair, a small box popped out from the armrest, and there was a delicate cigarette case in it , Ling Rui looked at it, and pushed the small box in again. He had already forgotten when was the last time he smoked!What's more, now that the little wild cat is pregnant, he is even more insensitive to these things!

Bai Ziqi watched Ling Rui play with the mechanism on the chair boredly, and his tone was a little helpless, and he was a little angry. Why did he think that this was not the atmosphere and plot that a son-in-law should have when he meets his father-in-law for the first time?
"I want to hear from you!" Although he was a little breathless, Bai Ziqi still held his father-in-law's airs and didn't want to let go.

"Guess!" Ling Rui lazily replied Bai Ziqi.

"Stinky boy! Believe it or not, I will take my daughter away so that you will never see her again!" Bai Ziyu growled a little angrily.

"Your daughter is kissing me now! Besides, she has my seeds in her stomach now, or two!" Ling Rui deliberately emphasized the last two words, with a proud face, as if showing off how capable he is !

When Bai Zizhen heard Ling Rui's words, a strange expression appeared on her face. Her daughter-in-law Sun Xiaofen and sister-in-law Sun Xiaotong were twins, and it was hereditary that Shishi girl conceived two children at once.

"I'm his biological father!" Bai Zizhen couldn't help but growl again, what Ling Rui said just now were facts that he couldn't refute, which made him helpless and impossible to refute.

"Your biological father has been absent for more than 20 years!" Ling Rui revealed the truth again bluntly, and the meaning in those words is obviously that Bai Ziyu's father is the same as no father.

Bai Zizhen felt like she was going to collapse!Staring at Ling Rui angrily, he couldn't say a word. Now he feels that this son-in-law is absolutely unpleasant!
Looking at Bai Ziyu's appearance, Ling Rui snorted coldly in his heart, trying to snatch his big baby, it's impossible!

In the round of the study room, Ling Rui won without any suspense, but he was a little too proud and showed his sharpness too early, so he offended a difficult creature called "father-in-law". It's disturbing!
Compared with the discordant atmosphere in the study, the people in the living room were much more lively.

"How did you find out the identity of the girl Shishi?" Old Master Bai asked excitedly and curiously.

"Well, it's a long story!" Mr. Jun's voice inevitably became farther away, which made Mr. Bai and Sun Xiaofen's appetite high.

Ling Yue, Cai Xiaofen and the others looked at Mr. Jun's state and shook their heads helplessly.

"It's all thanks to me!" Old Master Ling couldn't bear it anymore, looked at Old Master Bai and said proudly, "Old Man Bai, let's see how you thank me this time!"

"Old man Ling! Can you stop talking so loudly!" Mr. Jun glared angrily at Mrs. Ling, who came to steal his limelight again.

(End of this chapter)

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