Chapter 816: Suffering (1)
"Don't worry, you put on your clothes and pack them up. I'm going to drive. I have to go to the hospital!" Du Haoyang said, already quickly put on a coat, and then took the car keys to warm up the car.

Wang Yueshan was flustered, she didn't know what to pack, like Du Haoyang, she casually put on a coat, wrapped the baby in a small quilt, and hurried out.

Now she is very fortunate that Du Haoyang bought a new car a few days ago, otherwise, in the middle of the night and the hospital is far away, she really doesn't know what to do!

Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan took the child to the hospital and sent the child to the emergency department. After a checkup, they found out that the child was infected with an acute epidemic virus. If it is not discovered in time, it is likely to cause high fever and pneumonia. If it is serious, will die.

Wang Yueshan saw that Du Haoyang communicated with the doctor proficiently in English, but she could only guess the meaning of those words from their professional terms with a half-knowledge. She couldn't be impatient, but she understood the doctor's last sentence. Thinking of the words "pneumonia" and "death" that the doctor said, Wang Yueshan's legs were so frightened that her legs went limp. If Du Haoyang hadn't hugged her, she would probably have sat down on the ground!
This child was born after she almost lost her life. She is her only relative in this world. If she loses him, Wang Yueshan can't imagine that she will go crazy!

"Don't be afraid! Didn't the doctor just say that we delivered it in time and the baby will be fine!" Du Haoyang put his arms around Wang Yueshan who was trembling because of fear, his eyes were full of distress.

"Du Haoyang, I'm so scared!" This was the first time Wang Yueshan showed her fragility in Du Haoyang's arms.

"Don't be afraid! I'm here! I'll be fine!" Du Haoyang comforted Wang Yueshan softly, but secretly rejoiced in his heart: Fortunately, he stayed, otherwise let her face these words alone, the consequences, he really can not imagine!

During the period when Du Hengyu's little friend was hospitalized, Du Haoyang took care of everything and stayed by the baby's side without sleep, feeding, changing diapers, wiping the baby's body, and making the baby happy.Moreover, Du Haoyang not only takes care of the baby, but even the baby's mother. Wang Yueshan is lying if she is not moved. She feels that her heart is being slowly melted by Du Haoyang, especially when she sees the doctor on the baby's When Du Haoyang saw the unadulterated distress in his body with needles, Wang Yueshan couldn't help but think, apart from other things, Du Haoyang will definitely be a good father in the future!

Ah!The woman who married him should be very happy!

"Wang Yueshan, you're spying on me again!" Du Haoyang, who had comforted Du Hengyu, turned his head and saw Wang Yueshan staring at him in a daze. Falling in love with Grandpa!"

Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang a big hygienic eye, which must have been strictly bleached.But this time she didn't refute Du Haoyang like the previous few times, but turned around by herself and looked out the window.

I don't know if I don't bother to refute it, or I don't want to refute it.

Of course Du Haoyang thought it was the latter, so his fiery little heart began to stir wantonly again.The baby can be discharged from the hospital today, tonight... Hehe!
Secretly, Du Haoyang was thinking about the arrangements for the evening, laughing shamelessly and lasciviously!

Wang Yueshan turned her back to Du Haoyang, so naturally she didn't see the evil in Du Haoyang's eyes, but this time after Du Haoyang rolled his eyes, he didn't post it like before or say something more shameless and obscene to challenge the bottom line of human beings. It made Wang Yueshan somewhat uncomfortable.

After sending Wang Yueshan and Du Hengyu's little friends home, Du Haoyang did not pester Wang Yueshan to take advantage, but took a hasty shower, shaved, dressed in a very flirtatious way, and left Wang Yueshan to go out to do some errands.

Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's back in a hurry, and remembered that he was shaving his beard and humming her unknown foreign song just now. He was obviously in a good mood, and couldn't help but swear in her heart: he was dressed like a butterfly. Know who to hook up with again? !

Originally, she wanted to be discharged from the hospital yesterday, but Du Haoyang insisted on getting an extra day of injections. Now it seems that caring about the baby's body is fake, so that he can attract bees and butterflies in the hospital is the real thing!

These days, the female doctors and nurses in the hospital took a special look at the baby's condition, but Wang Yueshan could tell that there were many people inside who were doing business for personal gain in order to get close to Du Haoyang!
All the foreign women are very bold and unrestrained, Wang Yueshan couldn't help but feel angry when she thought that they didn't take her as a living person seriously at all, and flirted with Du Haoyang openly!
However, Wang Yueshan soon felt relieved. During these days, Du Haoyang has been with their mother and son, and he still doesn't give him good looks. He must be annoyed.Several times, when Du Haoyang suppressed her by force, Wang Yueshan could feel Du Haoyang's solid enthusiasm. For a young man who is used to lingering in flowers, it is not easy to hold back for so many days!
Wang Yueshan sat by the bed alone, thinking wildly, while Du Hengyu's little friend woke up, and found that she finally got rid of the bad luck of being impaled, and lay on her long-lost little bed, spitting bubbles happily.

When the doorbell rang, Wang Yueshan looked at the time and realized that Du Haoyang had been out for more than an hour. She ran to open the door without even noticing that her footsteps were in a hurry.

"Du Haoyang, you idiot, why did you go out without a key!" Wang Yueshan opened the door with a slap, and started yelling at the people outside without even looking at it.

It's just that when she saw clearly the gloomy man standing outside the door, the expression on his face changed countless times in the blink of an eye, "It's you!"

Bai Meng didn't expect that the scene of Xie Quan and Lu Tao fighting in the movie theater would cause such a big commotion, but overnight, people in the whole city A were all over this "two men fighting for one woman", "a family There are women and two families begging" with relish.

Some people in the know revealed that when Bai Meng was still Wu Meng, he had a long-standing marriage contract with Xie Quan, but later because the Bai family looked down on the Xie family, they cut off the good marriage.Some people even broke the news that even after Bai Meng recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, Bai Meng and Xie Quan still kept in touch secretly, and the two even made a lifelong promise to each other, with pictures as evidence, which made their statement sound.

After Bai Meng finished reading those entertainment newspapers, she was so angry that she wanted to tear that bastard Xie Quan into pieces. Those large-scale photos were taken by Xie Quan after he raped her. This bastard shamelessly took these The photos came out to slander her!

However, Xie Quan held onto her, and she couldn't stand up to defend herself, she could only watch these gossips getting hotter and hotter, powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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