Chapter 817: Suffering (2)
The marriage between the Bai family and the Shen family has changed because of Xie Quan's intervention. Although the offshoots of the Bai family have often stated the benefits of the marriage between the Bai family and the Shen family in front of Mr. Bai these days, Mr. Bai's attitude this time is very serious. He was tough, and threatened to completely separate the family. From then on, he and the side branches of the Bai family will completely draw a clear line.
Don't you all want to marry the Shen family?It's good to have a couplet, it's not like you don't have granddaughters!
When Bai Hui and Bai Lan's grandfather heard that Mr. Bai wanted to draw a clean line from them, they lost their momentum and were not as tough as before.

"Dad, uncle said that the family should be separated, so that's it!" Bai Lan's father said indifferently.

"That's right, it's not that they haven't been separated before! Besides, is there any difference between now and a separated family?" Baimei's father echoed.

The Bai family split once more than [-] years ago. The old man Bai took his two sons and retreated to city B like the Jun family, and their branch, which devoted themselves to studying political career, is now in city A. Being able to join forces with the Shen family will surely have a worry-free future.

"What do you know! Shut up!" Bai Lan's grandfather frowned, stared, and shouted at Bai Lan Baimei's father.

"Second Uncle, I think what they said is also reasonable, there is nothing terrible about separating!" Bai Hui's father said.

"Shut up too!" Bai Hui's grandfather also angrily reprimanded Bai Hui's father.

"Do you think this family is really so easy to divide? Don't you know who the Shen family is looking for?" Bai Lan's grandfather looked at the four juniors sitting at the bottom with some hatred!

Why is their child not as good as the two elders!

"Dad! It's uncle who insists on breaking up with us now!" Bai Lan's father lost his momentum after being scolded by his father, and said with some resentment.

If the Shen family were looking for their daughter, they would happily send her there, even if they sent Bai Lan and the other four sisters there together, there would be no problem, but they don't care about it!
"He wanted to split it up more than [-] years ago. It's clear that it's not divided!" Bai Hui's grandfather snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with the following four people who have no concentration and no assertiveness at critical moments.

"Dad, you have made plans a long time ago?" Bai Hui's father looked at Bai Hui's grandfather with joy in his eyes.

In fact, they are not willing to split up, because this branch of them has devoted themselves to studying their careers these years, and they are not good at management at all. There is not much left in their original property. source of income, will inevitably be greatly impacted.

"You don't need to worry about these things, just restrain yourself these few days!" Bai Hui's grandfather looked at the four juniors in front of him, sighed, and said.

If that child was still there, perhaps, the trouble would not have reached this point today...

The side branches of the Bai family didn't raise the issue of marriage anymore, but at this moment, the old lady of the Xie family couldn't bear Xie Quan's fuss, and came to her door!

"Mr. Bai, we are smart people who don't speak dark words. What do you think about the children's marriage?" The old lady of the Xie family cut straight to the point as soon as she came. had to come.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, I don't want to worry about it!" Mr. Bai blocked the Xie family's old lady with a word.

Mrs. Xie's coming to Bai's house had long been expected by Mr. Bai. In fact, the reason why Xie Quan knew that Bai Meng and Lu Tao were going to watch a movie that day was because Mr. Bai had someone let the news out.

Now the entire Han family has been controlled by Han Yi. Like the Jun family, he is independent and neutral. In the Shen family faction, the Xie family is the biggest vassal of the Shen family. In between, who will the Shen family choose?

snort!That old man from the Shen family only thought that he was a good abacus, so he was a vegetarian?If you incite those blind people in the Bai family to run on me, put pressure on me, and force me to take a stand, then I won't drive you apart and make you lose sight of the other and rely on neither?Even if the Xie family is loyal enough to you, it's okay to create a rift between you guys!
What's more, first there was the case of the Chen family, and then there was the Han family. With these two living examples here, he couldn't believe that the Xie family hadn't planned a way out for him.

The old lady of the Xie family didn't expect that Mr. Bai would adopt such a laissez-faire approach to his granddaughter's marriage. She was a little anxious for a while, and said in disapproval: "Children know what to choose and don't choose. You can't help me with this marriage. , but a major event in a lifetime! It's not a child's play!"

"I don't care about other people's children. My old man Bai's granddaughter has this autonomy! I will recognize whoever she chooses! My old man Bai has lost his granddaughter for more than [-] years, and I will never let her suffer any more grievances in the future." !" Old Man Bai said domineeringly.

However, his granddaughter, of course, does not refer to Bai Meng standing at the door eavesdropping, but to Tang Shishi.

Thinking of Tang poetry, the corners of old master Bai's mouth involuntarily turned up.

After hearing what old master Bai said, Bai Meng's heart was filled with emotion, and her eyes couldn't help but moisten.

"Mr. Bai, you're too spoiled with the child, right? What if... the wrong child is chosen?" Mrs. Xie's family felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing what Mr. Bai said.

She originally thought that if she could get married with the Bai family, even if the Shen family did not succeed in the future, with the relationship with the Bai family, the Xie family would not be too deeply involved. The two families of the Bai family are united in the same spirit, soaring upwards, and the history of the four major families in Huaxia Kingdom has to be rewritten!
"If you choose the wrong one, get a divorce and choose a better one!" Mr. Bai's voice was sonorous and forceful.

Isn't that what his family's Shishi girl does?Not to mention, this point, really follow him, courageous!

Old man Bai thought smugly in his heart.

"Aren't you afraid that the child won't be able to marry in the future?" The old lady of the Xie family was a little angry and asked bluntly.Women are no better than men, how many remarried women live well!

"If she doesn't get married, my Bai family will support her for the rest of her life! Could it be that our Bai family can't afford it?" Mr. Bai squinted at the Xie family's old lady and asked displeasedly.

Not to mention one, even if the two in girl Shishi's belly were picked up together, his Bai family can afford it!

well!I haven't seen you for a few days, and I miss that girl more and more!
The older Mr. Bai is now, the more he feels that he has fallen into the tricks of Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling. These two old men said that he should not be allowed to have frequent contacts with Shishi girl at this stage, so as not to be caught by outsiders. From now on, it seems that these two old things are clearly teaming up to monopolize his precious granddaughter!

(End of this chapter)

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