Chapter 818: Suffering (3)
As soon as he figured this out, old man Bai's face became angry, he couldn't help but slapped the table, and roared, "It's too much!"

The old lady of the Xie family who was holding the teacup was startled when she heard Mr. Bai's voice, and almost knocked over the teacup in her hand. She looked at the angry Mr. Bai, put on airs, and forced herself to calm down: " Mr. Bai, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?!" The old man Bai, who came back to his senses, also realized that he had lost his composure, but the old man turned his head very quickly, and immediately accused the old lady of the Xie family: "You actually cursed my granddaughter for not being able to get married? Curse her to divorce once she marries?!"

"No, I mean just in case!" The old lady of the Xie family realized that she had just made a slip of the tongue, and immediately made amends.

"It won't work just in case!" Mr. Bai looked at Mrs. Xie's family angrily, and said, "My granddaughter, Mr. Bai, whoever he likes is the good fortune he cultivated in eight lifetimes. If anyone dares to treat her badly, I will fight him hard!"

The old lady of the Xie family did not expect that Mr. Bai would care so much for the granddaughter she recognized on the way. Originally, she thought that the Shen family was obsessed with Bai Meng and wanted to use Bai Meng to win over the Bai family. Come on, the Shen family's actions are not unreasonable.

Just, Xie Quan?The eyes of the old lady of Xie's family darkened, it was obvious that Xie Quan and Bai Meng had already become a good thing, even if the two of them had a little unhappiness before, it was just a quarrel between young couples, it would be fine after it passed, but The Shen family was so impatient, did they not take the Xie family seriously?Or do you think that with the Bai family, the Xie family is insignificant?Thinking of this, Granny Xie's heart felt extremely uncomfortable.

Old man Bai was angry on his own, with a haughty and arrogant look, and he was very confident, as if he didn't see the ugly look on the face of Mrs. Xie's family at all.

The old lady of the Xie family saw that the old man was angry, and knew that there would be no result if he stayed any longer, so she found an excuse and left in a hurry.

Bai Meng, who was hiding behind the door, was moved to tears after hearing what Old Master Bai said, and she didn't even know when Sun Xiaofen was standing beside her.

Seeing Bai Meng like this, Sun Xiaofen sighed helplessly.

"Mom! Why are you here!" Bai Meng quickly cleared up the embarrassment on her face, forced a smile, and said.

"Bai Meng, do you have something on your mind to hide from me?" Ever since she knew that Tang Shishi was her biological daughter, although Sun Xiaofen was still very kind to Bai Meng, but every time she heard Bai Meng call her "Mom", There is a trace of rejection in my heart.

She has been expecting Bai Meng to confess all this, otherwise no one can help her, but Bai Meng has repeatedly disappointed her.

"No! I'm just in a bad mood!" Bai Meng dared not look into Sun Xiaofen's eyes, and said hastily.

"Well, don't think too much!" Sun Xiaofen concealed the disappointment in her eyes, patted Bai Meng on the shoulder, and left.

Bai Meng looked at Sun Xiaofen's back, struggling with pain on his face, and tears rolled down his eyes quickly.

Ever since the babies moved for the first time, Ling Rui, the father-to-be, couldn't restrain his joy. On the second day, everyone in the family knew that the baby in his stomach would move, and there were such rhetoric everywhere: The baby's little feet are exerting force. He kicked Ling Rui's hand with such force that he was the future savior of the national football team!
So, from that day on, Tang Shishi's belly full of hope for the national football team has almost become a rare thing that everyone has to look up to. Zhou Hu and the servants at home looked at Tang Shishi as if they were looking at rare people Shi's belly, even Suzaku, who has been calm all the time, will suddenly appear from time to time, stare at Tang Shishi's belly for a while, and then disappear, not to mention, those few people have to communicate with the children in their stomachs every day Say hello to the elders!

Almost, during these days, every time Tang Shishi saw Mr. Jun, Mrs. Ling, Uncle Tang, Aunt Tang, father-in-law and mother-in-law, their first words, without exception, were: "Girl Shishi, your stomach is moving today!" Already?"

This is almost becoming a buzzword for greeting people in Jun's mansion, just like "Have you eaten yet?"

If Tang Shishi responds, the other party will happily say, these two little guys are really noisy, and they wake up so early; Is there any problem, why the child is not moving, whether to go to the hospital for an examination, Tang Shishi herself is often very nervous.

So, these days, when Tang Shishi met her family members, before they could speak, she quickly said: "It's moving!"

Then, looking at the other party's satisfied An Ran's expression, he quietly let out a sigh of relief.

During the birth checkup in April, Tang Shishi, accompanied by the baby fan group, went to the General Hospital of the Military Medical University for a Down's screening. After confirming that the little ones inside were very healthy, the family was very happy. Her family members who were waiting for the result were obviously more nervous than her mother-to-be, especially Ling Rui. When holding her, her two arms were as stiff as two iron pliers, and she felt uncomfortable. , Tang Shishi looked at them so nervous, and suddenly felt that she was not nervous at all!

"I told you I'm fine!" Sensing that Ling Rui was secretly relieved, Tang Shishi cast a coquettish look at Ling Rui and said.

In the future, those unnecessary checkups can be saved as much as possible. She doesn't want it, it's just a prenatal checkup.The process of waiting for the test results is really tormented!

Originally, she wanted to make a four-dimensional for the child, but now she thinks, forget it!

"Well, I'm relieved now!" Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's nose and said with a smile.

What Tang Shishi didn't expect was that during this prenatal checkup, she would run into Su Mianmian and little Su Jin again.

"What's going on?" Ling Rui looked at the cramped Su Mianmian and then at the listless little Su Jin in Su Mianmian's arms, and asked.

"I went to dinner last night and accidentally let him eat caviar, he's allergic!" Su Mianmian replied.

"Allergic to caviar?" Ling Rui's voice was neither high nor low, looking at Su Jin's small face, the expression in his deep eyes was inexplicable.

"Yeah." Su Mianmian nodded.

It's all the fault of that troublesome guy Su Jinyang, she is really going to be killed by him!What kind of French meal did he take Su Jin to eat on his own initiative, but the child was made like this, what kind of French meal should a child who is less than three years old eat?Thinking about it, Su Mianmian became very angry!
"This little guy, how pitiful!" When Ling Yue heard that little Su Jin was allergic to caviar, she came over and took Su Jin's little arm, rolled up little Su Jin's sleeve, and saw that his little arm was bruised. There was a small red pimple, and the heart was so distressed immediately, he turned to Jun Zeyu and said, "This child is like you, allergic to caviar, but there are small red rashes all over his body, but not on his face."

(End of this chapter)

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