Chapter 822 Disturbed You! (3)
"Old man Jun, you still have the face to stop me! You and your illegitimate grandson go there! Hmph!" Old Master Ling made it clear that he would not buy anyone's account, arrogant and high-spirited.

"He's not an illegitimate child!" At this moment of tension, Ling Rui appeared.

Looking at Ling Rui, Jun Zeyu felt relieved.

"Boy, even you are confused! Turn your elbows out!" Old Mrs. Ling said angrily, staring at Ling Rui.

"Grandpa, Shen He is not an illegitimate child!" Ling Rui reiterated his meaning.

"What's the matter with Shen He? Whether Shen He is an illegitimate child or not, does it matter to what we discussed?" Old Master Ling poked the floor twice with his crutches angrily, and said.

"Why doesn't it matter?" Grandpa Jun saw something was wrong now, and asked with eyebrows and eyes raised at Grandpa Ling, "We were just discussing about Shen He, what do you think?"

"Shen He?! You mean Jun Zeyu's illegitimate son is Shen He?!" Old Master Ling raised his eyebrows higher than the sky, looking at Old Master Jun and asked.

"Who else is there besides him?" Mr. Jun looked at Mrs. Ling, thinking that this old bastard didn't understand anything, so what's the matter here!

"Isn't that the kid we met at the entrance of the hospital today?" Mrs. Ling felt that she was really out of sorts!
"Grandpa, do you think it's Su Jin? You can think too much, don't you?" Ling Rui was really defeated by Mrs. Ling, what the hell is going on!
Not only Ling Rui, but even Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu had a black thread after listening to old master Ling's words!He actually thought that Jun Zeyu's illegitimate son was Su Jin, what a serious deviation!

"Stinky boy, why do you say that Shen He is not an illegitimate child?" Mrs. Ling felt a bit of embarrassment on his face when he learned that he had a big oolong, but he immediately reacted and began to question Ling Rui aggressively.

Although he got the wrong partner, there is still this illegitimate child. This brat still wants to justify the name of the illegitimate child?I really intend to piss him off!

"He was conceived by Yu Manqing within marriage, and he was not an illegitimate child!" Ling Rui looked at the angry old lady Ling and explained.It's just that one of the marriages is the first marriage and the other is the second marriage!

After Ling Rui finished speaking, he glanced at Ling Yue who was a little dazed, and sighed in his heart. He believed that his mother knew about the old things back then, and that Shen He's existence was an accident that his father didn't know about. If you don't give your father a chance to defend himself, and directly sentence him to death, it's too unfair!

"What's going on here?" Shen He turned out to be Jun Zeyu's son, which made Mr. Ling a little bit overwhelmed for a while, but thinking of what Shen He did to Tang Shishi, Mrs. Ling's face became even more serious. sharp.

How could this be? !

"Does Shen He know about this?" Before anyone could answer, Old Master Ling asked again.

"I know!" Ling Rui sighed, and suddenly a brother appeared, Ling Rui found it hard to accept at first, especially this brother had a deep prejudice against his family and was still eyeing his wife!
"Then he still—" Mrs. Ling couldn't calm down when he thought of what Shen He had done.

"He has no other choice!" Ling Rui said, looking at his mother who suddenly fell silent without looking at him.

"I have no choice but to compete with you for poetry girl?" Old Master Ling was very dissatisfied with Ling Rui helping Shen He speak.

"He knows Shishi first!" Ling Rui said realistically.

"You brat! I'm so pissed off!" Hearing Ling Rui's persistent excuses for Shen He, Mrs. Ling was so angry that he couldn't help but pick up his crutches and was about to hit Ling Rui.

"Grandpa, Mom, this matter is a matter left over from history. It's not something my dad would like to see. Besides, he didn't intend to hide it from you. It's just that he didn't find a suitable time." Ling Rui faced the anger of Old Master Ling, objectively To be fair.

Just now Ling Yue and Old Master Ling were yelling for a divorce, and he naturally heard it, and he naturally did not support his parents' divorce.

"Hmph! If you say it's a legacy of history, it's a legacy of history. I don't believe it. He doesn't even know that he has a son in his thirties!" Old Master Ling retracted his crutches and retorted weakly. , how could he be willing to really beat Ling Rui.

If Shen He was really as Ling Rui said, then he would naturally not support Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu's divorce. Saying this now is just out of breath.

Ling Rui had no choice, so he told Ling Yue and the old man Ling all the things that happened from Shen He's appearance. He said in detail, and there were many things that Jun Zeyu and Jun The old man didn't know either.

"How do you know that it was Shen He who deliberately exposed the undercover agents in the gold powder to let you know? Why didn't they have the ability to be seen through by you?" Old Master Ling was listening to Ling Rui. Shen He said unconvincedly that Mo kidnapped Liang Yue and wanted to frame Tang Shishi.

"That's right, if you hadn't appeared in time, maybe he would have succeeded in planting it!" Ling Yue only knew that it was Shen He who incited Bai Mo to try to trick Shishi girl, but she didn't expect Ling Rui to say that Instead, he described Shen He as a kind person who helped them eliminate the spies inside Jinfen!

Does this identity change have to be so big and so sudden?
"Mom, this is a contest between men. The reason why Shen He is so awkward is actually testing me. If I can't even solve such a little thing, I have no right to say anything about protecting Shishi." !" Ling Rui explained to Ling Yue that although Shen He's method was a bit extreme, he left room for every step he took.

"Besides, without him becoming a confidante in a rage and exposing the power of the Shen family that has been lurking in the military region of city B for decades, the military region of city B is definitely not in a situation where the Junbai family is completely in control."

"What kind of ecstasy soup did you get fed by him?!" Ling Yue looked at Ling Rui and said bitterly: "Even if what you said is true, what about the matter between Han Jing and that dwarf? If you didn't I have already noticed that Shishi girl may have been taken away by him!" After all, Ling Yue cared that Shen He was Jun Zeyu's son on the one hand, and on the other hand, he also cared that Shen He knew Ling Rui It's his younger brother, and he came to rob his younger brother's wife!

"Mom, you don't have much confidence in the relationship between Shishi and me!" Ling Rui watched as his mother turned all her attention to Shen He's affairs, but didn't mention the matter of divorcing her father , knowing that she has more or less listened to what she said, although she still can't accept this fact for a while, but give her some time, I believe she will figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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