Chapter 823 Disturbed You! (4)
"I have confidence in you, but what Shen He did is really worrying!" Ling Yue said angrily.

"Mom, you don't believe your son and me too much!" Ling Rui once heard the anger in Ling Yue's words subsided, and immediately stepped forward to put his arms around Ling Yue, pretending to be a good boy, and walked downstairs while talking go.

"Why didn't I see what skills you have? Your daughter-in-law was almost robbed!" Ling Yue gave Ling Rui a hard look. After all, she still minds that Shen He wants to rob her daughter-in-law!
In the dark, Jun Zeyu gave Ling Rui a thumbs up gratefully, watched Ling Rui go downstairs with Ling Yue in his arms, wiped off his sweat, and then hurriedly followed, but when he passed by the old lady Ling, he was embarrassed. He stopped and said tentatively, "Dad, I'll help you down!"

"Hmph! My old man doesn't lack arms or legs, and he can still walk!" Old Master Ling waved his hand angrily, and went downstairs on crutches.

Jun Zeyu touched his nose in embarrassment, then looked at Tang Guoduan and his wife and Mr. Jun who expressed sympathy for him in embarrassment, finally sighed, and followed downstairs.

"Mom, even if you don't believe in my ability, you should also believe in my father's character. No one else knows how he has treated you for so many years, so don't you?" Ling Rui placed Ling Yue on the sofa , while saying good things for his father!

After hearing Ling Rui's words, Jun Zeyu felt that Ling Rui's words were extremely caring, and looked at Ling Yue eagerly, expecting her answer.

"You father and son are of the same mind, of course you spoke for him!" Ling Yue looked at Ling Rui displeased, and complained, when she felt Jun Zeyu's gaze, Ling Yue gouged him hard, turned her head and looked at Ling Rui again. Don't look at him either.

Jun Zeyu's fawning smile froze at the corners of his mouth before it could bloom, but Ling Yue didn't say any more nonsense about divorce, which made Jun Zeyu feel at ease, and felt that Ling Yue's eyes just now were really incomparably charming. people.

"Mom, your son only has one heart with your daughter-in-law now!" When Ling Rui heard that Ling Yue even complained about him, he immediately expressed his departure and quickly brought out his backer.

"Where's Miss Shishi?" Sure enough, when Ling Rui mentioned this, Ling Yue quickly noticed that Tang Shishi was missing from the living room, and asked worriedly.

Arguing and so on can be done at any time, but Shishi's body can't be sloppy for a moment.

"You guys were tossing so hard upstairs just now, how dare I let her come out, who can afford to frighten my son!" Ling Rui said proudly.

"That girl Shishi didn't scare you, did you? You brat! Why don't you stay with girl Shishi down there and make trouble up there!" Ling Yue asked angrily.

"Mom, are you sure I'm making trouble? You're going to divorce my dad. Shouldn't I, as a son, show my attitude? Also, you're getting old, just to order old sesame seeds and rotten millet. This matter has caused my daughter-in-law to worry about her life. Tell me, if you insist on divorcing my father without thinking about it, will Shishi feel better? She is not feeling well, and it will directly affect the child in her stomach. What if the child born in the future is unhealthy?" Ling Rui retorted solemnly, deliberately speaking very seriously.

"Bah, bah, bah! You crow's mouth! Why can't mom think about it? Don't talk about the child!" Ling Yue became impatient when she heard Ling Rui's words, and now she can't listen to the child's bad words!
"Mom, so you're not divorcing my dad?" Ling Rui patted his chest pretending to be relieved.

"Who said I want to leave him—" Ling Yue stopped short before she finished speaking, patted Ling Rui on the head angrily, and cursed: "You brat! Fucking your mother!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Hey! My efforts are not thankful!" Ling Rui stood up helplessly, and said to the grateful Jun Zeyu: "Dad, son, I can only help you here! The next thing, Good luck to you!"

Jun Zeyu just wanted to say a few words of heartfelt gratitude, but Ling Rui said again: "Mom, next is baking or frying, steaming or braising, it's up to you, don't save face for me !"

That bastard Shen He turned out to be his brother!Suddenly, such a brother who likes to compete with him and fight against him suddenly fell from the sky, so he is willing?
He also has emotions, okay?

Jun Zeyu looked at Ling Rui, his teeth were grinding, this brat!Who is it for? !
Ling Rui completely ignored his father's anger and resentment, and walked towards his room swaggeringly. Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to signal the people around him to leave and give them some space to be alone.

"Honey, I really didn't mean to hide this from you. When I first found out about Shen He's life experience, I was stunned. I swear, my shock back then was absolutely no less than yours!" Jun Zeyu stepped forward and sat down. Beside Ling Yue, I stretched out my hand to pull Ling Yue's little hand, but Ling Yue dodged it, Jun Zeyu pulled it again unwillingly, Ling Yue avoided it again, Jun Zeyu wanted to pull it again, but was caught Ling Yue's cold eyes were so cold that his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and lungs were all cold.

"Honey, girl Shishi is watching!" Jun Zeyu looked at Ling Yue's angry little face and said in a low voice.

Sure enough, when Ling Yue heard that Tang Shishi was looking at her, she didn't hide anymore, but looked towards the door of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's room. This time, Jun Zeyu saw the timing right and grabbed her. hand.

"Jun Zeyu!" After being fooled, Ling Yue roared angrily.

"Honey, don't frighten Shishi girl!" Jun Zeyu looked at Ling Yue, who was roaring from the east of the river, and reminded with a smile.

"Don't lie to me with Shishi girl, I believe you are the only one-" Ghost!When Ling Yue heard Jun Zeyu mention Tang Shishi again, she thought he was repeating the old trick, so she slapped Jun Zeyu's big hand hard, and shouted: "Get your dog's paw away!"

"Mom—" Ling Yue had just finished speaking when Tang Shishi's timid voice sounded behind her.

"Girl Shishi, why did you come out?" Ling Yue said as she turned her head quickly, with a trace of embarrassment on her face, she pulled her hand out vigorously, but Jun Zeyu gripped it even tighter , she glared at Jun Zeyu angrily, her ears turned slightly red.

"Mom, I'm sorry, we didn't deliberately hide Shen He's matter from you!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Yue apologetically and said.

Before, she heard all the disputes between her father-in-law and mother-in-law, including Ling Rui's explanation to Ling Yue and Ling Yue's questioning, she could hear clearly from downstairs, so she felt that it was necessary for her to Tell Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu what I know about Shen He.

"Stupid child, it doesn't matter to you, mom doesn't blame you!" Seeing Tang Shishi blame herself, Ling Yue said immediately when she remembered that Ling Rui said that Tang Shishi was in a bad mood and the child she gave birth to would be unhealthy.

(End of this chapter)

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