Chapter 824 Disturbed You! (5)
"Mom, I have always regarded Shen He as a senior, a friend, and never thought about what to do with him. I am Ling Rui's wife, and I have kept this in mind since the day I married him. " Tang Shishi said seriously.

"Son, Mom doesn't doubt you!" Ling Yue became even more worried when she heard Tang Shishi say this, fearing that Tang Shishi might misunderstand something, she anxiously explained.

"I know!" Tang Shishi smiled, that smile was sincere and gratifying. "Mom, I know, you're complaining in your heart that Ling Rui just said good things for Shen He, but I can understand why he did that."

"That brat has a cold face and a soft heart!" Ling Yue really minded that Ling Rui helped Shen He excuse.

"Mom, senior Shen He, in fact, senior Shen He is the most innocent person!" The old hooligan looked cold and soft-hearted?Why didn't she see it?After hearing Ling Yue's words, Tang Shishi couldn't help but slander in her heart.

"Why do you say that?" Ling Yue asked curiously.

"The time when Shen He blocked a knife for me and almost died, Yu Manqing went to T City, and we met at that time." Tang Shishi recalled the situation at that time, and said to Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu: "Yu Manqing After leaving, Senior Shen He was very depressed. He told me that all the children in the Shen family mansion died when they were underage. The child who survived, but in the end, he is the only one who survived!" Tang Shishi recalled Shen He's expression when he said this, so hurt, so desolate, and he could understand Ling Rui's thoughts in his heart.

Feeling the big hand that was holding her tighten suddenly, Ling Yue turned her face, saw Jun Zeyu's tense face, felt his restrained anger, Ling Yue unconsciously, instinctively returned to hold Jun Zeyu's hand hand.

What kind of family the Shen family is, they have always known what kind of woman Yu Manqing is, and they know it even more!It is really unfortunate that Shen He lived in the Shen family since he was a child!
Tang Shishi knew that her father-in-law and mother-in-law listened to what she said, so she didn't say anything more. Looking at her father-in-law and mother-in-law who were in deep thought, Tang Shishi left silently, leaving space for the two of them to be alone.

"My wife, I'm sorry, I don't know—" Jun Zeyu held Ling Yue in his arms, and realizing that Ling Yue didn't resist him too much, he apologized leisurely, but after Jun Zeyu sighed, he returned Said: "I am ashamed of that child."

"I know!" Ling Yue said lightly after a long time.

"Wife, so you are willing to forgive me?" Jun Zeyu looked at Ling Yue with some joy and said.

Ling Yue pushed Jun Zeyu away, but Jun Zeyu was unprepared, he was pushed by Ling Yue, and fell on the sofa. He looked at Ling Yue with a face of confusion and fear, for fear that Ling Yue would say something again. Say something about "divorce".

"Jun Zeyu, no matter what, you shouldn't have kept this matter from me for so long, and kept me in the dark, just like a fool!" Ling Yue said, stood up, and walked towards Tang Shi downstairs. Shi walked to a room next to Ling Rui's bedroom.

"Honey, I really don't know how to tell you. I didn't want to hide it from you!" Jun Zeyu immediately chased after Ling Yue and explained.

"I don't want to listen to your explanation now, I think we all need to calm down for a while!" Ling Yue said, opened the door, and after entering, slammed the door shut, and shut Jun Zeyu behind him outside.

Jun Zeyu touched the nose that survived the disaster, knocked on the door and asked, "Honey, what do you want to do? Open the door!"

"Separation!" Ling Yue, who was inside the door, gritted his teeth and spit out two words!

Jun Zeyu's hand paused, and then he slammed on the door even harder, shouting: "I don't agree!" He's a lot older, so what's the fashion?separated?How can he sleep well when he is alone and sleepless?

"If you don't agree, get a divorce, you choose one!" Ling Yue said relentlessly inside the door.

Jun Zeyu is dying, one death sentence and one death sentence with reprieve, of course it is better to die with reprieve, maybe there will be a turn for the better.

"Then how long do you plan to live apart?" Jun Zeyu asked in a muffled voice.

The people inside the door were silent for a while, and said, "Look at your performance!"

"My wife, haven't I always behaved well? Can I reduce my sentence as appropriate?" Jun Zeyu begged.

"If you bother me again, just..."

"Okay, okay, separate first, separate first." No need to think about it, Jun Zeyu also knew what Ling Yue meant, so he quickly interrupted her, and every time he heard the word divorce, his heart felt like a knife. Not good!
Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, who were hiding behind the bedroom door, had been closely watching the movements of Jun Zeyu and Ling Yue. When Ling Yue said that they were separated, Tang Shishi closed the door gently, and then tiptoed to the bed and sat down. After that, he looked at Ling Rui worriedly, and asked, "Do you think Mom really doesn't plan to forgive Dad?"

"No, these two people, every time there is thunder and rain, so don't worry about them!" Ling Rui said nonchalantly.

"But, Mom seems to be serious this time." Tang Shishi disapproved of Ling Rui's nonchalant expression, and her worry remained undiminished.

"Dad will find a way. At most, he'll just be awkward for a few more days. That's fine. This time, the two of them won't have time to rob you!" As for the lack of two unsightly people who robbed his wife, Ling Rui was very happy. Parents quarreling is still very open-minded, even full of expectations.

"How can you be such a son!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a white look, can this guy stop being so shameless.

"That's not the point. It doesn't matter if you fail as a son. From now on, I will try my best to be a qualified father!" Ling Rui ignored Tang Shishi's eyes, stepped forward to hug Tang Shishi, and put her hands on Tang Shishi naturally and skillfully. on his stomach, and said: "Children, hurry up and say hello to Dad!"

"Pfft!" Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing, she didn't know why, the two little babies in her belly hated Ling Rui, the father, very much.

Every time Ling Rui puts his hand on her belly, the two jubilant little guys will quiet down, and they don't give Ling Rui face very much. Now they listen to Ling Rui's high-sounding ostentation and ask the babies to greet him, How could Tang Shishi not find it funny.

Sure enough, Ling Rui moved his big hand around Tang Shishi's belly in many places, but there was still no movement, so Ling Rui took out his tried and tested trump card, and said angrily: "Children, if you don't hurry up, give it to me obediently." Greetings for the father, then the father has no choice but to go in and say hello to you!"

Less than a second after Ling Rui finished speaking, he really felt two powerful kicks on the palm of his hand. The force of the four-month-old child made Ling Rui feel that the little guy inside was most likely due to the threat just now. Not reconciled to venting anger!
(End of this chapter)

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