Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 825 Yueshan's Affair VS The Bai Family Separation

Chapter 825 Yueshan's Affair VS The Bai Family Separation (3)
The sound of slamming the door didn't stop, but the roar remained the same, but Wang Yueshan, who was inside the door, limp in Du Haoyang's arms more and more weakly, and finally, her two arms were hanging weakly around Du Haoyang's neck.

Not long ago, Wang Yueshan, who was still wondering whether Du Haoyang was having sex with a blond white woman or a dark black woman with only one white tooth, never thought at this moment that the woman who gave Du Haoyang a vent, will be myself!
The two people who were immersed in love did not know when, the knocking on the door stopped, and the roaring stopped. At this moment, Du Haoze, who was standing outside the door separated by a door, lost his mind.

He knew exactly what was going on inside the door at this moment, all the strength in his body was drained, and his heart ached uncontrollably!
Wang Yueshan, is this how you reject me?how could you do this? !How can you be so heartless? !
Is it too late after all?

Du Haoyang, who got what he wanted, showed a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth. He hugged Wang Yueshan tightly, and wiped all the sweat from his face onto her face.

"Get out! Are you disgusting? You're so dirty!" Wang Yueshan pushed Du Haoyang's face away in disgust.

"Don't think I'm dirty, Xiao Shanshan, now you're as dirty as me!" Du Hao smiled and carried Wang Yueshan into the bedroom.Because of Wang Yueshan's obedience today, Du Haoyang's mood was beyond description.

Through getting along with Wang Yueshan in the United States at this stage, he can already feel that Wang Yueshan's heart has gradually softened, and he is getting closer and closer to himself. He originally wanted to eat Wang Yueshan thoroughly while the baby was discharged from the hospital today. Who knew that he just went to buy some flowers, and when he came back, he saw Du Haoze appearing at the door of his house. Du Haoyang's heart was instantly impatient. He was really afraid that Wang Yueshan would reconcile with Du Haoze, and then he would be kicked out. In comparison, Du Haoyang felt that he and Wang Yueshan had no children, no recognized relationship, and no real relationship with Wang Yueshan, so they had no advantage at all.Therefore, he desperately wanted to find comfort, and wanted to prove the meaning of his existence from Wang Yueshan.

Fortunately, Wang Yueshan took his softness and toughness into consideration, and there was nothing she could do about it!

"Du Haoyang, what else do you want!" The out-of-control passion just now made Wang Yueshan unexpected, angry and annoyed, she didn't understand why she and Du Haoyang did it together, and Du Haoze was still outside the door Woolen cloth!So, now that her mind is clear, Wang Yueshan became furious from embarrassment, and shouted angrily at Du Haoyang who was still trying to touch her.

"I'll apply the medicine for you!" Du Haoyang forced Wang Yueshan's body to lie on the bed, took the ointment and applied it to Wang Yueshan.

"Hypocritical!" Wang Yueshan scolded, feeling the refreshing coldness coming from her back, she gave up resisting.The two of them did everything just now, and now they are just applying ointment, there is nothing to be pretentious about!Besides, she couldn't reach her back, so she became hypocritical, and she was the one who suffered, so she wasn't that stupid!

"Du Haoyang, where are you putting your claws!" She hurt her back, but not her front!

"What do you think?" Du Haoyang said while pressing his body on Wang Yueshan's body, pushing aside Wang Yueshan's legs with one long leg.

"Du Haoyang, you - you go away, don't scare the child!" Wang Yueshan refused in a flustered manner.

"Xiao Shanshan, the baby is already asleep, please keep your voice down, don't wake him up!" Du Haoyang glanced at Du Hengyu's little friend who was already sleeping soundly in the crib, and said with a smile.

"This brat, don't you know how to get up and save him?" Wang Yueshan raised her head and complained angrily when she saw that Du Hengyu was sleeping abnormally.

"Xiao Shanshan, my son is kissing me now! How could he spoil his father's good deeds!" Du Haoyang said triumphantly.

"This is my son, Du Haoyang, don't you—um—" Although Wang Yueshan was at a disadvantage, she refused to give in.

"Xiao Shanshan, now, let's 'communicate' about whether the baby should call me Daddy!" Before Wang Yueshan could finish speaking, Du Haoyang launched another offensive.

A room full of passion.

Because of Bai Meng's marriage, the relationship between the Bai family, the Xie family, and the Shen family has become very delicate. Although people from the offshoots of the Bai family no longer dared to mention the marriage between the Bai family and the Shen family, people from the offshoots of the Bai family have recently gotten along with each other. The Shen family got closer and closer. The old man Bai saw all this and remained calm. This kind of silent connivance made the Xie family even more defensive, especially the recent repeated actions of the Shen family, reusing the Bai family, making Xie The family also felt a sense of crisis.

Guessing that the timing is almost here, Mr. Bai called all the people from the side branches of the Bai family together and said that there was something important to announce.

Bai Hui and Bai Lan's grandfather thought that it was old man Bai who was moved by Shen's family's recent support for Bai's family, and finally couldn't hold back to express their views, and they were all overjoyed.

But when they were in the meeting room of the Bai family, when old master Bai and Bai Ziqi's family appeared, before they had time to show their flattery, they saw Mr. Jun, Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Xie's family next to Mr. Bai When it was time, it completely froze!

"Brother, are you--didn't you mean..." Bai Hui's grandfather looked at the old man who was talking and laughing with Mr. Jun, and asked.

Didn't you mean a family reunion?Why are these outsiders here to join in the fun?
"Is everyone here?" Elder Bai strode into the meeting room of the Bai family, interrupted Grandpa Bai Hui, and asked back.

"It's all here! Brother, what's the matter with you?" Bai Lan's grandfather stepped forward and pulled Grandpa Bai Hui's sleeve, and said to old man Bai.

"Since everyone is here, let me tell you the purpose of calling everyone here." Mr. Bai let Mr. Jun, Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Xie's family sit down, and scanned the surrounding Bai family members. , said loudly: "Today, I invited a few old friends over here just to be a witness. The Bai family will officially separate from today!"

As soon as Mr. Bai's words fell, a pot exploded in the conference hall.

Although they had already guessed this in their hearts from the moment Mr. Bai brought Mr. Jun, Mrs. Ling, and Mrs. Xie's family to appear, but at this moment, Mr. Bai brought it up so solemnly that it was difficult for them to accept it for a while. .

"Brother, what are you talking about! What kind of family should we divide?!" Bai Lan's grandfather stood up from the chair, looked at old man Bai, with an extremely disapproving expression on his face.

"That's right! Brother, our Bai family is so connected, how can we separate? Isn't this a joke for outsiders to see our Bai family!" Bai Hui's grandfather said.When he was talking about outsiders, he didn't dare to look at Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling, but he gave Mrs. Xie a blunt glance.

(End of this chapter)

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