Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 826 Yueshan's Affair VS The Bai Family Separation

Chapter 826 Yueshan's Affair VS The Bai Family Separation (4)
Bai Hui's father was promoted recently and became the head of the Procuratorate of City A. Although he is a Qingshui yamen, he has a lot of power. Three people were nominated for this position at the same time, and one of them was the Xie family!

If the Bai family can win, there are twists and turns in it, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is all controlled by the Shen family, and the Xie family, although the Shen family also made arrangements afterwards, the Shen family's move , let the Xie family clearly feel that the Shen family is more optimistic about the Bai family.

The old lady of the Xie family was angry at Grandpa Bai Hui's provocation, but on the surface she didn't show any signs of showing anything. Now that the old man strongly wanted to separate the family, and invited her to be a witness to this matter, it was undoubtedly for her to eat As a reassurance, as long as Master Bai's branch does not become a threat to the Xie family, the people from the side branches of the Bai family will not succeed in the end!
"I'm here to inform you today, not to listen to your opinions!" Old Master Bai glanced at Baihui's grandfather with a firm attitude.

"Brother, you can't do this! If we don't do something well, you can just tell it. The so-called family ugliness should not be exposed, why let outsiders see the joke!" Bai Lan's grandfather also frowned in disapproval.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you, our family members will close the door and solve it slowly, and make trouble in front of outsiders, isn't it good?" Bai Lan's father quickly followed his father's words.

"Uncle, after all, we are a family connected by blood. Talking about separating the family will hurt our feelings!" Baimei's father disagreed.

Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling drank tea calmly, while observing the group of people in the Bai family, neither angry nor annoyed, watching them play quietly.

"There is a way, but different ways do not conspire with each other. I have already disclosed to you the plan to divide the family. Whether you agree or not, I will explain it clearly today. From now on, my branch, Get separated from the Bai family and move out of the Bai family compound." No matter what the Bai family said, Mr. Bai would not be moved.

"Brother - I don't agree to splitting up!" Grandpa Bai Hui said bluntly.Although, the Bai family has actually been separated economically, and each has its own affairs, but because of the presence of Mr. Bai and Bailan Baihui's grandfather, the Bai family has not been separated politically. What the offshoots of the Bai family are doing now , especially when Tang Shishi's identity was confirmed, Mr. Bai didn't want to take care of them anymore!

After the family is separated, whoever they love to support, whomever they support, no matter what happens, they will each have their own destiny, and it has nothing to do with him!He didn't want to wipe the buttocks of these worthless people all his life, and let his son follow in his footsteps!

Mud can't support the wall, even if you force the mud to smear the wall, he doesn't have that ability, and he won't be able to stay on the wall after all!

"I've said long ago that I'm not here to ask for your consent, I'm here to inform you today!" Old Man Bai said with a sharp look, looking at Bai Hui's grandfather.

"Brother, have you forgotten about Xiaosi?" Bai Hui's grandfather saw that old man Bai's attitude was firm and unwilling to waver this time, so he had to show his trump card!
"Little Four—" Hearing Bai Hui's grandfather mention "Little Four", the expression on Old Master Bai's face was in a daze for a moment.

The fourth in Grandpa Bai Hui's mouth was named Bai Zixuan. Among the many brothers in the Bai family, he was the fourth eldest. He was Grandpa Bai Hui's eldest son and Bai Mo's biological father.

"Brother, even if you gave Xiao Si some face, he didn't agree to split the family back then!" Seeing that old man Bai's expression had softened, Bai Hui's grandfather immediately said while the iron was hot.

Bai Zixuan was in the same military region as Mr. Bai's eldest son, Bai Zizhao. Later, the two carried out missions together. Bai Zixuan blocked a shot for Bai Zizhao and unfortunately passed away. In order to thank Bai Zixuan, Bai Zizhao named his son Bai Hexuan in memory of Bai Zixuan.

"Little Four—" Old Master Bai's expression was in a daze again.

"Cough cough!" Seeing the appearance of old man Bai, Mr. Jun couldn't help but choked on the tea and coughed.

Old man Bai, your play is too fake!Can you hurry up?

What are you in a hurry for!Old man Bai's eyes flashed sideways.

Bai Hui's grandfather and Bai Lan's grandfather felt a little dissatisfied when they heard Mr. Jun coughing, but they were smart enough not to say anything!
"The dead are gone, but this family..." Old Master Bai looked at Bai Hui's grandfather, and his tone became firm again.

"This family can't be divided!" A voice came out of nowhere, interrupting old man Bai's words.

The door of the Bai family's meeting room was pushed open, and a woman walked in. It was Bai Mo, and she was the one who said just now that the family could not be separated!

"Bai Mo!" Many members of the Bai family showed shocked expressions.

"Bai Mo, why are you here? Who told you to come!" Seeing Bai Mo's appearance, old man Bai showed anger on his face!

It's real anger, definitely not fake!He had known for a long time that the offshoot of the Bai family was so keen to stand in the first team of the Shen family this time, and Bai Mo was behind the scenes. The purpose of this split was to force this ghost out!Tell an old story clearly and clearly!

But the moment he saw Bai Mo, old man Bai still couldn't help being angry!If it wasn't for Xiao Si, he would have dealt with this woman long ago. He let her go before, but now she has started to help the tyrants again, disturbing the Bai family's life. This time, he can't let her go no matter what!
"Mr. Bai, I belong to the Bai family. Since you want to separate the family, I should naturally come over and express my opinion. I express my opinion on behalf of my father, Bai Zixuan. This family cannot be divided!" When Bai Mo saw Mr. Bai, she felt very guilty. But when he remembered his purpose, he immediately became tough.

"What are you talking about! Shut up!" Bai Mo's father is Bai Zixuan, this is also what Bai Xiaolan confessed to Bai Mo in the study with old man Bai in order to take Bai Mo away from the Bai family, and it is precisely because of this that old man Bai let him go Bai Mo stepped forward.But this matter, after all, is a real scandal of the Bai family. The old man Bai proposed to separate the family today, thinking that it would tear his face. Although he was ready to lose face, on the surface, he had to put on a show no matter what. .

"Mr. Bai, what is there to cover up now? I am Bai Zixuan's daughter. This is an indisputable fact." Seeing that Mr. Bai's tone was anxious, Bai Mo sneered in her heart.

Going around, she is still the daughter of the Bai family!
"You——you are the daughter of the Bai family?!" The four sisters, Bai Lan, Bai Mei, Bai Li, Bai Hui, were the first to exclaim unbearably!
"Four sisters, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Bai Mo looked at Bai Lan, Bai Mei, Bai Li, and Bai Hui, and said something with a smirk.

Back when she was the eldest lady of the Bai family, these four people were always flattering and fawning on her. Once she fell down, these people showed disdain and annoyance towards her. It was just a trick of God, but she was still the daughter of the Bai family!

(End of this chapter)

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