Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 828 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 828 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
"Okay! My old man, I will be the witness today!" Mr. Jun waited for Mr. Bai to finish speaking, stood up, looked at these people from the side branch of the Bai family, and said loudly.The chair in Bai's house is really uncomfortable to sit on. I'm sorry for his waist!
"I, Old Man Ling, have also witnessed it!" Old Master Ling also stood up like Mr. Jun and said.

"I also witnessed it!" The old lady of the Xie family also stood up and said.After he finished speaking, he looked at Grandpa Bai Hui with a gray face, and felt sneering in his heart.

"Sign the separation agreement!" Old Master Bai said, looking at Bai Mo who was standing in the conference hall with cold eyes.

Bai Mo backed back involuntarily, and sneaked out while everyone was not paying attention, but as soon as she walked out, she was caught by two people who were waiting for her outside, Bai Mo just thought Resisting, she only felt a special fragrance in her breath, and then, she didn't know anything!

Old man Bai signed his name on the separation agreement, and Bai Ziyu handed the separation agreement to Grandpa Bai Lan and Grandpa Bai Hui. The two old men reluctantly picked up a pen, wrote their names, and stamped their fingerprints.Seeing Grandpa Bai Hui's hand, Bai Zizhen trembled a little, and his eyes were cold. After they finished signing, Bai Zizhen handed over the separation agreement to Mr. Jun and the others, and asked the three witnesses to sign it one by one. , pressed fingerprints.

"Move!" Seeing that everything was done, old man Bai sighed, and gave orders lightly, as if he had infinite emotion.

"Old man Bai, it's okay, move to live with me first, I'll take you in!" Mr. Jun stepped forward and patted Mr. Bai on the shoulder, and said generously.

"Nonsense, otherwise, where do you think I want to move to live!" Elder Bai looked at Elder Jun and said bluntly.

"Old man Bai, you did it on purpose!" Only then did Mr. Jun realize that something was wrong. Mr. Bai was the eldest son, so he couldn't afford to separate his family, so he lost all his living space. It turned out that he was waiting for him here!

Mr. Bai laughed, and gave Mr. Jun a look that you are still not confused.

He did it on purpose. He could drive the two branches of the Bai family out of the Bai family mansion, but he didn't want to be separated from his precious granddaughter, so he was generous and gave the house away!

He believed that his granddaughter couldn't bear to see his old man living on the streets, so she would definitely take him in without hesitation!Therefore, Mr. Jun's consolation just now was completely superfluous!
"This old bastard is tricked by him again!" Mr. Jun said unwillingly as he followed behind Mr. Bai.

The old man Bai and his family came to the Jun family's mansion with their burdens. Tang Shishi happily stood at the door to greet him. Before he could say a few words, Bai Ziyu's cell phone rang.

Tang Shishi watched Bai Ziyu answer the phone, frowned a little, and couldn't help asking worriedly: "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Bai Mo was rescued!"

"Let her run away?" The happy old man Bai, when he heard the news that Bai Mo was rescued, his face darkened.

"Grandpa, could it be the Shen family?" Tang Shishi asked, holding Mr. Bai's arm.

"No, Bai Mo is already an abandoned son to the Shen family, and the Shen family is not so kind!" Old Master Bai denied Tang Shishi's words.

"Should we let Ling Rui go and arrest him?" Tang Shishi immediately suggested seeing that Mr. Bai's brows were not at ease.

"No! It's her fate this time. Let Kid Rui mobilize the crowd to arrest her. It's too flattering! Don't rush at this moment!" Mr. Bai also noticed that his emotions had affected Tang Shishi, so he smiled indifferently. Say.

"En." Tang Shishi sighed inwardly when she saw that Mr. Bai was no longer persistent.Tang Shishi hates Bai Mo, who has taken over her parents' love for more than 20 years, killed her grandmother, her friends, and her family, but she is pregnant with her baby now and doesn't want to worry about it I just want to maintain a peaceful state of mind about these dark things, so I don't want to worry about it at this time. Anyway, the days are long!
"Where is Bai Meng? Why didn't Bai Meng come?" Tang Shishi looked around and found that Bai Meng was nowhere to be seen, so she asked curiously.

"I said yesterday that I missed her adoptive parents, so I will go home and stay for a few days." Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi apologetically.

Ever since she found out that Tang Shishi was her biological daughter, Sun Xiaofen, Bai Ziqi, and Mr. Bai have become more and more friendly to Bai Meng during this period of time, and they often test Bai Meng seemingly unintentionally in words. Facing such a situation, Bai Meng The Bai family, sitting in the position of Miss Bai's family is getting harder and harder, like sitting on pins and needles, so when they knew that Mr. Bai was going to separate, they said early that they missed Wu Yingda and Wang Meizhen, and went back to stay for a few days, avoiding Bai early. family.

"She is also a miserable person!" Tang Shishi has no hostility towards Bai Meng, although she knows that Bai Meng has been someone else's chess player since the first meeting with Bai Meng, no, it should be said earlier. However, fortunately, she did not do anything harmful from the beginning to the end. For Bai Meng, Tang Shishi knew her difficulties, so she could only sympathize.

"Let's not talk about her, how are you feeling these days? This belly is so big!" Sun Xiaofen listened to Tang Shishi's sigh, afraid of affecting her emotions, she quickly changed the subject.

Although she and Tang Shishi talk on the phone every day, because Ling Rui's domineering son-in-law has imposed a 3-minute call time limit, she feels that she has a lot to say before she hangs up. During this time, In order not to arouse the suspicion of the Shen family, Sun Xiaofen also refrained from meeting Tang Shishi, so seeing Tang Shishi's seven-month-old belly this time, she couldn't help but sigh. No pity and worry.

"I'm fine, but the child is very naughty!" As soon as the child was mentioned, Tang Shishi stroked her stomach, smiled happily, and her whole body exuded the brilliance of motherhood.

As soon as Ling Rui came home from the army at night, Tang Shishi greeted him happily.

"Husband, my parents and grandpa have moved in!" Tang Shishi's footsteps were a little eager, like a child who wanted to share happiness with her friends, with a hint of showing off.

"Slow down!" Seeing Tang Shishi trotting all the way, Sun Xiaofen told her worriedly behind her. Bai Ziqi and Mr. Bai also looked worried, while the Jun family and the Ling family seemed to be familiar with each other. This is when Ling Rui comes back every day. , The drama that will be staged, they have long since become calm, not completely worried, but they know that Tang Shishi cares about the safety of the child more than anyone else, so they will naturally know it well.

"Grandpa Bai, father-in-law, mother-in-law!" Ling Rui took two quick steps, wrapped his arms around Tang Shishi's waist, and then greeted Mr. Bai, Bai Ziqi, and Sun Xiaofen. Ling Rui didn't think too much about their appearance in the Jun's mansion at this time surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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