Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 829 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 829 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
"Grandpa and parents said that they will live here from now on!" Tang Shishi happily repeated it in Ling Rui's arms, as if she was afraid that Ling Rui would not know!

"Are you happy?" Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's nose helplessly. Since she was pregnant, Little Wild Cat has become more childish, and her emotions have become very sharp and sentimental, and a little thing will make her emotions arouse. The big ups and downs are that even when a child is sick in a TV show, she can't help crying, which makes Ling Rui have a headache every time, so she has always been cautious.

"Hmm. Happy!" Tang Shishi smiled contentedly. During her pregnancy, she could live with her father-in-law, mother-in-law, adoptive parents, parents, and three grandpas. How could she not be happy?She felt that there was no one happier than her in this world!

"It's good that you're happy! I'm relieved to have so many people accompanying you!" Ling Rui said looking at Tang Shishi's bright smile.

"What do you mean?" Tang Shishi sensitively heard something wrong in Ling Rui's words, grabbed Ling Rui's arm, and asked anxiously.

Of course she is happy to have her parents with her, but what she hopes most is to be with the child's father every day, but hearing Ling Rui's tone, it seems that something happened!

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's big moist eyes, with worry and uneasiness in them, and sighed in his heart, his big baby is really too sensitive, he originally wanted to announce the news after dinner , She didn't expect that when she said such a sentence out of mouth, she could hear something was wrong!

"Boy Rui, what happened?" Old Master Ling, who was drinking tea and chatting in the living room, also asked.

"Husband, are you going to perform a mission again? Are you going to leave my side for a long time again?" Tang Shishi's voice was a little sad.

"Executing the mission? At this time?" Mr. Jun also found something wrong with Ling Rui's expression when he heard Tang Shishi's words. He put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Ling Rui, and frowned deeply.

Going out to perform tasks at this time?Doesn't this make it clear that Ling Rui will be transferred from City A?How could Ling Rui leave City A at such a critical moment?
"Yes!" Ling Rui looked at Mr. Jun, with deep eyes and a little irritability. He was not willing to bring his work emotions home. On the one hand, it was because he was always at ease, on the other hand It was because he didn't want his family to worry about it, but today, from the moment he received the task, Ling Rui felt extremely cold and angry!

"The Shen family joined forces with the Feng family?" Sensing that Ling Rui's mood was not right, old man Bai changed from his joking just now, and his expression became solemn.

"Not all." Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi to the sofa, looked at the nervous Tang Shishi, squeezed her little hand, and said as calmly as possible.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Bai was puzzled. It was not surprising that the Shen family and the Feng family joined forces to deal with the Jun family, but obviously, this was not enough to cause Ling Rui to have such a big negative emotion.

Because of the recent actions of Mr. Bai, Mr. Jun, and Mr. Ling, the recent actions of Mr. Shen and Xie have successfully planted a rift between the two families of Shen and Xie. Nothing can be achieved. The Shen family is now suffering from internal and external troubles, and its power has been greatly weakened.As for the Feng family, although they have been doing a lot of diplomacy, they haven't made much progress. After all, since the death of the second young master of the Feng family, the eldest son of the Feng family has a bad temper and often loses his temper. He is even less optimistic about the Feng family, so in the face of the suppression of the Jun family, it is not uncommon for the two families to temporarily join forces to fight against the Jun family.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, and this is what they expected to happen early on.

"Could it be that the Long family's handwriting is in it?" Mr. Jun is worthy of being a scout, and his sense of smell is much sharper than ordinary people.

Ling Rui nodded.

"Grandma's! These bastards of the Long family are so impatient to kill donkeys now!" The moment Ling Rui nodded, Mr. Jun slammed the table angrily and stood up.

Since ancient times, I have been with you like a tiger, lying on the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore and sleep? The Jun family knew this way more than 30 years ago, so they retreated bravely and went to B City for a while. And the Long family really needs the help of the Jun family. The Jun family doesn't want to get into this muddy water at all. Who knows, as soon as the arrogance of the Shen family and the Feng family was suppressed, the Long family began to worry that the Jun family would become bigger, so they helped the Shen family and the Feng family. The Feng family is suppressing the Jun family.

How can such a thing not make people feel cold?

"Grandpa, what's going on?" Tang Shishi felt even more uneasy when she saw Mr. Jun swear and get angry for the first time. She subconsciously tightened Ling Rui's sleeves, fearing that Ling Rui would It seemed to disappear immediately.

"Girl Shishi, don't worry, you don't need to worry about these things. Your grandpas, daddy, and kid Rui will take care of it. Your biggest task now is to wait for the delivery with peace of mind." Bai Ziqi looked at Tang Shishi's moist and moist eyes His eyes were full of worry, and he said distressedly.

"Girl Shishi, let's go prepare dinner and let the men have a good chat." Ling Yue received Jun Zeyu's help-seeking gaze, stepped forward and took Tang Shishi's hand, and said.

Seeing Ling Yue pulling Tang Shishi away, Jun Zeyu felt complacent that Ling Yue obeyed his wishes for the first time in these days, but who knew that Ling Yue turned around and gave him a deep glance after walking a few steps : I'm here for girl Shishi and the little golden grandchildren in my belly, don't think too much about it!
Jun Zeyu rubbed his nose despondently, and wailed in his heart: When will this Cold War be big?
Sun Xiaofen and Cai Xiaofen were naturally with Ling Yue and Tang Shishi. The women were cooking dinner in the kitchen while talking, but it was obvious that Tang Shishi was absent-minded all the time, and her heart was still in the living room. , did not take it back at all.

"Shishi, you have to have confidence in Ling Rui!" Sun Xiaofen saw Tang Shishi who was sitting at the dining table unconsciously looking at the living room, stepped forward and took her hand, and said in relief: "Look at your little face, They're all crumpled into buns!"

"Mom, I just don't feel at ease!" Regarding Sun Xiaofen, Tang Shishi has never deliberately concealed her emotions, let alone forced a smile in front of her.

"The more you worry about him, the more you have to let go and take good care of yourself, so that when he is on a mission, he won't worry about you and get distracted!" Sun Xiaofen is not thinking about it, but speaking from experience.

Tang Shishi nodded, and Sun Xiaofen didn't know whether she had listened or not, but during dinner, her complexion improved a lot, talking and laughing, which made everyone feel at ease.

Back in the room at night, Tang Shishi chattered and began to report to Ling Rui about the day's "work".

(End of this chapter)

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