Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 831 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 831 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
"Long Qing, do you have any news about Ling Rui recently?" Seeing Long Qing's appearance, Tang Shishi simply threw bricks to attract jade, she saw Long Qing's inner struggle, and knew that Long Qing came to Jun's mansion today with a purpose , just give her a hand.

"Shishi, you—" Long Qing looked at Tang Shishi, surprise and anxiety flashed in his eyes, and finally his eyes fell on Tang Shishi's stomach, not knowing how to speak.

After seeing the hesitation on Long Qing's face, Tang Shishi felt a lot better and her tone improved a lot. She looked at Long Qing and asked tentatively, "What happened to him?" Can't hear it clearly, let alone hear the emotions contained in it.

In fact, although the family members avoided talking about Ling Rui's recent situation these days, Tang Shishi already knew that he might be in trouble.But for some reason, she, who has been sentimental since she became pregnant, didn't have much mood swings about this matter.Subconsciously, Tang Shishi told herself that it was because her sixth sense told her that Ling Rui was fine.

After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Long Qing's eyes flashed with panic and unbearable, her gaze always subconsciously looked at Tang Shishi's belly, although she was very careful, Tang Shishi still saw through her.

It seems that those people are playing the idea of ​​the child in her womb!Tang Shishi sneered in her heart!It really is a good idea!It is really shameless and despicable!
Now she is favored by the Jun family, the Bai family, and the Ling family. If she has something to do with the child in her womb, it will not only disrupt these three families, but also make Ling Rui, who is far away on a mission, into chaos, and give the enemy a chance. Taking advantage of the opportunity, this borrowing knife to kill people is really clever!

But, in their eyes, is her Tang Shishi really that stupid? !Not to mention that she had a premonition that Ling Rui would be fine, even if something happened to Ling Rui, she would do her best to protect her and Ling Rui's children, live a good life, raise the children, and avenge Ling Rui, so she would not do anything What kind of stupid thing that hurts the loved ones and makes the enemies happy!However, during Long Qing's visit today, Tang Shishi felt more at ease when he kept hesitating to speak. If she had just relied on her own hunch before, she is now [-]% sure that Ling Rui is fine!

After confirming this point, Tang Shishi had the bottom line in her heart, so she suddenly grabbed Long Qing's arm tightly anxiously, with such strength that Long Qing frowned slightly uncomfortably: "Long Qing, could it be that something happened to Ling Rui?" ? You tell me quickly! Tell me quickly!"

"Shishi, don't be excited! Don't be excited!" Long Qing was taken aback by Tang Shishi's sudden movement. She watched Tang Shishi's breathing becoming more and more rapid, with mixed feelings in her heart. Tears burst out: "Shishi, you can't have anything to do, please, don't have anything to do!"

Tang Shishi watched Long Qing's face covered with tears, crying more helplessly than her, and sighed——I can't pretend anymore!

So Tang Shishi changed her gaffe just now, and asked calmly: "What did they ask you to tell me? Tell me, I can bear it."

"You—" Long Qing looked at Tang Shishi who had returned to normal, wiped the tears from his face, and slowly lowered his head under the gaze of Tang Shishi's clear eyes, "I can't Say."

"Why?" Tang Shishi looked at Long Qing intently and asked.

"You are the one he loves, I can't hurt you!" Long Qing choked up and said.The family members wanted to use her mouth to pass Ling Rui's news to Tang Shishi. The purpose was as Tang Shishi had expected, to stimulate Tang Shishi and make Ling Rui lose his position, but Long Qing couldn't say it after all, let alone Tang Shishi is pregnant with a child, even if Tang Shishi is not pregnant, she can't do this kind of thing!

Tang Shishi sighed faintly, this woman, let her say something!
Listening to Tang Shishi, Long Qing sighed, looked up at Tang Shishi, and asked, "When did you know?"

If Tang Shishi hadn't directed her words to Ling Rui, she would not have planned to mention Ling Rui at all. She had made up a reason in her heart, how could she go back to deal with those people at home.

"It's all written on your face!" Tang Shishi couldn't help joking with a relaxed tone.

"Shishi, they all underestimated you!" Looking at Tang Shishi's brows and eyes softened by her pregnancy, Long Qing suddenly sighed seriously.

The people of the Long family, after all, underestimated the enemy too much. They thought that even if Tang Shishi was a girl, even if she was a little eloquent, it was because of the arrogance of the Jun family that she was not afraid. their imaginations!
Tang Shishi smiled faintly. The Long family underestimated her, and she also misunderstood the Long family. She never thought that the Long family would shamelessly target her and their children in order to suppress the Jun family. This made her very sad. Displeased, hum!She wrote down this account!
Because of the confession, it made the relationship between Long Qing and Tang Shishi awkward. After sitting for a while, Long Qing couldn't sit still and got up to leave. Tang Shishi didn't pretend to stay, but Tang Shishi and Long Qing As soon as the two left the small living room, Mr. Jun called Long Qing over, asked her to bring a box to Mr. Long, and told her to deliver it to Mr. Long himself, saying that as long as Mr. Long opened it, After that, you will understand.

After Long Qing said that he would definitely deliver the things, he looked at Tang Shishi, turned around and left silently.

After leaving this door, I don't know if Tang Shishi will regard her as a friend?

"Old man Jun, you don't really intend to give that object to old man Long, do you?" After watching Long Qing leave with the box in his arms, old man Bai couldn't help but ask in distress.

"That was originally an item of the Long family, but it was returned to its original owner!" Mr. Jun said with a displeased look at the stingy Mr. Bai.

In fact, he is also a little bit unwilling, but the current situation forces him to do this. However, he will get back this debt slowly. Right now, let's vent his anger on his precious granddaughter-in-law first!
"Are you so sure that it belongs to the Long family?" Old Master Bai asked unwillingly.The box that Mr. Jun asked Long Qing to take back contained the small copper tripod that Mr. Bai apologized to Mr. Jun for Bai Fengju's siege of Jun's compound.

That is not an ordinary small copper tripod, but a very miraculous treasure. It is said that only those who are destined can open it. He has collected it for decades and thought about it for decades, but he has never opened it.

"Only the blood of the Long family can be opened. Do you think it belongs to the Long family?" Mr. Jun gave Mr. Bai an impatient sideways look and asked back.

"How do you know, did you see that the blood of the Long family has been opened?" Elder Bai became more and more confused, and asked again, not caring about Elder Jun's attitude at all.

"Of course!" Mr. Jun threw down two words, and went to the study with a proud face to wait for the call.

(End of this chapter)

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