Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 832 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 832 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
snort!Old man Long, let's see how you explain to me this time!

Sure enough, Mr. Long's call came very quickly. He called Mr. Jun almost immediately after seeing the small copper tripod that Long Qing brought back.

"Old Jun!" Old Man Long shouted excitedly, but there was no more to say, because he didn't know how to speak.

"Have you seen the things?" Old Master Jun asked with his arrogant chin raised 45 degrees.Even though Mr. Long on the opposite side couldn't see it, Mr. Jun's score was still well placed.

"When did you know?" Mr. Long could hear the sarcasm in Mr. Jun's tone, but now he didn't have the heart to care about these at all, and asked excitedly.

"Oh, it's not too early, maybe thirty years ago." Mr. Jun's attitude was as arrogant as ever.

"You old bastard! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Mr. Long on the phone heard Mr. Jun's calm tone, pouted his beard in anger, and almost lost his anger.

"I mean to respect the person involved! But I didn't expect to see clearly who you are, Old Man Long!" Mr. Jun replied bluntly: "You are a hypocrite!"

Yun Mo's birth date was placed in that small copper tripod. Yun Mo is the lost daughter of the old man Long. This is a secret he knew more than 30 years ago. It is precisely because of this that he suppressed the Long family back then. , he backed down so simply, he didn't want his daughter-in-law to be caught in the middle, who knew that the Long family had repeated their old tricks this time, even targeting his precious granddaughter-in-law and Xiao Jinsun. fed up!
"I—" Mr. Long was so unreasonable that he couldn't speak. People who had stood on the pinnacle of power for a long time naturally wanted to hold on to what was in their hands. He was also forced by the situation.

"You what you! Old man Long, I warn you, you can't repeat it again and again, you have an idea! This time, don't think that my old man will be the same as 30 years ago! Even if I am willing , Yunmo won't agree this time either!" After finishing his speech, Mr. Jun hung up the phone domineeringly.

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Long looked depressed when he heard the busy tone from the receiver.Unexpectedly, the daughter he had been secretly looking for for decades would turn out to be the daughter-in-law of the Jun family. No wonder he felt close to that cunning little Jun Mubei every time he looked at him!
I really did something wrong this time!He shouldn't have listened to that old man from the Shen family's instigation!Fortunately, no big mistakes have been made!Mr. Long wiped his sweat and thought!

Long Qing's visit this time disturbed the current situation and also disturbed Tang Shishi's heart. These days, Tang Shishi missed Ling Rui more and more, and her brows and eyes were faintly haggard. Don't be in a hurry.

Tang Shishi looked at her family members who were worried about her, and felt very guilty. In fact, she was really fine, but Ling Rui was not around, and her sleep quality was not good, and it was fine for a short time, but it showed up after a long time.

To everyone's surprise, someone dared to raid Jun's mansion at night.Fortunately, the people in the Jun Family Mansion, from the gatekeeper to the chef, and the servants have received orthodox military training. The people didn't seem flustered.Moreover, the defense system of the entire Jun family mansion was activated, and the main house was firmly protected, not even a fly could fly.

Tang Shishi has been sleeping lightly for the past two days. She woke up almost when something strange happened outside. After waking up, she found that there was a figure in the bedroom. lost.

"What's the matter outside?" Tang Shishi sat up with some difficulty, and asked Suzaku, who was elusive, she was in a trance for a moment just now, thinking that Ling Rui had come back!
Under the light of the faint yellow night light, Suzaku dressed in black was thin and thin, Tang Shishi couldn't help but look at her more, Suzaku has lost a lot of weight recently.

"The dead soldiers of the Shen family and the Feng family attacked at night." Suzaku's voice was as cold as ever, without any emotional ups and downs.

"Oh!" Tang Shishi responded indifferently, then realized something was wrong, looked up at Suzaku suddenly, and asked, "How do you know?"

She woke up early enough, and Suzaku was already by her side as soon as she woke up, which shows that Suzaku knew all this before her, and the Jun family outside may not be sure that it was the Shen family and the Feng family who came to attack at night. A dead man, if he has an idea, is just a guess, but Suzaku is so sure, as if he knew it early in the morning.

Seeing the defense in Tang Shishi's eyes, Suzaku smiled coldly, and couldn't help showing a hint of admiration on her face. This woman didn't get so much favor for no reason. Even if she was pregnant and just woke up from sleep, she was still alert enough. , and the head turns fast enough.

"I'm sorry!" When Suzaku's low voice of apology sounded, her hand had already slashed on the back of Tang Shishi's neck one step faster.

One second before she passed out, Tang Shishi used her hands to protect her stomach with inertia.

This night attack was ferocious, as Suzaku said, the people who came were all dead soldiers from the Shen family and Feng family, and their purpose was to cause chaos and cooperate with Suzaku to take Tang Shishi away.

Mr. Jun personally commanded, and the entire Jun family mansion was filled with bloody atmosphere.

"Zhou Hu, what are you doing when you don't guard your young lady?" Jun Haodong glanced at Zhou Hu who was holding a gun in displeasure, and asked.

"There is Suzaku guarding the young lady." Zhou Hu has not been so excited for a long time. Ever since he was selected as Tang Shishi's attendant, his superb marksmanship has never been used. Once he plays it, he will have a good time no matter what.Besides, people are blocked by them outside, not even a fly can fly in, and the people inside are very safe.What's more, in the middle of the night, he broke into the young lady's bedroom at night like a big man. If the master found out, he didn't know how many times he would have to wear his little shoes!Zhou Hu's legs felt a little weak when he thought of running around the Jun's courtyard with a heavy load.

"Suzaku?!" Jun Haodong heard Suzaku's name, a trace of complexity appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Tang Shishi's bedroom involuntarily.

"Oops!" Jun Haodong yelled suddenly, and ran towards the main house, completely ignoring whether he would be hit by bullets. Zhou Hu saw that Jun Haodong was going crazy, and realized that the situation was not good, and immediately healed Jun Haodong. Cover in the east, and retreat towards the main house while covering.

When Jun Haodong and Zhou Hu finally returned to the main house, the inside of the main house was already in chaos because of Tang Shishi's disappearance, Sun Xiaofen had already passed out, and Ling Yue and Cai Xiaofen accompanied her, both of them had faces. With tears in his eyes, Jun Zeyu and Bai Zizheng were on the phone, Mr. Bai and Tang Guoduan were guarding the unconscious Mrs. Ling, and Dr. Liu was busy examining Mrs. Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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