Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 833 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 833 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
"Haodong!" Jun Zeyu, who had just finished calling, saw Jun Haodong rushing in, and shouted.

Jun Haodong rushed towards Tang Shishi's room as if he didn't hear Jun Zeyu's voice at all. Zhou Hu saw that only Tang Shishi and Suzaku were missing from the room in the main house, his scalp immediately Standing up, he followed Jun Haodong's footsteps and rushed into Tang Shishi's room.

The interior of the room is very warmly furnished, with a perfect mix of hostess and hostess styles everywhere, the night light is also very warm, the lighting is soft, and the hail of bullets outside does not seem to affect the quietness of this room, because it is too quiet, so quiet that Jun Haodong You Zhou Hu felt that the blood in his body had cooled down and stopped flowing.

"Damn it!" Jun Haodong roared rudely, completely no longer his usual gentle and refined image, the hostility in his bones rioted when he saw Tang Shishi's empty bedroom!
Zhou Hu no longer had the hip-hop of the past, and his face was solemn as if he was wearing a metal mask. He knew that this time he really couldn't atone for his sins!
He should have been wary of Suzaku long ago, obviously, he had already noticed that Suzaku looked at the master and young lady in the wrong way that day, but he never expected that Suzaku, one of the four guardians of the phantom, would betray him!

"Block the entrances and exits of Brother Kong Fang's secret passages, execute the Phantom White Tiger Order, and search for the exact location of Suzaku." After Jun Haodong reacted, he immediately gave Jinfen's phantom a task.Phantom's White Tiger Order is a must-kill order.Brother Kong Fang is the secret property of the Jun family in City A. There is a secret road in it, which leads directly to the Jun family mansion. This secret road is newly built, and only a very few people know it, even Jun Zeyu and the others don’t know it. Jun Haodong It is very certain that Suzaku must have taken Tang Shishi away through this secret path.

"Young master, Suzaku left the secret path fifteen minutes ago." Baihuhui reported after receiving the order.

"Did she bring the third young lady with her?" Jun Haodong asked anxiously, as expected.

"No, she's alone!" Although Bai Hu felt strange in his heart, he still answered truthfully. Based on his accumulated experience over the years, he knew that something serious must have happened. .

"Catch up with her, if you can't catch her alive, kill-no-pardon!" Jun Haodong had a cold face, and his words were also without warmth.

Without waiting for Baihu to answer, Jun Haodong said again: "Also, search the whereabouts of the third young lady thoroughly, and let me know as soon as you have any news!"

"Yes!" At the beginning, Baihu was still suspicious, but when he heard Jun Haodong's second order, his heart began to feel heavy!
The third young lady was kidnapped?Or by Suzaku?How is this possible? !Baihu and Suzaku have been trained together since they were young. He thinks he knows Suzaku very well, and he doesn't think Suzaku would do something to betray his master, but he also knows that the young master will never make fun of such a thing!The target is Suzaku!

But, is the young master really willing to kill Suzaku?Or in a fit of anger, on the spur of the moment?Suzaku, this time you wish for luck!
Zhou Hu finally felt better when he heard that Jun Haodong issued the White Tiger Order. When he thought that Suzaku had betrayed everyone, he couldn't help but go crazy. The last time the gold powder was cleaned, why didn't this woman get cleaned?The fact that Suzaku is what she is today is the result of the Jun family's careful training of her since she was a child. Fortunately, she not only doesn't know how to be grateful, but also repays her kindness with revenge. Just thinking about it makes people feel angry!If Suzaku was in front of him now, he really wanted to tear this woman apart!

Wolf-hearted thing!
Originally, Zhou Hu still had some inexplicable thoughts about Suzaku, but this inexplicable thought disappeared when he learned that Suzaku had betrayed his master and kidnapped Tang Shishi!

Outside, the dead soldiers of the Shen family and the Feng family are still rushing forward. The Jun family has called the police for more than half an hour, but no one has come to help. Mr. Jun is commanding outside, but in his sharp eyes, There was a cold murderous look.

"Old chief, do you want to stay alive?" The fierce battle was coming to an end, and the people around him looked at the dead man who was still struggling, and asked for instructions.

"Kill without pardon!" Mr. Jun spit out three words in a deep voice, his domineering sharpness made people dare not look at him closely.

What happened tonight, who is behind the scenes, the old man is like a mirror in his heart, these zombie-like things in their heads, it is meaningless to keep them alive, why waste effort, anyway, the Shen family will settle the account With the Feng family, that's right!
When Mr. Jun finished his work and walked back to the main house in a comfortable pace, the expression of asking for credit and arrogance on his face hadn't been vividly displayed, when he was hit by the news of Tang Shishi's disappearance, he was stunned !
"This group of dogs!" Mr. Jun yelled violently, and his body swayed suddenly. If the people around him hadn't supported him with sharp eyes and quick hands, he would have fallen down.

"My poor Shishi girl!" Ling Yue couldn't bear it any longer, and cried loudly.Thinking of Tang Shishi being kidnapped with a big belly, Ling Yue's heart hurts like being cut with a knife: "If there is something wrong between this Shishi girl and the child, I will die! Woo..."

She was looking forward to the stars and the moon, looking forward to the arrival of her daughter-in-law, and she was about to hug her golden grandson. Who knew that Tang Shishi would be kidnapped under her nose. How could she feel so embarrassed?How do you explain to your son who is on a mission outside?She really has no face to explain!

Jun Haodong looked at the third aunt who was about to pass out from crying, then at Sun Xiaofen and Mrs. Ling who were unconscious in the living room and hadn't woken up yet, and then at the people around them. Forming a fist, he squeezed tightly, his always gentle eyes were full of cold murderous aura and desperate death aura at this moment.

Suzaku, do you know what you are doing!I hope you can bear the consequences of this betrayal!
Tang Shishi woke up from the cold, and the first thing she did after waking up was to check her stomach. After finding that the baby was there, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and only then did she begin to look at the environment around her.

"The child is fine!"

The deep voice frightened Tang Shishi's scalp, and she quickly turned her head to follow the sound, only to find that Shen He was sitting on a chair not far away, leisurely playing with the lighter in her hand.

"Shen He, it's you again!" When Tang Shishi saw Shen He, her mood relaxed a lot, but her anger became stronger.

"Yeah! It's me again!" Shen He snorted lightly, the expression on his face was half a smile, but the emotion in his phoenix eyes was so deep that people couldn't understand.

"What are you trying to do by arresting me?! Also, where is Suzaku?!"

Tang Shishi saw that she and Shen He were the only two people in the room, and Suzaku was not seen, so she couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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