Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 836 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 836 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
Happiness is not to force when it is time to end

Learn to look for nothing when you should cherish

Happiness is to tolerate but never forget yourself

Knowing how to love yourself is more expansive
Happiness is being loved, being hurt, and gaining
Cherish your choices while you still can
Happiness is to tolerate but never forget yourself

Knowing how to love yourself is more expansive
Happiness is to make love broaden the sea and the sky...

Lu Tao carefully savored every line sung by Tang Shishi, with a relieved happiness on his face.

"Happiness is not to force when it's time to end, and to learn to have nothing to ask for when you should cherish it."

Very well sung!Shishi, I understand your thoughts, and I will respect and cherish them!

When Shen He returned to the living room, he saw Shen Kui sitting on the sofa with an expression of interest, as if he was waiting for him.

"Just now, I really expected you to do something more perverted!" Shen Kui took a sip of tea, looked at Shen He with raised eyebrows and said, just now Shen He directly interacted with Tang Shishi, Shen Kui passed the monitoring, You can see it all.

Shen He looked sideways at Shen Kui, frowned and pondered for a while, as if reminiscing about the feeling just now, after a while, he shook his head and said, "The feeling has changed!" Then he shrugged dully and went back to his bedroom.

Shen Kui looked at Shen He's back, the corner of his mouth mockingly hooked, his face was inexplicable.

Feeling, has it changed?

Jun's family had a sleepless night, and the police didn't arrive until the next morning. Zhou Hu looked at the people in the police station and carefully investigated the situation. He wanted to study every bullet hole on the bodies of these dead people. The same, with impatience on his face.

Fortunately, the people from the police station investigated the scene carefully, and the rest of the things were just going through the motions, and they took the initiative to help Jun's family clean up the scene.

Ling Yue, who hadn't slept all night, drove out of Jun's compound amidst the busyness of everyone.The red Malasate was speeding down the street, the morning wind was still bitingly cold, blowing in from the half-drive window stimulated Ling Yue's brain nerves.Ling Yue held the steering wheel with one hand, took out her cell phone with the other, and dialed a number.

After the call was connected, Ling Yue said to the person on the other side of the phone: "Come to the coffee shop of Shui'an Jinding, Box 108, let's talk." After Ling Yue finished speaking, she hung up without giving the other party a chance to speak. After disconnecting the phone, she was not worried that the other party would not come to the appointment, because according to her understanding of Yu Manqing, she would definitely accept the appointment at this time.

Ling Yue drove the car to Jinding Waterfront, entered the room No. 108, ordered a glass of Blue Mountain, and after two sips, she began to settle her emotions.

Yu Manqing did not keep Ling Yue waiting for a long time, but she did not come to the appointment alone, she also brought two bodyguards with her.

Ling Yue sneered inwardly when she saw Yu Manqing's obvious impatience, haughty yet cautious demeanor, and infinite defense.

"Yu Manqing, are you sure that the two people behind you can listen to our conversation today?" Ling Yue glanced at the two bodyguards behind Yu Manqing and said mockingly.

"They are my direct descendants!" Yu Manqing deliberately emphasized the word me.In the Shen family's big dye vat full of strife and struggle, without her own direct line, she, Yu Manqing, died countless times.

"Since you betrayed Zeyu back then, why did you give birth to Shen He? I don't believe it. You don't even know who the child in your womb is!" Since Yu Manqing didn't mind, Ling Yue didn't have time to talk to her. Just cut to the chase.

"Ling Yue, what do you mean?!" Yu Manqing stared at Ling Yue defensively with a pair of phoenix eyes, and after turning around her face which was obviously better maintained than her own, her eyes were full of viciousness.

"Literally! Yu Manqing, do you think Shen He's true identity is still a secret?" Ling Yue looked at Yu Manqing who was putting on airs, with contempt in his eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Yu Manqing's tone obviously weakened, and his eyes also appeared to dodge.

"Shen He, Ling Rui, and Zeyu all have RH-negative blood. In the three generations of the Shen family, no one has the same blood type as Shen He. Do you want me to explain it more clearly?" Ling Yue said aggressively Looking at Yu Manqing, he asked.

"You—" Yu Manqing initially thought that Ling Yue was begging her to forgive Tang Shishi because of her kidnapping. Who knew that Ling Yue didn't talk about Tang Shishi at all, but made a big fuss about Shen He's life experience. Shen Kui has already stated that he doesn't care whose child Shen He is, but if the old man of the Shen family knows this fact, he will definitely not spare her and Shen He.

"Yu Manqing, back then, because Jun's family was going to retire to City B, you were unwilling to live a mediocre life. You cheated on Shen Kui during marriage, and Zeyu later found out about the affair, divorced and remarried, but you clearly knew that Shen He belonged to Zeyu. Flesh and blood, why did you give birth to him? Since you gave birth to him, why did you make him an enemy of his biological father, let him persecute his brother, let him oppose his family! What are your intentions?" Thinking of those old events back then, Ling Yue couldn't help being angry, and complained for Jun Zeyu.

"Why me?! Why don't you ask Jun Zeyu, why don't you ask Jun's family why they live so useless? I can clearly call the wind and rain in city A, why do I hide my head and tail in city B? In the corner?" Referring to the old things, Yu Manqing's expression was distorted hatred: "You think I'm willing to give birth to him, and live in fear of being exposed all the time? From the moment I found out that I was pregnant, I wished that I would give birth to him. He got rid of it, but the doctor said that if I had a miscarriage, it would be very difficult for me to get pregnant again! If I don't have a child, how can I rely on the Shen family? I can only blame him for his bad luck and the wrong birth!"

"You are such a vicious woman! Even if he is Zeyu's flesh and blood, he is still your child. How can you teach him to fight against his biological father and kill his brothers? Are you—— still not a human?" After hearing Yu Manqing's words, Ling Yue really wanted to tear her mouth apart, and then step on her hateful face.

How could there be such a vicious mother?Ling Yue recalled the days when Shen He was recovering from his injuries in City B, and Yu Manqing didn't even go to see him once, and began to sympathize with Shen He in her heart!

"Who told him to be born and raised in the Shen family? Hmph! What did the Jun family give him since he was a child?! What right do you have to question me now?" Yu Manqing vomited at Ling Yue like a poisonous snake. With core.

"From childhood to adulthood, the Jun family didn't know his existence at all. If they knew his identity, the Jun family would give him everything he wanted, at least let him grow up in a sunny and normal environment! And you, for To achieve my goal and realize my dream of being the first lady, I don’t hesitate to use my son as a springboard, a tool, and distort the facts, so that they are their own father and son, and brothers kill each other. How can there be such a shameless and perverted woman like you in the world!" The more Ling Yue talked, the angrier she became, and she couldn't help complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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