Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 837 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 837 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
"This is his life! Ling Yue, don't pretend to be nice, why the Jun family will give him everything he wants, if Shen He's identity has been revealed long ago, you will be the first one who can't tolerate it. His people!" Yu Manqing said with a cold snort.

"I will have pimples in my heart, I will feel uncomfortable, but I will only anger Jun Zeyu, not my children. Children are innocent. They can't choose their parents. What's wrong with them? Yu Manqing, don't blame others. Thinking as perverted as you!" Ling Yue retorted frankly and fearlessly.

"Whatever you say, Ling Yue, don't think that what you said to me today can change anything. Let me tell you, Shen He is the young master of the Shen family. This will never change!" Yu Manqing After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly at Ling Yue, got up and opened the door to leave.

It's just that she just opened the door, but saw Shen He standing outside the door with a half-smile, Yu Manqing's expression suddenly became stiff.

"Shen He, you, what are you, when did you come?" Yu Manqing looked at Shen He with a half-smile in his heart, and when he couldn't notice the strangeness on Shen He's face, he turned around and glared at Ling please a glance.

At this moment, Yu Manqing already knew what Ling Yue was planning.She was unprepared, Ling Yue actually did this, she was as annoying as her tricky daughter-in-law!
"Being here for a while." The smile on Shen He's face remained unchanged. When he saw the anxiety and panic on Yu Manqing's face, Shen He sneered at Ling Yue who was behind Yu Manqing: "Madam Jun is really nice." Calculation, this kind of trivial trick, just want to destroy the relationship between our mother and child? I advise you not to waste your words next time!"

"Shen He, you—" Ling Yue didn't expect Shen He to be indifferent after hearing the truth of the year, and raised his finger angrily to point at Shen He, not knowing what to say!
She is so stupid and naive!Thinking of Shen He fighting against Jun Zeyu and Ling Rui everywhere, it was awkward because Yu Manqing lied to him the truth back then. She thought that as long as the knot in Shen He's heart was untied, she would know that it wasn't the Jun family who didn't want him back then, but that they didn't want him at all. Knowing his existence, his heart will turn around. She thinks that Shen He has the ability to distinguish right from wrong. In this way, Shen He can help them rescue Shishi girl. Prepare to be like Yu Manqing, and walk all the way to the dark on the road of the Shen family!
"Madam Jun, I am the youngest of the Shen family. You are so old, you should stop doing unnecessary things in the future! You are so stupid, does your husband know?" Shen He looked at Ling with a frivolous tone. Yue said.

"Get out!" Just when Ling Yue was almost fainted by Shen He's mother's anger, Jun Zeyu's furious voice sounded.

"Zeyu!" Ling Yue looked at Jun Zeyu who came in a hurry, and the tears in his eyes started wantonly: "Shen He is right, I am really stupid!"

The girl Shishi was kidnapped, she went to the doctor in a hurry, and even went to find Yu Manqing and Shen He, to humiliate herself, what is it if she is not stupid? !At this moment, Ling Yue felt that she was really terrible!

"I just like you being so stupid!" Jun Zeyu comforted Ling Yue with his arms around him, then glanced at the group of Shen He and Yu Manqing standing at the door, then turned to Ling Yue and said, "There is an old saying Well, the agency's calculations are too clever, and Qingqing's life was missed! Be stupid, stupid people have stupid luck!"

After hearing Jun Zeyu's obvious curse, Yu Manqing and Shen He's faces darkened to varying degrees, especially Yu Manqing's face was so dark, because she and Jun Zeyu hadn't fallen out before. At that time, there was also a sweet period. At the beginning, Jun Zeyu called her "Qingqing" intimately, which sounded the same as "Qingqing", which made her feel that Jun Zeyu was clearly targeting her at this moment. !
Yu Manqing still wanted to reply with a few words of sarcasm, but she was stopped by Shen He's eyes, because Ling Yue made such a fuss today, which exposed her bottom, especially when she said that she didn't want to keep the child , let her lack confidence when facing Shen He, so she followed Shen He and left obediently.

Jun Zeyu hugged Ling Yue who was crying, looked at Shen He's back, closed his eyes, and sighed slightly.

However, the Shen family did not expect that they had just received the news that Ling Rui had returned to City A with his sharp-knife troops and was still on the way. This counterattack massacre was so fast that all the Shen family members were unexpected and unbelievable, and it was too late to react to the deployment, causing chaos.

When the Jun family launched the siege, the whole family of the Shen family was drinking tea in the living room. Wang Fengzhen knelt on the soft carpet with a low eyebrow, washing and making tea like a Japanese woman. She often deliberately made things difficult for Tang Shishi these years , but also practiced a good skill at making tea, which made Mr. Shen very happy!
Bai Mo was like a servant, standing by the door, waiting from a distance, with a respectful attitude and lowered eyebrows.Originally, she was not qualified to show her face on such an occasion, but because Shen He ordered her to follow Wang Fengzhen closely, she put in all her efforts to please Wang Fengzhen these days.

Yu Manqing was sitting on the sofa, looking at Wang Fengzhen's aggressive face, she felt as if she had swallowed hundreds of flies in her heart. She suppressed her anger, and her eyes fell on Shen He's face who was enjoying the show again, wishing to put His face was burnt with holes!

It's all this ignorant thing that lures wolves into the house!
"Shen Yi, you have endured hardships outside these years. From now on, you don't need to worry about anything. You can be the eldest lady of the Shen family in peace and stability, and you don't need to look at the faces of Jun's family anymore!" Yu Manqing sat beside Mr. Shen. Suzaku said with a smile.

Suzaku's original name was Shen Yi.

After listening to Yu Manqing's words, Suzaku slowly raised her eyes, and glanced lightly at Yu Manqing's pseudo-charitable face, her eyes were a bit cold, she didn't say a word, but just held that delicate teacup in her hand and turned around, It seems that he is very interested in this gadget, as if playing with it.

Yu Manqing didn't expect that her wooing to curry favor would actually hit a snag. She felt a little displeased, but still forced a smile on her face.

"It's not been easy for this child for so many years, and he has to rely on his own people at the critical moment!" Shen Kui glanced at Suzaku and Yu Manqing, and said with emotion.

"You have to be clear about your own people, don't be like those who turn their elbows outward!" Yu Manqing listened to Shen Kui's words, and cast a disdainful glance at Wang Fengzhen who was pouring tea for Mr. Shen, and said eccentrically.

Wang Fengzhen trembled her hand while pouring tea, pursed her lips, and secretly glanced at Old Master Shen and Shen Kui, and then at Yu Manqing, with grievances in her eyes.In fact, Wang Fengzhen was holding back her anger at the moment, but she dared not speak out, and scolded Lu Tao thousands of times in her heart for dragging her back!
Mr. Shen took a sip of tea, narrowed his eyes slightly, and pretended not to see or hear these infighting, with a leisurely posture.

(End of this chapter)

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