Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 838 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 838 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
Shen Kui is even less interested in this kind of struggle between women, and leans lazily on the sofa.

Yu Manqing snorted triumphantly, seeing Wang Fengzhen sitting there kneeling like a doormat, felt better, seeing Wang Fengzhen about to put down the teapot, Yu Manqing put her teacup in front of Wang Fengzhen with a haughty gesture.

Wang Fengzhen raised her eyes to look at Yu Manqing, her eyes showed a little unwillingness, but she didn't dare to resist, so she had to add tea to Yu Manqing.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside!
Wang Fengzhen was so frightened that she lost the teapot in her hand, and the hot tea splashed on Yu Manqing's hand.

"What are you doing? You can't even pour tea, did you do it on purpose?" Yu Manqing angrily raised her hand and slapped Wang Fengzhen across the face!

This slap was fast and hard, so fast that no one had time to react, Wang Fengzhen only felt a roar in her ears, and looked at Yu Manqing and shouted aggrievedly: "I didn't mean it!"

"It was clearly intentional!" Yu Manqing reprimanded angrily, looking at Wang Fengzhen's face that had quickly turned red and swollen, she still felt puzzled and wanted to slap Wang Fengzhen again, as if she had forgotten the pain in her finger!
"Shut up!" Shen Kui stood up from the sofa, gave a cold drink, then looked at the servants of the Shen family who ran in in a panic outside and asked, "What's going on?"

"Yes, someone, someone came in!" The servant of the Shen family was so frightened that he could barely speak!

After hearing the loud noise, Suzaku, who flew out in a figure, also came back at this moment, and said to Shen Kui and Mr. Shen, "It's the Jun family who broke in!"

Suzaku's voice was still cold and steady, but there was an unexpected look on his usually expressionless face.

"Crack!" After hearing Suzaku's words, the teacup in Mr. Shen's hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces!

The Jun family called in? !In this broad daylight, under the bright sky? !
There was a sudden chill in Mr. Shen's heart!

"Ah?!" Yu Manqing screamed after hearing Suzaku's words, "How dare they?!" Tang Shishi was still in their hands, how dare the Jun family come in at this time?

The Jun family, are your brains pumped?

What the Shen family didn't know was that after Tang Shishi was kidnapped, Jun Zeyu called Ling Rui immediately, so Ling Rui immediately wiped out the Shen family and the Feng family who set up a trap to restrain him. , and killed Feng Yunting, the eldest son of the Feng family, on the spot.

When the Long family received the news, on the one hand, they clicked their tongues for Ling Rui's fierceness, and on the other hand, they began to take advantage of the trend to eradicate the Feng family's forces one by one, planning to let the Feng family of the four major families, The political circles in Huaxia Kingdom completely disappeared.

Mr. Shen originally wanted to take advantage of the news of Tang Shishi's arrest to attack Ling Rui in order to restrain Ling Rui's power, but Ling Rui took the initiative and preempted strikes, which put the Shen family at a disadvantage again.

The Feng family would fall. As expected by the Shen family, the loss of the Feng family, a pioneer that could be used, made Mr. Shen quite distressed. Fortunately, the Xie family was still firmly in the Shen family's faction at this time. The dream is in the hands of the Shen family, so they have to stand with the Shen family. In addition, they still have Tang Shishi, the most critical trump card, which is enough to coerce the Junbai family and prevent them from acting rashly. The Shen family felt that they still had the ability to work hard to earn a living away from that position.

It's just that the Shen family, who were still thinking about how much bargaining chips they could get from the Junbai family with Tang Shishi and the child in their stomach, never dreamed that the Jun family unexpectedly came to kill them in broad daylight!
"Quick! Go and bring Tang Shishi here!" When Old Man Shen heard the gunshots outside, he ordered Shen He calmly, but the gloomy face couldn't conceal the anxiety in his heart at the moment.

Hearing Old Master Shen's words, Shen He walked to the door with the gun in his hand, and his lips moved slightly when he passed by Bai Mo who was trembling with fright.

After hearing what Shen He said, Bai Mo opened her mouth in surprise.

After Shen Kui saw the abnormality on Bai Mo's face, he said to Suzaku beside him, "Go and cover Shen He!"

Suzaku turned to look at Shen Kui, his eyes were dark, and he nodded solemnly.She understands what Shen Kui's "cover" means!This is to guard against Shen He's rebellion!
Suzaku understood, and Shen He understood even more. He stopped and looked back at Shen Kui, with a playful smile on his face.

When Shen Kui saw the mockery in Shen He's eyes, the expression on his face tightened in embarrassment.

"Shen He, go with Suzaku and bring that bitch Tang Shishi over here!" Yu Manqing was already paralyzed from fright at this moment, while Wang Fengzhen, who had no master, was calmer, especially when she heard Tang Shishi's name , She also gained some confidence in speaking, and she was also on guard against Shen He at the moment. Seeing Shen He's expression at the moment, she thought it was Shen He who was not happy and was having a temper.

There is no time to get angry at this kind of life and death juncture!

"Go!" Old Master Shen urged Shen He and Suzaku.After seeing Shen He and Suzaku leave, Mr. Shen gave Shen Kui an approving look. At the critical moment, he was still thoughtful.

When Shen He and Suzaku came to "arrest" Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi was still singing in the secret room where she was held.

who comforts you to cry

who protected you

Who is holding your hand and walking slowly in the sunset

the rose you said bloomed
count slowly with memory
No flower is the happiness you long for
who accompanies you to confide who accompanies you on the journey

Who gave you shoulders so that you could hug and cry

the flowers are very bright

wither will cry

When will you find your own happiness...

It may be because she hasn't drank water for a long time, Tang Shishi's voice is a bit hoarse, but this does not affect her emotions, but gives the song a sad temperament, which makes Shen He and Suzaku stop involuntarily. He stepped down, and watched Tang Shishi sitting there quietly stroking her belly, singing emotionally, forgetting the flames of war outside.

Tang Shishi found Shen He and Suzaku right away, so she stopped singing, showing a trace of annoyance on her face.

"Pregnant women singing such songs are not good for prenatal education!" Shen He joked with a chuckle as if he didn't see Tang Shishi's hostility.

Tang Shishi glanced at Shen He lazily, thinking to herself, why did she unconsciously take the path of sadness while singing?She just searched for songs related to happiness in her mind, but she didn't expect to sing a sad one, and she wondered if Lu Tao would feel down when she heard it?
However, Tang Shishi didn't have the energy to take care of Lu Tao's emotions now, because she found that both Shen He and Suzaku appeared here, as if the visitors were not friendly!
(End of this chapter)

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