Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 840 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 840 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
No matter what, Tang Shishi's appearance seems to be too calm.

"Afraid! Why aren't you afraid? I'm terribly afraid!" Tang Shishi admitted bluntly, her tone was so blunt that it made people feel hypocritical: "If the senior is not afraid, you can also point this thing to your forehead and try?" Tang Shishi pointed her head sideways. Pointing to Suzaku's gun that was resting on the back of her head.

"Tang Shishi, stop putting on airs here!" Yu Manqing finally couldn't help but speak.

"Yu Manqing, I can't pretend no matter what you do!" Tang Shishi glanced at Yu Manqing coldly, and said bluntly: "But if you pretend to be struck by lightning, I advise you to be careful and find a lightning rod early on the plug."

"Pfft!" Shen He, who was drinking tea, laughed unkindly after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

"You cheap girl!" Yu Manqing was provoked by Tang Shishi, she gouged out Shen He's eyes, and couldn't help raising her hand to slap Tang Shishi.

"Yu Manqing, do you also want to be like Wang Fengzhen?" Tang Shishi pointed to Wang Fengzhen, whose face was covered in blood and was still in a coma, and asked.

"You—" Yu Manqing glanced at Wang Fengzhen, raised her hand, but did not dare to let it go, Tang Shishi is now the trump card in their hands, and it is of great use to them, Tang Shishi is sure of this point, That's why she dared to be so arrogant. At this time, she and Tang Shishi are serious, and the one who suffers will only be herself!

Seeing that Yu Manqing had stopped, Tang Shishi snorted coldly in her heart, and continued to sit on the sofa and wait. The large maternity nightgown made her look a little petite.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, and Tang Shishi counted the chaotic footsteps outside and the painful mouth-to-mouth sounds, and her heart beat faster than she could restrain.

Tang Shishi looked at old master Shen and Shen Kui's gloomy but not too panicked faces, and had a bad premonition in her heart.I don't know why, but she always feels that the performance of Mr. Shen and Shen Kui makes her feel very uneasy. They should not be the ones waiting to die, but they don't run away or hide, so calm, could it be that they still What is there to rely on?Or maybe, this is one of their traps?
Tang Shishi glanced at Shen He who was still wearing a mask, and frowned deeply unconsciously.

"Old man Shen, you let my grandson-in-law go!" Just as Tang Shishi lowered her head to think, suddenly Mr. Jun yelled loudly in his ear.

Tang Shishi suddenly raised her head and looked at the door, her heart suddenly rose to her throat!She thought that it was the shadow and phantom of the gold powder who came to the rescue this time. Ling Rui might not be able to come back in time. Old man, Jun Zeyu, Bai Ziyu!
"Don't come in!" Tang Shishi couldn't help standing up and shouting when she saw Mr. Jun and Mr. Bai outside.

"Be honest, sit down!" Standing behind Tang Shishi, Suzaku grabbed Tang Shishi, dragged her to the sofa, and then pushed Tang Shishi's temple with a pistol.

Mr. Shen, Shen Kui and the others glanced at Suzaku with satisfaction, and then at Tang Shishi with warning.

"Stop!" Jun Haodong, who was beside Mr. Jun, saw Suzaku's movements, his eyes were filled with scarlet, and he turned his gun towards Suzaku, stared at her, and shouted loudly.If it weren't for the bulletproof glass, he would have shot, really!

Tang Shishi felt the pistol hit her temple, and immediately said to Jun Haodong: "Brother, I'm fine!"

"Old man Shen, you are already surrounded, you bastard, let my granddaughter-in-law go! I will spare you!" Old man Jun stood outside and shouted.

"Haha! Old man Jun, you are an old man, how dare you be rampant at this time! Hmph! If I don't let you go, what can you do with me?" Old Man Shen said with a sinister smile.

"Don't toast and don't eat fine wine!" Old Master Bai roared angrily.

"Old man Bai, you sycophant! If you want me to let your granddaughter go, kneel down and beg me, maybe I can consider whether to agree to you or not!" Mr. Shen said through the thick floor-to-ceiling bulletproof glass window. Looking at the distorted old man Bai, he couldn't help but add another sentence: "I forgot to tell you, Bai Meng is just a counterfeit! This Tang Shishi is your biological granddaughter, you don't know yet Right? Haha!" Mr. Shen laughed triumphantly.

After Jun Haodong and Mr. Jun heard Mr. Shen's words, they looked at Suzaku in unison, especially Jun Haodong. The hand that was holding the pistol tightly loosened slightly, and then held it again. Tight, still pointing in the direction of Suzaku.

Mr. Shen naturally noticed the difference between the Jun family and the Bai family, but he interpreted these people's abnormality as hating Suzaku's betrayal and concealment.

"You bastard who deserves to go to the [-]th floor of hell!" Old Man Bai pointed at Old Man Shen, his fingers trembling in anger.

"Shen He! You really let me down!" Mr. Jun glanced at Shen He who was leisurely sitting on the sofa drinking tea, his eyes were stained with frost.

"Grandpa Jun probably doesn't know yet. Tang Shishi is the real daughter of the Bai family, and Shen He discovered it first!" When Shen Kui saw that Shen He was facing the accusation of Mr. Jun, his expression remained unchanged. , couldn't help but speak out.

When implementing the plan to use Baimeng as a pawn, Shen's family did a DNA test first for the sake of caution, but the result surprised them. Fortunately, Shen He re-investigated the events of the year and found out that Wang Fengzhen was in the hospital. On the day Bai Meng was taken away from the orphanage, another child was also adopted. Following this clue, the Shen family found out the person who was entrusted by Lu Zhendong to adopt Tang Shishi, but that person was not Lu Zhendong was not confessed, so the Shen family didn't know that Lu Zhendong was also involved in the baby change.

Later, the Shen family found the orphanage in C City, and found out that the person who finally adopted the child was surnamed Tang. Tang's surname made the Shen family naturally associate with Tang Shishi. material!
"You bastard!" Jun Zeyu reprimanded him angrily when he heard that Shen He was playing tricks on him!

Shen He's eyes fell on Jun Zeyu's face, he raised his brows lightly, hummed softly, and continued to drink tea.

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He with a dumbfounded expression, as if she didn't know how to react at all.

"Girl Shishi! My granddaughter! Old man Shen, you old bastard, let my granddaughter go!" Old man Bai was anxious and angry, roaring loudly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell Ling Rui to get out, I know he's outside!" Seeing the appearance of the Junbai family, Mr. Shen couldn't help but sneer happily, and after a while, he suddenly roared to the outside with a hostile expression on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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