Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 841 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 841 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
All his deployments have been ruined by Ling Rui time and time again. If it wasn't for him, this year's general election would definitely go to the Shen family, all because of this brat!
At the moment Suzaku said that the Jun family called in, after being shocked, Mr. Shen and Shen Kui already guessed that the Jun family dared to do all this blatantly, it must have been acquiesced by the Long family, although they don't know what the Jun family used The trick reassured the Long family, but they knew that the Shen family might be doomed this time, and they had a chance to escape, but instead of living like a mouse crossing the street, they were always struggling in the fear of being caught. , it's better to give it a go, even if you fail, you can pull a few backs before you die!

After Tang Shishi heard Mr. Shen say that Ling Rui was back, she was so excited that she wanted to stand up again, but Suzaku held her body tightly.

Jun Haodong, who was always watching Suzaku's every move outside, couldn't help frowning when he saw Suzaku's rude behavior towards Tang Shishi.

Sure enough, as soon as Mr. Shen's words fell, a mocking voice came from behind Mr. Jun: "Mr. Shen is really smart!"

As soon as the words fell, the people behind Mr. Jun spontaneously and quickly parted from left to right. Ling Rui took a step and stood beside Mr. Bai, his face cold and murderous.

"Hmph! You're confused when I'm an old man. Without your permission, how dare these two old bastards do the thing of encircling and suppressing the Shen family in broad daylight. Although the two old bastards are cunning, they don't have the courage! "Old Master Shen snorted coldly, looking as if he had expected it!"

Don't you know when he is old and confused?snort!The head of the next generation of the Jun family is this damn brat!When it comes to Tang Shishi and the child in her womb, without Ling Rui's consent, who in the Jun family would dare to act rashly?

However, he underestimated Ling Rui's ruthlessness. Could it be that he is really not afraid of Tang Shishi having trouble with the child in his stomach?Or, he doesn't care at all?As soon as the next thought popped up, Mr. Shen's body began to tremble slightly.

"Since you know all about it, what do you think if people don't speak secretly?" Ling Rui refused to comment on Mr. Shen's words. He pulled the belt around his waist and looked at Mr. Shen calmly. asked.

Ever since Ling Rui appeared in front of the Shen family, his gaze never stopped on Tang Shishi.As for Tang Shishi in the living room, when she saw Ling Rui's dusty face, her eyes became moist.

To hide from the Shen family's eyeliner and rush over from the remote place where he was on a mission in such a short period of time, one can see how much thought this man has put in after thinking about it!

"If you want to know what I want, kneel down first, kowtow three times before you talk!" Mr. Shen raised his eyebrows, deliberately wanting to humiliate Ling Rui, of course, this is also a temptation!
He must know how much Tang Shishi's bargaining chip is!

Tang Shishi was very angry after listening to Mr. Shen's words, but Suzaku took a gun and pressed her temple, preventing her from speaking.

"Mr. Shen, I wonder if you've heard a word?" Ling Rui didn't get angry, but looked at Mr. Shen with pity, and asked.

"What?" Mr. Shen asked subconsciously, but when he realized that he had followed Ling Rui's thoughts unconsciously, his face became a little more ferocious: "What trick are you trying to play?".

"If you don't do it, you won't die. God is too embarrassed not to accept people who die by themselves!" Ling Rui snorted coldly.

"You—" Mrs. Shen raised his finger angrily and pointed at Ling Rui, just about to give him a look, but suddenly felt a pain in his heart, something hot flowed out, he opened his eyes wide, and slowly Lowering his head, when he saw the enchanting and strange dark red on his chest, he felt something sticky flowing out of his chest. Old Mr. Shen's eyes widened again in disbelief. With a distorted and painful expression, he fell down with a bang.

"Dad!" Shen Kui, who had been staring at the people outside, turned his head when he heard the sound behind him, and when he saw Mr. Shen lying on the ground, he yelled in disbelief, but his eyes were on guard. .

Shen Kui's gaze was the first to fall on Shen He who was sitting beside Tang Shishi, and found that Shen He also had a look of astonishment on his face. When Yu Manqing saw Shen Kui looking at Shen He, he immediately denied: "It wasn't him who opened the door. gun!"

Shen Kui's eyes fell on Suzaku who was pointing the gun at Tang Shishi's face again. Suzaku shook his head slightly at him, expressing that he didn't know who fired the gun just now!
"You all come out!" Shen Kui shouted to the hidden guards of the Shen family who were ambushing in the main house.

However, after his voice fell, the living room was completely silent, and no one came out to respond to him!
Shen Kui was dumbfounded!

Tang Shishi was also a little confused, obviously before, she felt that there were many people hiding around, but at this time, no one came out.

"Come out! You all come out!" Yu Manqing couldn't sit still, and shouted excitedly.A small part of these hidden guards guarding the Shen family's main house are her direct descendants. This is the reliance she has cultivated so hard for so many years. How could they disappear without a sound at such a critical moment!
"Old man!" Bai Mo, who was beside Wang Fengzhen, looked terrified when he saw old man Shen collapsed, and was about to reach out to help old man Shen.

"Dad!" Seeing that Bai Mo was like this to an outsider, Yu Manqing naturally began to put on airs unwilling to be outdone. Her mind had been spinning for more than ten million times just now. Now that her life-saving talisman is gone, she can only please Shen Kui even more. In order not to be abandoned at critical times!
What Yu Manqing didn't expect was that when she just met Mr. Shen, Bai Mo was exhausted, staggered and bumped towards Yu Manqing.

Yu Manqing wanted to push Bai Mo away, but it was too late. When she was about to fall down, she panicked and wanted to grab something, but she didn't want her body to be pulled back by Bai Mo forcefully. The expression on her face just relaxed Suddenly, her brows were twisted together in pain, because there was a sharp pain in her abdomen, Yu Manqing suddenly raised her head, and met Bai Mo's distorted face of hatred.

Bai Mo went to help Old Man Shen on purpose, and also fell on Yu Manqing on purpose. When she bumped into Yu Manqing, she grabbed a fruit knife on the coffee table and pulled Yu Manqing back with one hand. He staggered, and then stabbed the fruit knife fiercely into Yu Manqing's stomach.

One, two, three!
Bai Mo gritted her teeth and looked at Yu Manqing, sending the knife into Yu Manqing's body again and again!The expression on his face is crazy and terrifying!
Tang Shishi, who was sitting by the side, couldn't help being stunned by Bai Mo's murderous behavior as if venting her anger. She didn't expect that Bai Mo would kill Yu Manqing.

(End of this chapter)

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