Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 844 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 844 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
She was four and a half years old at that time, and she already remembered things. She was covered in bruises, if Yunmo hadn't rescued her, she would have died long ago, right?But these people are self-righteous and use the blood of the Shen family as an example. Don't you know that what she hates the most is the blood flowing in her body that has shamed her all her life!
Suzaku's words shook Tang Shishi's heart. Looking at Suzaku's slender back, she felt a little uncomfortable. In fact, she had forgiven Suzaku from the moment Suzaku stuffed the miniature revolver into her hand.

"Senior Shen He, let me see your injury!" Tang Shishi said when she saw Shen He's blood-stained wound on half of her shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" When Tang Shishi's hand was stretched out, Shen He dodged in panic, and said a word in a low voice: "Dirty!"

Tang Shishi felt distressed for a moment: "Senior Shen He, I don't allow you to say that about yourself! I don't allow it!"

"Haha! You woman, you have started to put on a hypocritical face again! The reason why he was injured was not your fault! He is always desperate for you, but you always dismiss him! Haha! After Shen Kui saw the interaction between Tang Shishi and Shen He, he laughed proudly and disappointed.

"Shut up!" Tang Shishi held the small revolver in her hand, and fired another shot at Shen Kui, hitting his other arm.Every time she shoots, she picks the place on Shen Kui's body that can both cause him pain and prevent him from dying easily. She deliberately wants to torture him and vent her hatred in her heart!
"Stop messing with him, let's go out first!" Suzaku glanced at Jun Haodong who was still holding a gun outside, closed his eyes slightly, and said to Tang Shishi.

"Get out? Haha! Get out?! Don't dream! None of you want to go out!" Shen Kui laughed even more wildly after hearing Suzaku's words.

"What do you mean?" Suzaku looked at the sinister smile on Shen Kui's face, showing a flustered expression for the first time, wondering what Shen Kui, a pervert, would do again!

Shen He's expression froze, he looked back at Shen Kui, and asked eagerly: "What did you do?" "You think that you and Ling Rui colluded together, and that the inside and the outside worked together seamlessly? Huh! Shen He, let me tell you You, I have always been on guard against you!" Shen Kui looked at Shen He's face that turned dark in an instant, smiled very proudly, and said, "Even if you die, you can't get rid of me! Shen He, you can only be mine!"

Long after Ling Rui's people withdrew, Shen Kui quietly activated the destruction system of the Shen family's mansion. At this time, the entire main mansion was sealed by a material stronger than bullet-proof glass, and people inside could not get out. Go, outsiders can't get in, so they will be trapped in this main house, but they won't die from lack of oxygen, because the wonderful thing about this destruction system is that when the oxygen in the entire main house is reduced to At a certain level, the time bomb in the destruction system will start counting down, and after 5 minutes, it will explode!
This destruction system existed when the Shen family mansion was built, and no one knew about it except Mr. Shen and him.Moreover, the most important point is that once this destruction system is activated, it can no longer be stopped!
"Shut up! You beast!" Hearing Shen Kui's words, Shen He angrily stepped on Shen Kui's thigh that was pierced by Tang Shishi, and crushed it vigorously.

"Ah——" Shen Kui screamed like a pig, accompanied by his crazy laughter, very cautious.

"What's going on?" Ling Rui and Jun Haodong who were outside rushed over and asked through the glass.

"We can't get out!" Suzaku shouted after returning from a survey.

"Get back and let's break the glass!" Ling Rui ordered, then glanced at Shen He with a bloody face, and said, "Take care of her!"

Shen He nodded silently.

"No way! The glass can't be moved!" Suzaku stopped Ling Rui quickly, and said, "There is only one floor-to-ceiling window in the whole main house that is not covered by the back, but this floor-to-ceiling window hits a time bomb!"

"Time bomb?!" Ling Rui had a headache, and then hurriedly ordered the bomb disposal team to come over and ask Suzaku to cooperate with the bomb disposal team to dismantle the bomb.

"Honey, don't worry, I can definitely rescue you!" Ling Rui comforted Tang Shishi while watching the bomb disposal team.

"Well, I believe you!" Tang Shishi nodded vigorously, holding her wide pregnant skirt with her small hands tightly, hiding her uneasiness.

Why did she feel a very bad feeling, tightness in her chest, and difficulty in breathing?
"Huh! Blind! Want to go out, dream!" Shen Kui, who was dying, mocked Tang Shishi and Ling Rui after hearing what Tang Shishi and Ling Rui said.He is very confident in this destruction system!And he didn't worry at all that the bomb disposal experts outside would spoil his good deeds, because as long as they dismantled the time bomb on the side of the floor-to-ceiling window, it would trigger the time bomb that destroyed the system faster!
Sure enough, just as Suzaku and the bomb disposal experts breathed a sigh of relief, the entire Shen family mansion resounded with the ticking sound of a countdown to life: "The second item of the destruction system has been activated, and the bomb will explode in 5 minutes!"

That icy mechanical voice was creepy and chilling.

"Shishi, what's wrong with you?" Shen He was the first to notice that something was wrong with Tang Shishi, and he didn't care about anything anymore, and stepped forward to support Tang Shishi.

"It's nothing, just a little dizzy! I'm fine, Senior Shen He!" Tang Shishi smiled at Shen He, but her face turned pale.

"Wife! What's wrong with you? Wife!" Ling Rui was frantic outside, but when he was about to pounce on the bulletproof glass, Jun Haodong grabbed him and pulled him away: "You didn't listen for only 5 minutes time, we must open the glass!"

After hearing Jun Haodong's words, Ling Rui immediately snatched a submachine gun from the person on the side, aimed at the bulletproof glass, and started shooting wildly.

Because this time they came to encircle and suppress the Shen family, they didn't bring any other destructive weapons except a few submachine guns, so Ling Rui and the others were very annoyed now.

Every minute, the destruction system would prompt. For Ling Rui and the Jun family and Bai family who were outside, it was a reminder from hell, but for the half-dead Shen Kui, it was like the sound of heaven.

Shen He helped Tang Shishi anxiously watching the more and more bullet holes on the bulletproof glass, burning with anxiety.

"Shishi, I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you!" Suzaku ran to Tang Shishi and confessed.

After all, she was too confident in herself. She believed that she could protect Tang Shishi well, but she didn't expect that she would be harmed in the end!

"I don't blame you, there is still time, we still have hope!" Tang Shishi looked at the tears in Suzaku's eyes and said soothingly.

"Haha, stop comforting yourself! Accept the reality!" Shen Kui laughed indulgently.

"Go to hell!" Shen He picked up the pistol, and fired several shots at Shen Kui again and again, beating Shen Kui into a hornet's nest, barely holding his breath, but it was obvious that more came out than came in.

(End of this chapter)

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