Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 845 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 845 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
Tang Shishi looked at Shen Kui's eyeballs that were about to protrude because of the pain, and when she was staring at herself, she suddenly took a big breath, and felt pain in her stomach.

"My stomach!" Tang Shishi exclaimed, and all the blood disappeared from her little face.

"Shishi, calm down! Calm down!" Suzaku and Shen He said in unison.

Tang Shishi tightly gripped the hem of her clothes, took a hard breath, and then slowly spit it out, feeling some heat at the base of her thighs, tears welled up in her eyes, so she quickly took another breath , Slowly spit it out again, trying to calm down my nervousness.

The countdown to death sounded again in the destruction system.Shen He looked at the more and more bullet holes on the thick bulletproof glass, feeling restless.

2 minutes left!But those bullet holes, even Suzaku can't go through, let alone Tang Shishi with a big belly!

Just when everyone was worried, a helicopter hovered over the Shen family mansion, and the long hanging ladder was lowered, and then two people climbed out from the hatch of the helicopter along the hanging ladder It was Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou who hadn't seen each other for many days and went up the mountain to study their marriage.

At this moment, Jun Mubei is holding the hanging ladder in one hand, and a small punch in the other, while Mo Youyou is a little bird hugging Jun Mubei's waist, snuggling into his arms, staring at a pair of big eyes. Meng looked at the people below.

"Get out of the way! Look at me!" Jun Mu Beigao yelled.

Ling Rui, Jun Mubei and the others looked up at the same time, and when they saw the black-gold micro-punch in Jun Mubei's hand, they shouted excitedly: "Hurry up, there's still less time left!" It's going to explode in 2 minutes!"

When Jun Mubei heard that there were less than 2 minutes left, he immediately drew a big heart shape on the bulletproof glass that was about to fall to the ground with his micro punch!

When Ling Rui saw the big heart-shaped shape, his face darkened, but now he doesn't care about the showbag Jun Mubei who is still fond of spoofing at this time, like a leopard, he looks at the piece that was given by the laser. Smashed against the cut bulletproof glass.

Ling Rui tried his best, and after smashing the glass, he rolled on the spot, then searched for Tang Shishi's direction, stepped forward and snatched Tang Shishi, and rushed out towards the heart-shaped hole , the movement is done in one go, and it feels like in the blink of an eye: "Keep up!"

It's just that Shen He and Suzaku didn't move. They looked at each other and saw the same message in each other's eyes: they are both people who shouldn't live!

"Do you want Shishi to feel guilty and restless for the rest of her life?" Afterwards, Jun Haodong rushed in, lifted Suzaku's body, dragged Shen He, roared, and rushed out!

The eyes of Shen He and Suzaku were alive, they stopped being awkward, and followed Jun Haodong's footsteps.

And Shen Kui, who watched the crowd leave, was unwilling to yell, but could not make any sound, and could only stare at the artistically cut bulletproof glass.That bright heart-shaped hole seemed to be mocking his innocence and ignorance!
The crowd quickly withdrew like a tide, and after a while, a huge explosion resounded through the sky, and the main house of the Shen family was ablaze, and it was reduced to ashes under everyone's gaze.

Tang Shishi was in Ling Rui's arms, tightly clutching the clothes on Ling Rui's chest, and hadn't recovered from the joy of rebirth.

Just at that moment, she felt that she was so close to death, she even felt the footsteps of death, so real, so terrifying!
When she became emotional, Tang Shishi felt the discomfort in her stomach again, and said to Ling Rui, "My husband, my stomach hurts! Take me to the hospital!"

When Ling Rui heard that Tang Shishi had a stomachache, he was so frightened that his feet were a little weak, because he also felt some wet sticky hands holding Tang Shishi, and a trace of blood came into his nose.

Ling Rui didn't have time to think, and ran towards the nearest car.

However, after Ling Rui ran two steps, a car suddenly stopped in front of Ling Rui. Shen He didn't know when he had already run to drive the car over. He opened the car door and said eagerly to Ling Rui: "Get in the car quickly." !"

Ling Rui carried Tang Shishi into the car, and Shen He drove the car towards the hospital.

"It's broken! Lu Tao and Bai Meng are still locked in Shen's secret room!" The car drove out for a while, Tang Shishi suddenly thought of Lu Tao, and anxiously yelled for Shen He to stop.

Shen He stepped on the accelerator and said, "They are already in the hospital now!"

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He's blood-stained shoulders, and suddenly remembered that she scolded Shen He as a pervert in the secret room, her eye sockets were a little hot, her senior Shen He was never a heartless person!

When the crowd chased after them, they only saw a puff of car exhaust. It was Mr. Jun who reacted quickly and hurriedly greeted Mr. Bai, Jun Zeyu, Bai Ziyu and others to get in the car and go to the hospital, while Jun Haodong was left behind to deal with the aftermath.

"It's a pity that no one appreciates such a great masterpiece of mine!" Jun Mubei, who had already returned to the helicopter, looked at the Shen family mansion that had been turned into ruins, and said with a sigh.

"Maybe it's because you only drew one heart and lacked creativity. Remember to draw two next time!" Mo Youyou frowned, thought for a while, and comforted Jun Mubei.

"Daughter-in-law, you're so smart!" Jun Mubei kissed Mo Youyou's mouth twice in admiration.

"Go, go, who is your wife! We're not married yet!" Mo Youyou blushed and acted like a baby shyly.

"By the way, go back and hurry up to make a human!" Jun Mubei threw away the micro punch in his hand, hugged Mo Youyou tightly with his arms, and began to kiss fiercely.

The little brother who was flying the plane in front pursed his lips bitterly, thinking that the second master would not be able to calm down all the way, he really took it for fun, and made people die!

Tang Shishi was sent to the hospital, and the result of the examination was a threatened miscarriage, but the doctor said that Tang Shishi had a good foundation and there was no major problem, but for the next month or so, she had to rest in bed and not have too much emotional ups and downs, Ling Rui listened Finally, he sat down on the chair, frightened him to death just now, he was really afraid that his little babies would just disappear!
Shen He looked at Tang Shishi surrounded by everyone from a distance, with a gratified smile on his face, he turned and left silently.

What happened in the Shen family's mansion was deliberately buried in the depths of people's memory, and no one mentioned it again.The Shen family was destroyed, and Shen He disappeared that day. The Jun family took advantage of the situation and wrote Shen He's name on the death list of the Shen family. Anyway, there were no bones left in the Shen family mansion. After being burned to ashes by the fire after the explosion, it is impossible to distinguish, and Shen He needs a new identity and a new beginning.

Tang Shishi called Shen He many times and sent many text messages, but he didn't know where he was hiding, and he didn't answer the phone calls or text messages. His father-in-law Jun Zeyu also called him a lot, even Jun Grandpa also called him, but he stubbornly refused to answer.Tang Shishi asked Ling Rui to find him. She believed that Ling Rui would definitely find him, but Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi and said that to give Shen He some time, he needed to find a place to think about something alone, and wait for him to think about it. Understood, will come back.

(End of this chapter)

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