Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 846 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 846 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
Seeing that Tang Shishi's expression was wrong, Ling Rui stood up in fright, grabbed Tang Shishi's arm and asked, "Little wild cat, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? It's all my fault, I shouldn't have teased you just now! It's all my fault , don't be angry, relax, take a deep breath."

"I, you—shut up!" Tang Shishi saw Ling Rui looking at her in a panic, her mouth was chattering non-stop, her little face turned pale again, her lips trembled, and she yelled helplessly.

"Okay, don't be angry, don't be angry, I'll shut up! I'll shut up!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he really closed his mouth tightly, and covered it with his hands uneasy.

"You—" Tang Shishi was really angry and funny when she saw Ling Rui's "shut up" so solemnly, but she really couldn't laugh at the moment, the pain on her face distorted the smile on her face at the moment, she took a breath, Looking at Ling Rui who had made a mistake, his eyes were flustered, and he was waiting to accept his punishment obediently, he said, "I'm going to give birth!"

Unexpectedly, she gave birth at this time, twelve days earlier than the expected delivery date.

"You—are going to give birth?!" Ling Rui listened to Tang Shishi's words, and his brain, which had always been working quickly, suddenly became a little stuck, and he was stunned for about three seconds, and he suddenly yelled loudly : "You are going to give birth!"

Tang Shishi had a headache. Compared with Ling Rui's abnormality, she seemed much calmer, "Hurry up and take me to the hospital!"

"Oh! Go to the hospital! My God! Go to the hospital!" Only then did Ling Rui realize that the chair Tang Shishi was sitting on was already wet. Shouting: "Hurry up and prepare the car, my wife is about to give birth! My wife is about to give birth!"

That voice, loud and clear, resounded through the entire Jun family courtyard in an instant.

Mr. Bai, Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling, who were drinking tea in the room, heard Ling Rui's shout, stood up excitedly from their chairs, and ran towards the door. The movement and speed could not be seen at all. A lot of people.Even Mrs. Ling, who is usually weak in physique, has unusually vigorous movements.

As for Sun Xiaofen, Cai Xiaofen, and Ling Yue who were preparing dinner, when they heard Ling Rui's shout, they first looked at each other for half a second, then each screamed, dropped their work, and rushed out of the kitchen. Qi ran out.

Bai Zizhen, Jun Zeyu, and Tang Guoduan just came back from the outside, and the car hadn't stopped yet. They saw Ling Rui holding Tang Shishi and running towards them at a fast pace. They saw Tang Shishi from a long distance away. Shi's bulging stomach rose and fell with Ling Rui's running, and the hearts of the three of them had already risen to their throats, and when they heard Ling Rui's shout, the legs of the three couldn't help but tremble a little.

Girl Shishi, is she about to give birth? !So fast!
Although, these days, they are fully prepared, but when this moment comes, they still feel sudden.

"Hurry up to the hospital!" Ling Rui had no time to care about the people around him. He hugged Tang Shishi, nimbly got into the car, slammed the door, and told the driver who hadn't recovered.

It was the first time that the driver saw Ling Rui who was so disregarding his image, flustered and uneasy, and was directly stunned by Ling Rui, but fortunately, he was also a special soldier, and when he received Ling Rui's order, he instinctively followed the order Acting, drove the car to the Military Medical General Hospital.

And Jun Zeyu, Bai Ziyu, and Tang Guoduan, who were locked outside the car door by Ling Rui, came back to their senses after the driver drove the car away, and shouted at the rear of the car: "Wait! Us! And us!"

It's just that the speed of the car was unusual, and the people inside couldn't hear their shouts at all, and even if they heard them, they wouldn't stop and turn back.

"Where's Shishi girl?" Mr. Jun who ran to the door waited for a group of people, looking at Jun Zeyu, Bai Ziqi and Tang Guoduan, and asked anxiously.

"Get in the car and leave!" Bai Ziyu replied, and turned around in a hurry, muttering anxiously while circling: "What should I do? What should I do?"

His daughter is about to give birth!I'm going to give birth!

Seeing Bai Ziyu's appearance, Sun Xiaofen knew that he was relapsed from an old problem, and couldn't help complaining in her heart, you said that the daughter is pregnant and the son-in-law is fine, how could he suffer from prenatal anxiety when he becomes a father?

Bai Ziqi felt that Sun Xiaofen was holding his hand, suddenly looked up at Sun Xiaofen, and asked anxiously, "Honey, there will be no problem, right?"

"Of course not!" Sun Xiaofen rolled her eyes at Bai Ziqi, and said, "Girl Shishi is in much better condition than I was back then, she will definitely be fine, just relax!"

After listening to Sun Xiaofen's words, Bai Zizhen's eyes were still very disturbed, but he didn't ask any questions, and tried his best to suppress all the anxiety in his heart.

"Call the hospital quickly and let the doctor be in place sooner!" After all, Mr. Jun is calmer than a group of excited and out-of-position people like them. Arrange a car and go to the hospital!"

Hearing Mr. Jun's words, Jun Zeyu quickly took out his mobile phone and called the Military Medical General Hospital, but because he was too excited, his hand holding the mobile phone couldn't help shaking, and the words he spoke were also slightly trembling Yes, fortunately, the meaning expressed can be heard clearly by the other party.

Ling Yue ordered someone to arrange a car, and a group of people got into the car and rushed towards the hospital.After getting in the car, Mr. Jun asked Jun Zeyu to inform the rest of Jun's family, and especially told Jun Mubei to send people to surround Tang Shishi's delivery room. There must be no accidents in this delivery, let alone people taking chances. You can take advantage of it, and then stage a drama of dropping bags.Although, this kind of thing is impossible, but it was specially requested by old man Bai. In order to make old man Bai feel at ease, old man Jun doesn't care about it being unnecessary.

After all the orders were given, the car also stopped at the Military Medical General Hospital. Mr. Jun and the others didn't care about their manners. As soon as they got out of the car, they all rushed towards the hospital in a swarm. The appearance of scrambling for the first place was amazing.

When Mr. Jun and his group arrived outside the delivery room, Tang Shishi had already been sent into the delivery room, and only the embarrassed Ling Rui stood outside like a wooden stake.

But no one disliked Ling Rui, Mr. Jun, Mr. Bai and Mrs. Ling came over specially, patted Ling Rui on the shoulder, and then sat on the rest chair outside, waiting with a nervous heart. .

"Boy Rui, don't be too nervous, it's okay!" Sun Xiaofen saw that Ling Rui was still standing there blankly, not moving, stepped forward and pulled Ling Rui's arm, and said, but there was an easy-to-understand tone in that tone. Soothing ingredients.

"Mom, I'm fine!" Ling Rui glanced sideways at Sun Xiaofen, said with a long sigh of relief.Ling Rui said it was fine, even he himself didn't believe it, carrying Tang Shishi all the way to the hospital, Ling Rui seemed to have experienced an unprecedented torture, seeing Tang Shishi's face pale, twitching in pain, His body convulsed and convulsed from time to time because of the pain, Ling Rui's heart felt like being whipped by a whip. , although the technology is now advanced, but he is still afraid that Tang Shishi will have three good things and two bad things.

(End of this chapter)

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