Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 847 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 847 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
Especially the old doctor who pushed Tang Shishi into the delivery room, and said that Tang Shishi was in good condition. These are normal phenomena. Ling Rui was so angry that he almost couldn't help but want to slap her away. His face was pale and waxy, and his lips were trembling all the time. Does this mean that he is in good condition?It's normal for blood to bleed all over him?What a fucking quack!
"Ah——" As soon as Ling Rui's words fell, Tang Shishi's shrill scream came from the delivery room. The tall and straight body of the person who was just saying that he was fine just now swayed, and he almost couldn't stand still.

"Girl Shishi!" Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Ling were so frightened by Tang Shishi's scream that they jumped up from their chairs, staring nervously at the door of the delivery room.

Ling Yue and Cai Xiaofen held each other's hands tightly. They both had children before. Although they knew that this is an inevitable experience for women to have children, they were still nervous and restless.While comforting each other, they said in their mouths: "It's okay, it's okay!" But their hearts were up and down, ups and downs, and even their breathing was short.

The screams that kept coming out of the delivery room made Bai Ziyu and Jun Zeyu unable to sit still. The two began to wander back and forth at the door of the delivery room. When they met occasionally, they could see each other's eyes. Seeing the uneasiness that I have nowhere to rest at this moment.

Tang Guoduan and Mr. Jun seemed the calmest, but this was only a superficial phenomenon, because at the moment the two were sitting on the chair, motionless, and upon closer inspection one would find that every time Tang Shishi in the delivery room yelled, Tang Guoduan Duan and Mr. Jun's body tensed up.

"What's the matter? Did you give birth?" Just when everyone was nervous, Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou ran over in a hurry. At the moment, the two were out of breath, and they obviously rushed over after receiving the news, but the two The personal appearance is very weird, because Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou are each holding a big doll as tall as a person in their arms.

"Look at the presents I bought for them?" Mo Youyou took out the big doll in her arms to dry, as if offering a treasure, with a smug expression on her face.

Looking at the appearance of this group of people, they must have never had time to bring gifts. This time, she took the lead and became the first person to give gifts to the baby.

Ling Rui glanced at the monster shape Mo Youyou sent to him in disgust, and then glanced at the lazy, violent factor in Jun Mubei's arms that matched his temperament very well. He started to move around again, he couldn't shoot that old doctor away just now, but now he desperately wants to shoot these two bastards away!

Can these two bastards be a little more normal, even if one of them is sane!His family's baby was just born, how could he play with such a big doll, it would take up too much space to leave it at home!

Mo Youyou's enthusiasm was completely wiped out by Ling Rui's cold face. She turned around and looked at Jun Mubei aggrievedly, and found that Jun Mubei was winking at her. Only then did she realize that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere, so She quickly hugged the big doll she had prepared, and retreated to Jun Mubei's side.

Why are everyone's expressions so serious, shouldn't having a baby be a happy thing?

Mo Youyou was puzzled!
"Ah—" Tang Shishi's screams rang out again, each sound more horrific than the last.

Mo Youyou, who was still confused just now, suddenly heard Tang Shishi's scream, jumped three feet high in fright, then her legs went limp, and the doll fell out of her hand all of a sudden, if it wasn't for Jun Mu Bei's sharp eyes and quick hands to grab it After Mo Youyou, Mo Youyou had to sit down on the ground.

"What's going on?" Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei in horror and asked, his face was a little pale, and there was no trace of joy before.

Tang Shishi's cry is too scary!
"It's okay!" Jun Mubei was much calmer than Mo Youyou, looking at Mo Youyou's pale face, he quickly comforted him with distress.

It's just that as soon as his words fell, he was strangled by the eyes of the people around him. Jun Mubei had no choice but to hug Mo Youyou tightly, stood aside, and tried to reduce the sense of existence, but he was copying a big doll in one hand, and Mo Youyou in the other. It's funny no matter how you look at it.

Tang Shishi has never felt such pain before, every bone in her body hurts, the pain is so numb, the pain makes her whole body lose strength, and the sweat all over her body makes her look like she was fished out of the water, but at this moment she is completely I didn't feel the discomfort of being wet and sticky. I just opened my eyes wide, listened to the midwife's words, and kept inhaling, exerting force, inhaling, exerting force.

Time has never been so difficult, every second is like a year.

But Ling Rui, who was outside the door, heard Tang Shishi's shouts, and his heart was pierced, but he couldn't help it anymore, tore off his coat, asked the nurse for a sterile suit, and entered the delivery room.

Originally, he wanted to accompany Tang Shishi to give birth the whole time, but Tang Shishi didn't allow it. He said that after watching a woman give birth, the chance of suffering from postpartum depression is higher than that of a woman, and most of them will leave a psychological shadow in the future. She didn't want Ling Rui to have any psychological shadow, which would affect their sexual life in the future.Ling Rui saw that Tang Shishi was very persistent in what she said, so he agreed, but at the moment, he couldn't care less about it. When he thought of Tang Shishi's heart-piercing pain inside alone, Ling Rui was extremely annoyed. Why? The one who bears these is not him!

The moment Ling Rui rushed into the delivery room, Tang Shishi's eyes widened, but at this moment she was so exhausted that she had no strength to drive her out.

"Little wild cat! Here I come!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi who seemed to be fished out of the water. His face was pale and his lips were bitten. His eyes were red, and he walked quickly to Tang Shishi's side. He held Tang Shishi's hand, and wiped the sweat off her face with one hand.

"Ah——" Tang Shishi was holding the hand of the bed sheet tightly, but now she is holding Ling Rui's hand tightly, closing her eyes, and began to exert all her strength under the doctor's command.

"Wow—" A loud cry of the baby resounded throughout the delivery room.

"It's born, it's born! It's a big fat boy!" A nurse said happily while cutting the umbilical cord swiftly.They have seen many pregnant women like Tang Shishi. In comparison, Tang Shishi's delivery was smooth.

"It's born! It's born!" Grandpa Jun and others who were waiting outside the door cheered excitedly.

"It took less than an hour to go in, girl Shishi is really awesome!" Old Master Ling took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and said with a smile, the wrinkles on his face stretched out incomparably.

After giving birth to the first one, the following ones are not so difficult.

"Boy Rui is also very good!" Mr. Bai praised generously. As soon as Ling Rui entered, Tang Shishi gave birth to one, which made Mr. Bai very excited.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have let this brat in!" Mr. Jun muttered in dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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