Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 848 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 848 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
Several people talked with each other, but no one asked whether Tang Shishi's first child was a boy or a girl!It's not that they don't care, but at the moment they care more about the Tang poetry that is still in production.

"Don't stop, keep pushing!" Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, who were about to breathe a sigh of relief, became nervous again when they heard the doctor's order.

Fortunately, this child is very obedient, he didn't torture Tang Shishi much, and fell to the ground within a few minutes!It's just that the child's voice was crying louder than his elder brother just now, as if he had suffered some grievance in his stomach. Ling Rui privately thought that this child must be sad because he didn't come out ahead of his elder brother!
"It's another big fat boy!" The doctor at the side glanced at the child, and happily congratulated Ling Rui and Tang Shishi.

"Wife! We have two sons!" Ling Rui ignored the two children at the moment, grabbed Tang Shishi's hand, and said excitedly: "My wife, thank you for your hard work!"

Tang Shishi smiled weakly, just when she was about to speak, she felt her stomach hurt again, and her face lost all blood due to the pain.

"What's going on?! What's going on?!" Ling Rui immediately sensed something was wrong with Tang Shishi, and asked the doctor sharply, his voice began to tremble because of fear.

Mr. Jun and the others, who were outside the delivery room, felt relieved when they heard the second cry of the baby. They couldn't help but sigh that Tang Shishi is a blessed person, and the child is also filial. Come out obediently.

Just when everyone was already happy and started to congratulate each other, they suddenly heard Ling Rui's exclamation. The people outside realized that the situation was not good, and the surprise turned into shock, and they began to feel uneasy.

"What's going on inside? No, I want to go in and have a look!" Sun Xiaofen was the first one who couldn't take it anymore, imitating Ling Rui, and rushed into the delivery room.

"Wait, I don't know what's going on inside, don't go in and make trouble at this time!" Bai Ziyu grabbed Sun Xiaofen and stopped her. In fact, he wants to go in even more than Sun Xiaofen now to see what's going on. What's up!

"What's going on? Boy Bei, why hasn't your mother come yet?" Bai Mo has been back to City B for the past two days. She originally planned to come back tomorrow, but she didn't expect Tang Shishi to give birth prematurely. When she came to the hospital before, Mr. Jun Someone had already called her, and when they heard that something was wrong with Tang Shishi, the first thing Mr. Jun thought of was Yunmo.

"I'll call her again." Jun Mubei looked serious, and after he finished speaking, he put Mo Youyou on the rest chair, let her hug the big doll, and then started calling Yunmo.

When questioned by Ling Rui, the doctor who delivered Tang Shishi was stunned for a moment, and then saw a lot of blood coming out from under Tang Shishi's body, his brows tightened, and the joy of just delivering the baby disappeared, and he put on a serious face , Said to the people around him: "No, there is another one inside, get ready!"

"What?! Another one?!"

Ling Rui is dumbfounded!Tang Shishi was also dumbfounded!
After hearing the doctor's words, the outsiders were also stunned!
there's still one? !Is Shishi girl pregnant with triplets? !

Mr. Jun sat down on the chair, the expression on his face didn't know whether it was surprise or shock, he was in a daze, completely forgetting how to react.

"Didn't you say it was twins last time you had an ultrasound?" Ling Yue was completely unsteady at the moment. The fact that Tang Shishi was pregnant with triplets made her both happy and worried. Jun Zeyu supported her against the wall Only barely stopped.

"It's not uncommon for the B-ultrasound to be inaccurate. It may be that during the B-ultrasound, one of them was just blocked by the other two." As soon as Ling Yue finished speaking, Yun Mo's voice sounded behind her.From pregnancy to delivery, Tang Shishi did not have Siwei. She underwent B-ultrasound twice, and she gave birth ahead of schedule. It is normal for such a thing to happen.

"Second sister-in-law! You're finally here! Go and see girl Shishi!" Ling Yue couldn't care less about the B-ultrasound results at this moment, all she cared about now was Tang Shishi's safety.

"It's okay, the triplets are not afraid, the food that girl Shishi ate at this stage has already adjusted her body very well." Yunmo was obviously much calmer than this group of people, and her words were also very meaningful. Authority is very soothing. As soon as she finished speaking, everyone was obviously relieved.

However, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, who are still working hard in the delivery room, are still holding their breath at this moment.This last little baby was obviously very greedy for his mother's embrace, and didn't want to come out of Tang Shishi's belly so soon.

"Exercise! Exert!" Although the doctor who delivered the baby encountered this situation for the first time, he was not flustered, and calmly directed Tang Shishi to exert himself.

"Ah——" Tang Shishi was exhausted after giving birth to two children, so what strength is there at this moment, under the doctor's command, she numbly followed the doctor's password.

"Stinky boy, get out quickly, or I will hang you up and beat you!" Ling Rui watched as the blood under Tang Shishi's body became thicker and thicker, and his eyes were stained red, as if looking at an enemy, looking at Tang Shishi's stomach the bump in it.

"Ling Rui! Ah——" Tang Shishi's hand tightly grabbed Ling Rui's. As soon as she opened her mouth, the pain drowned out her screaming. At this moment, she didn't even have the strength to scream, and said out of breath : "Daughter, it must be a daughter this time!"

Having already given birth to two sons, Tang Shishi had a premonition that this time it must be a daughter.

"The baby can't come out!" Half an hour passed, even if it was Yun Mo who delivered the baby in person, the baby in her stomach was still unwilling to come out, which made Yun Mo, who was originally calm, start to lose her composure.If she was delivering a stranger, maybe she could still be calm enough, but seeing Tang Shishi's heart-piercing screams, Yunmo couldn't bear it.

"What is it that the child can't come out?! What should I do?!" Ling Rui has lost his mind in a hurry at this moment, his eyes are full of blood, and he can't wait to reach in and pull the little guy out of Tang Shishi's stomach, ruthlessly Beat him hard.Let's see if he dares to torment his wife again!

"The fetal position is not correct, the baby's head is stuck inside." Yun Mo said, while still sparing no effort to correct Tang Shishi's fetal position with special fingering, but now Tang Shishi doesn't have the strength to cooperate with her, so her movement is also abnormal Difficult, if it doesn't come out, the child may suffocate.

"Torturing someone like this must be a brat. If it's a daughter, she wouldn't be willing to torment her mother like this!" Ling Rui said angrily, staring at Tang Shishi's stomach.

"Daughter, son!" Tang Shishi corrected Ling Rui in a spirited manner.

"Okay, okay, if you say it's a daughter, it must be a daughter!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and stroked the wet hair on her forehead with distress, then looked at Tang Shishi's belly, and said softly: "My dear daughter, hurry up!" Point it out, don't torture your mother, mom and dad must love you the most!"

(End of this chapter)

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