Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 849 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness!

Chapter 849 Finale: The happiness you want, I wish you happiness! (twenty four)
"Prepare for blood transfusion, caesarean section——Okay, the baby is moving!" Just as Yunmo started ordering the surrounding doctors to prepare for the caesarean section, the baby in Tang Shishi's stomach moved strangely, and the fetal position gradually corrected.

"Girl Shishi, use your strength!" Yun Mo urged Tang Shishi while continuing to correct the fetal position.

"Ah——" Tang Shishi took a deep breath, and under Yunmo's command, exerted force mechanically.

"Put harder, hurry up! The head is coming out! Use harder!" Yun Mo urged Tang Shishi over and over again.

"Wife, use your strength! Use your strength!" Ling Rui's hand has been scratched by Tang Shishi, but he doesn't feel any pain at all at the moment, because compared to Tang Shishi's suffering, his point is simply too insignificant.

"Girl Shishi, for your daughter, use your strength! Use your strength!" Seeing Tang Shishi's exhaustion, Yun Mo began to cheer Tang Shishi up.

"Wife, for our daughter! Work hard! Work hard!" Ling Rui was sweating all over, and his voice was already hoarse and angry. He kept cheering Tang Shishi up: "Wife, work hard! This time it must be the daughter! It must be daughter!"

"Ah——" Tang Shishi hissed, her voice was already broken, she closed her eyes, and exerted all her strength, finally, she felt her body lighten, and something was squeezed out of her body.

A cry as thin as a meow sounded, and Yun Mo held the little baby in her hands with a sense of relief on her face: "It was finally born!"

"Yes, is that my daughter..." Tang Shishi's voice was as thin as a mosquito, and she tried to force herself to ask weakly.

"Yes, girl Shishi, congratulations, you have both sons and daughters!" Yunmo looked happily at the kitten-like baby girl in her hands, and said joyfully.

"Husband, yes, it's our daughter, our daughter, she's back!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Yes! It's my daughter! My daughter is back!" Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's hand tightly, something slipped out of his eyes, and no one except Tang Shishi saw it.The meaning of this child to him and Tang Shishi is too important and self-evident.

Tang Shishi gently held Ling Rui's hand back, with a weak but extremely satisfied smile on her face, and then fell into a deep sleep, she was really tired!
"Wife!" Ling Rui watched Tang Shishi close her eyes, her liver and gallbladder were torn apart with fright, her wailing was earth-shattering, and the people guarding outside were frightened out of their wits.

"What's going on?!" Elder Ling, who had been supported by Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen, asked weakly.

The production of Tang poems this time was full of twists and turns, and the old lady Ling was not good at tossing it.

"Stinky boy, what are you shouting! Let Shishi girl sleep well!" Yun Mo was obviously frightened by Ling Rui's sudden voice, and after realizing that Tang Shishi had fallen asleep, she angrily reprimanded her With Ling Rui.

This brat, doesn't he know that there are still a group of people guarding him in fear outside? He's so startled, the people outside don't know what's going on, and they won't be scared to death by him!

"Asleep?!" Only then did Ling Rui notice Tang Shishi's weak breathing. He happily put Tang Shishi's hand on his face, and felt that Tang Shishi's brows were slightly frowned. Ling Rui Knowing that he was too strong and hurt Tang Shishi, he quickly let go a little, put Tang Shishi's hand on his mouth and kept kissing, to soothe his over-frightened mood just now.

After giving birth, Tang Shishi, who was tidied up, was quickly pushed into the VIP ward, and the three little ones were tidied up and put in the stroller and pushed out, so a large group of people flocked to the hospital like a tide. VIP ward.

Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou were the last to follow. Jun Mubei struggled to hold the two big dolls in one hand and Mo Youyou in the other. Looking at Ling Rui who was tortured with an abnormal expression, Jun Mubei A little scared glanced at Mo Youyou in his arms, and automatically remembered the scene of Mo Youyou's childbirth, and finally said faintly, "Actually, DINK is very good if it's more troublesome for the child!"

"Yeah!" Mo Youyou hurriedly nodded to meet Jun Mubei, she was really frightened by Tang Shishi's childbirth, and also by Ling Rui!Ling Rui, who is as strong as steel, can be tortured like this in just two hours, how terrifying the situation is!

Mo Youyou couldn't help shivering when she thought about it, she completely forgot that she and Jun Mubei planned to fight against her father's late marriage policy, and recently they have been working hard almost every day to make people, and they are going to bring a ball first so that they can quickly win the red books !

City B

The Love Malatang restaurant near T University is full of customers these days. An invincible handsome pot boss.

"Hey, look, he smiled!" A nympho stared in the direction of the cashier and exclaimed, "So handsome!"

"What a handsome man! Didn't you see the scar on his face? He's handsome even when he's disfigured?!" The little boy next to the nymphomaniac looked in the direction of the cashier and said disdainfully. full.

Although I don't want to admit it, the man sitting behind the cash register is really charming. A pair of streamlined phoenix eyes are always slightly raised, with a smile that is not a smile, and it is charming in the blink of an eye. It didn't damage the man's temperament at all, but added an incomparable and indescribable charm to him. It's no wonder these girls are crazy about it!
"You're jealous!" The girl pouted displeasedly, glanced at the boy, and then her eyes stuck to the man at the cashier.

"Who comforts you to cry, who protects you, who takes your hand for a slow walk in the sunset..."

The mobile phone rang, and the man who was paying the bill showed an apologetic smile to the little girl who was paying, and motioned her to wait a while, then picked up his mobile phone, and after seeing the caller ID, he couldn't wait to answer the phone.

Soon, in the whole steaming shop, a man's voice full of surprise sounded: "Give birth?! What?! Two boys and one girl! Both sons and daughters!"

The girl who was still immersed in the man's smile had her longing shattered when she heard the man's words.In the entire Love Malatang shop, there were countless voices of heartbreak in an instant.

It turns out that this handsome pot is married, and now he has children!It's still triplets, with both sons and daughters, let people live!
The man didn't notice the change in the surrounding atmosphere at all, let alone guess what kind of misunderstanding the people around him had about the call he just answered. He happily said, "All customers today are free of charge." , and hurried out of the store, then got into his car, started the engine and drove the car towards City A.

(End of this chapter)

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