Chapter 850 Haoyang Confession (1)
When Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang heard the cry of the child, they were stunned for a moment. Soon, Wang Yueshan pushed Du Haoyang away, grabbed a bathrobe, put it on and ran out.

"Good baby, mom is here! Mom is here! Be good! Mom hugs!" Wang Yueshan turned on the light, walked to the crib, picked up Du Hengyu's little friend, and coaxed her.

Du Haoyang got up from the bathroom floor decadently, stood at the door and asked Wang Yueshan sullenly, "Hello——what should I do?"

"Cold salad!" Wang Yueshan said with a glare, and when she saw something Du Haoyang was pointing at, she turned around quickly and blushed.

Wang Yueshan's rare little girl attitude made Du Haoyang stunned. After recovering, thinking of Wang Yueshan's charming look just now, his heart itched even more.

It's just that - Du Haoyang glared at the baby in Wang Yueshan's arms, feeling angrily in his heart, Du Hengyu, it's unreasonable for you to wake up at this time and disturb your father's good business!

When Du Hengyu saw Du Haoyang's appearance, he thought Du Haoyang was teasing him, so he spit bubbles cheerfully and unkindly!

Du Haoyang gritted his teeth, Du Hengyu, you look like this, should we play together in the future?

However, how could Du Hengyu feel Du Haoyang's suffering, his attention was quickly attracted by Wang Yueshan, and he turned a blind eye to Du Haoyang's aggrieved and unwillingness.

Du Haoyang sighed somewhat disappointed. It seems that this group can only feel sorry for the brothers!
Taking a bathrobe and putting it on, Du Haoyang stepped forward, squeezed Du Hengyu's little friend's face, and then left the bedroom.

Wang Yueshan originally thought that Du Haoyang would make a fuss, eat some tofu, get some money and so on.How can I say that according to his rascal temperament, he wouldn't be so talkative, so let her go easily!Who knew, he just sighed and left without a word!
He—is he angry?Wang Yueshan looked at the door of the bedroom, feeling a little lost in her heart.

Wang Yueshan was quickly taken aback by her own negative emotions, she glared at the door, and started to get angry, ignoring me and I also ignoring you, let's see who can stand up to whom!

So, Wang Yueshan coaxed Du Hengyu not to go out in the bedroom. Even when she heard some strange movements outside, Wang Yueshan suppressed her curiosity, changed the baby's diaper absent-mindedly, fed the baby milk powder absent-mindedly, and Tease the baby to play, just don't go out, see what you can do!
Men must not be used to it!

Wang Yueshan still angrily endured the gurgling noises in her stomach.

"Xiao Shanshan, dinner is ready!" Finally, after Wang Yueshan had been thinking wildly for about an hour, Du Haoyang's cheerful voice came from outside the bedroom.

Wang Yueshan savored it carefully, and let out a low hum that was barely audible, but her brows and eyes were relaxed, with an indescribable charm.

Putting the baby in the stroller, Wang Yueshan pushed the stroller and walked out of the bedroom.

This is——what kind of situation?
Wang Yueshan couldn't adapt to the dim light in the living room. Wang Yueshan frowned, but before she could complain, her eyes fell on the only light source on the dining table in the living room, and she was stunned.

The rectangular dining table was covered with a white tablecloth with tassels, and it was filled with plates and dishes, all of which were exquisite. It could be seen that the people who prepared these put a lot of thought into it. Wang Yueshan's gaze, finally It fell on the two dancing candlelights again, and the eyes were a little psychedelic.

"Little Shanshan, would you do me a favor to have dinner with me?" Du Haoyang has been carefully observing the expression on Wang Yueshan's face since Wang Yueshan came out pushing the baby carriage. When the shallow tenderness floated, he knew that he had done the right thing!
Wang Yueshan woke up from her stupefaction, only to realize that Du Haoyang had changed at some point. He was wearing a very formal suit and had a scrupulous hairstyle. At this moment, he was looking at himself with a smile in his eyes, flowing Tenderness and anticipation.

"You were preparing these just now?" Wang Yueshan finally found her tongue, looked at Du Haoyang in disbelief and asked, "Did you make these?"

"It's true!" Du Haoyang raised his eyebrows proudly, and the surprise in Wang Yueshan's eyes greatly pleased him.

"Give me some face, my beautiful lady?" Du Haoyang stretched out his hand towards Wang Yueshan, and made an invitation letter!

"But—but I—" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang in a formal suit, and then saw that she was still wearing a bathrobe and pushing a stroller. She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

This bad guy, why didn't he tell her earlier that he was going to eat western food tonight, and made it so serious, at least give her some hints, so that she can prepare herself a little bit?She is really going to die of embarrassment now!
At this moment, Wang Yueshan fell into a state of embarrassment, completely forgetting that she had too much time and opportunity to know what Du Haoyang was doing before, but she wasted these time and opportunities on those ridiculous rivalries.

"You look so beautiful now!" Du Haoyang's words came from the heart, and they were not deliberately flattering, because although Wang Yueshan was wearing a bathrobe at the moment, she had a coquettish look all over her body, such a little girl Her attitude melted a little bit of her original carelessness, making Du Haoyang's blood boil just by looking at her like this.

Wang Yueshan saw Du Haoyang's eyes filled with lust, and her heart trembled, but she put on a small and arrogant look on her face, she put her little hand in Du Haoyang's, like a noble queen, Said in Shi En's tone: "Yes!"

Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan at this moment, the smile on his face faded away, his eyes moved provocatively from Wang Yueshan's face to the slightly open bathrobe on her chest...

Wang Yueshan couldn't help suffocating her breath, her body trembled slightly, and she gave Du Haoyang a coquettish look, because this pervert took advantage of the gap between kissing the back of her hand, and licked it with her tongue evilly, that appearance made Wang Yueshan feel, At this moment, in Du Haoyang's eyes, her hand seemed to be a piece of delicious cream cake.

"Do you still want to eat? I'm starving to death!" Wang Yueshan put on a straight face unnaturally, still proud, Queen Fan said.

"Come with me!" Du Haoyang stepped forward and put his arms around Wang Yueshan's waist, then took the baby carriage from her hand, and brought Wang Yueshan mother and child to the dining table.

Du Hengyu's little friend was attracted by the jumping candlelight, spitting bubbles happily, and raised his little hands to grab and grab, entertaining himself happily.

Du Haoyang gave Du Hengyu a warning look of "Boy, let's be interesting tonight!", and then gentlemanly opened the chair for Wang Yueshan. After Wang Yueshan was seated, he took off his suit jacket and sat down opposite Wang Yueshan.

(End of this chapter)

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