Chapter 851 Haoyang Confession (2)
Wang Yueshan watched Du Haoyang take off his coat, and felt a little more relaxed, but still couldn't help complaining, what a waste!It is not too troublesome to put on and take off at home!For whom!
However, after seeing the row of knives and forks on the table, Wang Yueshan's arrogance could no longer be held back!
She vividly recalled that the last time Tang Shishi and Tang Shishi experienced life and went to eat western food, she unconsciously felt a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Du Haoyang, who was cutting the steak, noticed that something was wrong with Wang Yueshan, and asked in puzzlement, "Is it because the food I made doesn't suit your taste?"

"No!" Wang Yueshan sighed inwardly when she saw Du Haoyang who was cutting the steak elegantly. After all, she and him are people living in two worlds, and there is a gap!

"Why is that?" Du Haoyang became more and more puzzled, seeing Wang Yueshan like this, suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Du Haoyang, I'm not used to using these!" Wang Yueshan said in a muffled voice, looking at the large row of knives and forks in front of her.

What kind of food to eat, what kind of knife and fork utensils to use, she has made up for it, but if she really uses it in her hand, she still feels guilty, in order to avoid making a bigger joke in a hurry, She simply confessed.

"Cut! Master, I thought it was a big deal!" Du Haoyang couldn't help but be amused by Wang Yueshan's gloomy appearance, put the beef cut into small pieces on his plate in front of Wang Yueshan, and said: "This Foreign gadgets, just to add a little sentimentality, if you don’t like it, we don’t need it, these things are not as powerful as the chopsticks handed down by our ancestors, they are technical work!”

"Du Haoyang, don't you understand, I'm not just referring to this!" Since she started, Wang Yueshan simply stated what was in her heart. She never liked to hide and hide, and cut the mess quickly, which was her consistent style.

"Xiao Shanshan, you don't want to be hungry and discuss with me what you have and what you don't have?" Du Haoyang tied a piece of steak with a fork and put it next to Wang Yueshan's mouth, and said softly, "Eat first, I don't want to eat." You hug and clap your hands."

Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang angrily, and ate the steak into her mouth. She was indeed hungry. Moreover, seeing the tenderness in Du Haoyang's eyes, she suddenly couldn't bear to spoil the romantic atmosphere.

"How is it?" Seeing Wang Yueshan chewing the steak, Du Haoyang asked with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Not bad!" Wang Yueshan really couldn't say anything against her will, who made Du Haoyang's steak really delicious?
"Then eat more!" Du Haoyang said, and forked another piece to Wang Yueshan's mouth.

Wang Yueshan frowned, this is the rhythm of feeding!She's not Du Hengyu, she's good at cutting herself!

So Wang Yueshan picked up the fork in front of her, picked up a piece of beef, and said, "I can eat it myself!"

It's just that Du Haoyang couldn't bear to refuse at all, so he still fed the piece of beef into Wang Yueshan's mouth.But the piece that Wang Yueshan forked, he accepted it with a smile!
Wang Yueshan looked at the wicked smile on Du Haoyang's face, pursed her lips, and thought to herself, it's just a meal, it needs to be fed like this!This is how adultery is born!
However, Du Haoyang did not continue to feed the food after that, but after a meal, Wang Yueshan was taken care of in every possible way, so that Wang Yueshan did not feel uncomfortable at all because she was not used to knives and forks, because there was nothing but a fork , those foreign gadgets in front of her have become decorations.

I don't know if Du Haoyang's warning played a role, but the little friend Du Hengyu who had finished entertaining himself really worked hard this time and fell asleep.

Du Haoyang sent the baby into the bedroom, put it on the crib, and closed the bedroom door before returning to the living room. The lights were on, the candles were extinguished, and Wang Yueshan was already cleaning up the mess.

"Yueshan!" Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan who was packing the dishes from behind, rubbing his head against her neck, his voice a little hoarse.

Wang Yueshan's body froze, her hands stopped, she let Du Haoyang hold her, and waited quietly for Du Haoyang to continue talking.

He called himself Yueshan in a serious tone, not Xiaoshanshan in an ambiguous and unserious manner, he must have something to say to her.

Because of predicting the content of the next conversation, Wang Yueshan's heart began to become restless.

The heartbeat was fast for a while, slow for a while, a little fluttering, completely out of rhythm, which made her feel grateful and worry about gains and losses.

Du Haoyang rested his chin on Wang Yueshan's shoulder and didn't speak for a long time. The two arms holding Wang Yueshan's waist were tightened more and more tightly, making Wang Yueshan's breathing unsteady.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yueshan took a breath and asked softly, even she didn't realize how gentle her tone was at the moment, which made people feel completely different from her usual loud voice.

Although she knew that Du Haoyang was brewing emotions and organizing her words, but if she was strangled by him like this, Wang Yueshan felt that her waist would have to be cut off by him!

"When I was five years old, my mother passed away." Du Haoyang was silent for a while, and then said: "The next year, my grandfather sent someone to bring Cao Xinru home, and Du Haoze came home with her. "

When Du Haoze was mentioned, Du Haoyang's voice paused, and Wang Yueshan's heart felt a little heavy unconsciously.

Both Du Haoyang and Du Haoze grew up in unhealthy families. The entanglement between the two of them has existed since childhood. These grievances and grievances cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences.

"He called me father, father, and I gave him a slap without hesitation. At that time, I was six years old and he was three years old." Recalling the situation back then, Du Haoyang sighed, although his actions at that time were full of Childish, but his hatred for Cao Xinru mother and son has been so clear and real these years.

"I hate their mother and son. If it wasn't for Cao Xinru, if it wasn't for him, my mother would not have passed away so early. They are the murderers who killed my mother. Why should they rob my father again? I won't allow it! Wang Yueshan, you know No, I won't allow it!"

Even though he knew that the fault was not Du Haoze's, everything was done by adults, but every time he thought about it, Du Haoyang couldn't help being excited, especially when he thought of his mother's death, Du Haoyang's whole body trembled slightly, and his voice trembled .

"I know!" Wang Yueshan put her little hand on the big hand on her waist, she could understand what Du Haoyang did at that time.

"They think I don't understand the world of adults, but in fact, I understand everything! Ever since my mother passed away, a demon has lived in my heart. I can't see their mother and child being good. Even if my father gave me double love, but That can't replace maternal love, and it can't melt away the hatred in my heart, especially Cao Xinru's little tricks behind my back from time to time, which makes the demon in my heart more and more difficult to suppress. Cao Xinru has the support of that old thing, and her foundation at home is getting worse. I have to worry about my father and not cause any negative influence on him, so I started to exile myself!" Speaking of this, Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan's arm tightly again, and his breath was a little uneasy floating in the air. In Wang Yueshan's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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