Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 854 Airplane Encounter Incident!

Chapter 854 Airplane Encounter Incident! (1)
At this moment, Du Haoyang couldn't help but feel sorry for Du Haoze, and at the same time, he was sweating for himself, what kind of woman they fell in love with!

"Don't worry, my lord, I won't go to prison for an insignificant person! I have a family now!" Du Haoyang gave Wang Yueshan a hard poke on the face, smiling brightly.

As soon as Wang Yueshan's heart relaxed, she knew that Du Haoyang would not be a person with no sense of propriety, and she really couldn't go out at the moment. Since she wanted to cut off the relationship between her and Du Haoze, then she had no choice but to be ruthless .

The two people in the bedroom were teasing the baby while talking, as if they had completely forgotten that there was another person lying on the ground outside the door.

And Du Haoze just lay on his back on the cold ground, staring blankly at the sky, until his body was as cold and hopeless as his heart, then he struggled to get up from the ground, and walked out of this sad place step by step. Yard, when he walked to the door, he couldn't help but look back at the house with the closed curtains, and finally left with a limp.

Du Haoze didn't stay in the United States for a long time. On the second day, he dragged his injured body and mind to board the flight back to China, because Lu Tao called to say that the company had recently received several big orders and was very busy, so he was asked to go back as soon as possible. .

Lu Tao didn't mention Wang Yueshan's matter on the phone, which made Du Haoze feel even more desolate. It turned out that everyone had already found out the result, and only he himself was foolishly unwilling to believe it.

Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang spent a period of happy and peaceful days in the United States. During these days, Du Haoyang did not do anything to make Wang Yueshan happy, but stayed with Wang Yueshan in a down-to-earth manner. By her side, taking good care of her and the baby, completely playing the role of a husband and father who can give Wang Yueshan mother and child a sense of security, warmth, and love. This made Wang Yueshan feel a little nervous at first, but subconsciously faded away. In this ordinary and real happiness.

She never longed for the vigorous love, she felt that love, like life, has an end, like a flame, the more intense it burns, the shorter life is, the feeling she has been longing for is like a trickle , there is no need to cause any storms, just to be peaceful and stable, to make her feel at ease and dependable, just like what Du Haoyang gave her now.

Wake up in the arms of your lover in the morning, and sleep peacefully in the arms of your lover at night. Two people keep each other warm and comfort each other. There is no need for sweet words, just an occasional tacit look and a knowing smile to let each other know the truth.

She would open the door and bring Du Haoyang a cup of coffee when he was handling official business in the small study and had a video conference; and Du Haoyang would take the initiative to take care of the housework, cook and take care of the children when he was not busy, and give her shoulders and backs ;The two of them will also take their baby out for shopping, basking in the sun, and traveling in their spare time. Anyone who sees them will think that they are a close and warm family of three.

That's enough!

Just when Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang were living at home and sweetly didn't want to go back to China, a phone call forced them to embark on the road back home with a lot of money.

"Shishi gave birth to triplets?! OMG! Du Haoyang, hurry up and pinch me, I heard that right, you are not dreaming, right?" Wang Yueshan was still excited to find Bei after boarding the plane.

"Breeding pig!" Du Haoyang complained disdainfully!
Ling Rui was promoted to be a father, and he was really happy for him, but this guy is too lucky, right?I really doubt what kind of structure he and Tang Shishi are. If they have three at once, do they want to let people live?

While Du Haoyang was angrily thinking about Ling Rui's joyously telling him to wrap three big red envelopes on the other end of the phone, he involuntarily set his eyes on Wang Yueshan's stomach.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan, and immediately felt her hairs stand on end, her intuition was not good.

"Xiao Shanshan, tell me, if we want to give it a try, maybe we can have quadruplets!" Du Haoyang was very honest and did not hide his inner thoughts.

I'm so jealous of Ling Rui, he had three children all at once, and he has both children. Recently, he took care of Du Hengyu's fatherly love, and he wants to have a few children of his own!

"You think too much!" Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang a hard look, but she couldn't laugh or cry in her heart. If this man became childish, it would be unbearable. He could say such naive words.

But——Wang Yueshan looked at Du Hengyu's little friend who was sleeping extremely sweetly in Du Haoyang's arms, her eyes darkened, just for a moment, Wang Yueshan's expression returned to normal, and Du Haoyang beside her quickly didn't notice.

"Haoyang! OMG! OMG!" Just as Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang were talking, a voice full of surprise and disbelief rang out.

Wang Yueshan looked along the voice, and unexpectedly met a pair of contemptuous and hostile eyes.

The woman in front of her was beautifully made up and seductive, and the career line on her chest was very obtrusive, like two balls, dangling reluctantly in Wang Yueshan's hands.

Wang Yueshan snorted coldly, looking at that woman's appearance, she already knew in her heart that this must be one of those flowers and plants that Du Haoyang used to have.

"Who are you?" Du Haoyang frowned at the woman in front of him with revealing clothes and enchanting makeup, his face was a little dark, he already knew why this woman came up to say hello with a familiar face, but he really didn't remember this woman Who is the name!
"Haoyang, I'm Linda! Your favorite... Linda!" Linda deliberately squeezed her chest when introducing herself, and her tone was quite proud.

Back then, Du Haoyang liked the pair of big meatballs on his body the most.

Wang Yueshan looked at Linda who showed her breasts, she pursed her small mouth, and her breathing slowed down. It was really because the perfume on this woman was too strong, and she couldn't get used to it.

"Oh——Linda——" Du Haoyang's eyes flashed with helplessness, especially when he saw Wang Yueshan's face darkened, and he hated the self-righteous woman who suddenly appeared in his heart, so he thought of playing tricks and dragged on. After a long sound, seeing Linda's face getting more and more complacent, Du Haoyang suddenly changed the subject and said coldly: "I don't know!"

"Haoyang!" Linda was poured with cold water, apparently she didn't expect that she would get Du Haoyang's cold face when she took the initiative to deliver it to her door, so she leaned down and pressed her proud breasts in front of Du Haoyang. Squeezed, and said teasingly, "You are so bad! I like teasing people the most!"

Stimulated by the scent of the perfume, Wang Yueshan suddenly sneezed!

(End of this chapter)

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