Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 855 Airplane Encounter Incident!

Chapter 855 Airplane Encounter Incident! (2)
"Sorry! It seems that you have something to talk about, so I'll avoid it!" Wang Yueshan hugged the baby from Du Haoyang's arms without any sincerity, and then got up to make room for Linda!
"Xiao Shanshan, don't make trouble!" Du Haoyang couldn't make Wang Yueshan leave. He stretched out his long arms, wrapped Wang Yueshan's waist and fixed her on the seat, and then said coldly to the unexpected guest in front of him: "I don't care if you are Linda." , or what, I'm not interested in you, my lord, so get out!"

Linda didn't expect that Du Haoyang would be so disrespectful to her and make her lose face in front of so many people in the first class cabin, so she snorted coldly, stepped on her high heels that were more than ten centimeters, and left with her butt twisting.

"Xiao Shanshan, I really don't know who she is! You trust me!" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan who still had a dark complexion, and explained.

"I believe in you!" Wang Yueshan hugged the baby, glanced at Du Haoyang, and said.

Du Haoyang noticed that Wang Yueshan didn't have much resistance, and he just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wang Yueshan say calmly: "Because you have too many women, and sometimes you can't remember a few, but it's human. common sense!"

"Little Shanshan—" Du Haoyang yelled with a guilty conscience.

His past was really ridiculous, and before that, his aesthetic standard was really stuck on Linda's bulging beauty, but ever since he was attracted by the little woman around him, he saw When you see a big wave of women, the first thing that comes to your mind is how much silica gel is in those two meat balls?
"Hold, I'm going to the bathroom!" Wang Yueshan didn't bother to listen to Du Haoyang's explanation, she sent the baby into the man's arms, got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Her original good mood completely turned sour, her heart was a little suffocated, and she wanted to take a breath.However, when she walked to the bathroom, she vaguely heard some abnormal movements in the bathroom, so she had to wash her hands in the dressing room outside the bathroom.

It may be that they heard movement outside, or it may be that they are done. After a while, the door of the bathroom opened, and a stewardess from the first-class cabin came out. Wang Yueshan sighed in her heart, she did not expect a girl who looked so pure , to be so bold and unrestrained, it's really unbelievable!

Seeing that Wang Yueshan was still outside, the stewardess was probably embarrassed and left quickly, but the man washed his hands as if nothing had happened, then glanced at Wang Yueshan, whistled, and left slowly.

Sven scum!

Wang Yueshan cursed secretly in her heart, this world is so fucking messy!

What Wang Yueshan didn't expect was that Linda, who had a big meatball, would "encounter" her in this place full of adultery!
"Hey, you woman, I advise you to be a little self-aware and get out of Haoyang's side as soon as possible!" Linda washed her hands, fiddled with her curly hair, then opened her cosmetic bag and took out Lipstick, painted in front of the mirror, the whole process, did not even give Wang Yueshan alms, as if Wang Yueshan couldn't get into her eyes at all!

"I'm sick!" Wang Yueshan shook the water droplets on her hand, left a word, and turned to leave.

"Ugly! Who do you think is sick?!" Linda obviously didn't expect that Wang Yueshan, who was so ugly compared to her, would dare to swear at others, and immediately became furious, and stood in front of Wang Yueshan, blocking her way.

"Did I name you? What are you guilty of?" Wang Yueshan squinted at Linda, with a mocking arc on her mouth.

"It's just the two of us here, don't try to deny it, you uneducated wild woman!" Linda stretched out one of her finely carved fingers, and yelled at Wang Yueshan.

"Since you insist on rushing, I am embarrassed to stop you, but you are really sick!" Wang Yueshan raised her eyebrows and looked at Linda, when she saw Linda's finger pointing at her , shrinking.

"Stinky and shameless!" Linda was furious, and she raised her hand to slap Wang Yueshan on the face!

How can Wang Yueshan let Linda succeed, she has been on guard against the whole woman for a long time!Besides, she could barely figure out the bad plots written in this kind of script, so she quickly grabbed Linda's arm, and then threw Linda away!

joke!When she was in school, she was by the side of martial arts masters like Tang Shishi, and she was fascinated by it. She still knew a little bit of punching and embroidering her legs. It was absolutely fine to deal with a woman like Linda.

"Ah! You ugly monster! I knew you were faking it!" Linda was thrown to the ground, and Hen Tiangao sprained her foot weakly, so she started screaming and cursing.

"What's going on?" Du Haoyang appeared for the first time with the baby in his arms. Wang Yueshan had been away for too long, and he couldn't help but not worry. He just wondered if she was lost and found her, but unexpectedly something happened!

"Haoyang!" Seeing Du Haoyang's appearance, Linda immediately started whining at Du Haoyang, full of grievances, with a very pitiful appearance, "Haoyang, I twisted my ankle, and it's all because of this ugly monster!"

"Are you fucking dead? You dare to mess with my young master's woman!" Du Haoyang yelled with a fierce look in his eyes after hearing Linda's words.

Linda was stunned for a moment, then laughed, then looked at Wang Yueshan and said with a smile: "Ugly, you are dead!" She thought that Du Haoyang's voice was aimed at Wang Yueshan!
"You really need to be cured!" Wang Yueshan glanced at Linda sympathetically, her gaze stayed on her big fleshy ball for a second or two, thinking that there is a certain scientific basis for having big breasts and no brains.

"Linda, isn't it an artist under Huanyi?" Du Haoyang hugged the sleeping baby Du Hengyu, looked at Linda and said coldly.

"Haoyang, you finally think of me!" Linda had a demonic smile on her face when she heard Du Haoyang's words, but she was happy in her heart. Du Haoyang was very generous with his lover. The last time he frowned Without wrinkling, he gave her a check for 200 million.

"Huh! Congratulations—you're unemployed!" Seeing Linda's hypocritical and calculating face, Du Haoyang's stomach began to churn. Why did he prefer this one at the beginning? With his little Shanshan, It's simply incomparable!
"Ah?! No! Haoyang, you can't do this?! What did I do wrong?! No! You can't!" Linda obviously didn't expect Du Haoyang to treat her like this, and yelled in fright regardless of his image stand up.

"All of this is your own fault, who dared to offend my lord and my baby!" After Du Haoyang finished speaking, he hugged Du Hengyu and Wang Yueshan and left without even looking at Linda!
Linda looked at the family of three who were drifting away, and couldn't believe what she had just heard and what she saw. The young and unrestrained Du family, who had always been unrestrained and famous, would actually make her unemployed because of that ugly monster. ? !
(End of this chapter)

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