Chapter 857 Yue Shan’s Thoughts (2)
Although she was a little excited just now, but this guy Ling Rui picked her up like a chicken in front of so many people, it was too embarrassing for her!
She hugged Shishi, what's the matter?She hugged her hard, what's the matter?

Wang Yueshan raised her chin towards Ling Rui in a demonstration.

Ling Rui glanced at Wang Yueshan expressionlessly, then looked sideways at Du Haoyang, who was dressed as a daddy, and raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it just as soon as the gift arrives? Is it appropriate for you to return to China at this time?"

Du Haoyang curled his lips and couldn't help complaining: "You don't even think about the relationship between those two women!" Du Haoyang knew what Ling Rui said, he was worried that Du Hengyu's affairs would be exposed when he and Wang Yueshan returned to China. But when Wang Yueshan heard that Tang Shishi had given birth to triplets, and the child was almost full moon, she wished she could fly back with wings, even if she wanted to, she couldn't stop her!

Ling Rui frowned and said nothing.

"Haoyang, come and sit down!" Jun Haodong and Jun Mubei greeted in unison, and after Du Haoyang hugged Du Hengyu and sat down on the sofa, Quan Shaobai winked at Du Haoyang and asked, "Haoyang, are you done?"

"What do you think?" Du Haoyang raised his eyebrows proudly and proudly, and asked back: "Is there any woman in this world that I can't handle?"

That arrogant look really made people want to kick him twice, but seeing Du Hengyu in his arms, everyone refrained from doing anything.

"Now you're making a lot of money, buy one get one free, it saves effort!" Ever since Jun Mubei experienced Tang Shishi's childbirth outside the delivery room, he has had serious sequelae in his heart, and now he The two of you and Mo Youyou take double insurance every time you do business, TT plus contraceptives, for fear that you will be recruited if you are not careful.

"How do you talk about it, you!" The speaker had no intentions, but the listener had intentions. Du Haoyang thought that Jun Mubei was embarrassing him, so he was not happy at the moment.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean this little guy is so cute and looks like you, it's so painful!" Jun Mubei knew that he had stepped on Du Haoyang's sensitive point, and immediately made amends.

"That's right, look, does this little guy look more like me!" Du Haoyang was happy now, and immediately showed off Du Hengyu to everyone, with a smug look on his face, not to mention.

Fortunately, the three brothers of the Jun family and Quan Shaobai also knew what kind of temper Du Haoyang was, and they were not pedantic, so they accepted Du Haoyang's status quo without any psychological barriers at all, and then teased Du Hengyu.

Du Hengyu's little friend is also very powerful. He just got off the plane and is energetic. Not only is he not afraid of life, but he also sends an invincible and charming smile from time to time, showing his four small incisors that have just grown. The heart is subdued.

"Shishi, tell me quickly, which one is the eldest, which one is the second child, and which one is the third child?" Wang Yueshan looked at the three little guys wearing the same clothes in the three identical strollers, extremely curious .

At least you should get something to mark it, so that even if you wear the same clothes, you won't be afraid of getting confused?In particular, these three little faces look like they were carved out of the same mold!
"That's right, Shishi, tell me quickly, how do you distinguish between the boss, the second and the third every day?" Mo Youyou on the side was also very curious.

Tang Shishi pursed her lips, but smiled silently.

It's all due to Ling Rui's mischievous guy who insisted on making all three babies look the same. It took a lot of effort to make the family guess the eldest, second and third children every day.This person is purely taking revenge on those who rob him of their children at every turn, that's why he is like this!
"Sister-in-law three, tell me quickly!" Jun Nuanxin was also very curious about this.

"This——" Tang Shishi just opened her mouth when she heard the man sitting on the sofa cough abruptly. full of warnings.

Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing, there was really nothing she could do about him, why did she feel like she had raised four children all of a sudden, and that child king was the most childish and mischievous, she was helpless.

Well, she really didn't want to deprive Ling Rui of the last bit of superiority she had as a father in front of her children, because at the beginning, even a mother like her would admit mistakes occasionally, but Ling Rui was always accurate It's hard to tell which is the eldest, which is the second, and which is the third, even if they are wearing exactly the same clothes.

"Cut! The third brother loves playing tricks!" Jun Nuanxin curled her lips in displeasure when she saw Ling Rui warning Tang Shishi.

"This is the eldest Ling Zimo, this is the second eldest Ling Zixuan, and this is the third eldest Ling Ziqi." Tang Shishi ignored Jun Nuanxin's complaints, and pointed to the three pink and tender babies in the stroller, one by one. A friend introduced.

When Ling Rui heard Tang Shishi's words, an almost inaudible smile flashed on the corner of his mouth.

Tang Shishi rolled his eyes at him calmly, with a bright smile on his face all the time.Ever since she had a child, she watched Ling Rui fight for the child with his family all day long, and watched him worry about gains and losses in recent days. She knew in her heart that no matter how strong a man is, there is always a weak string in his heart. The fragility, only she can comfort.

Wang Yueshan took a close look at the flirtatious relationship between Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, and she knew in her heart that she is also a mother. Although her situation with her child and Du Haoyang is a bit unusual, from pregnancy to childbirth to the child's growth , Du Haoyang is almost always by her side, although Du Haoyang loves the child more than she does, but she often hears Du Haoyang complaining that she is too good for the child and ignores him, only the child does not have him in her heart, knowing that when such a sudden appearance occurs, When a person who is connected with her flesh and blood comes to share her love and care, men will have such thoughts and anxiety of being abandoned, not to mention that Tang Shishi gave birth to three at once!
However, this Ling Rui, who looks cold, must be extremely boring in private!

When Wang Yueshan and the others first arrived, the elders of the Jun family were all busy with tomorrow's banquet, while Mr. Jun, Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Bai were invited by Mr. Long to drink tea, so she and Mrs. Du Haoyang didn't see either of them, so he went to the guest room to catch up on sleep in the afternoon, and only met everyone at dinner.

Although everyone was very enthusiastic and caring about her and asked her questions, Wang Yueshan still felt a little uncomfortable. One was because the dinner was too rich, the other was because the dishes were more dazzling than the dinner, and the third was because of her people eating around.

It's not that Wang Yueshan has never lived in the Jun's house, but the feeling of living here is completely different from that in the Jun's compound. The Jun family in the Jun's compound is amiable and approachable on weekdays, while the Jun family in the Jun's mansion , although she is also amiable, approachable on weekdays, and her face is still the same, but such exquisite dishes and dining utensils, as well as many servants who are always on hand, make Wang Yueshan feel that the people at the same table have a noble temperament, and everyone is elegant. Nobles, even though they are still chatting and joking while eating as usual, Wang Yueshan still feels different. This is probably because people depend on clothes, and Buddha depends on gold clothes?
(End of this chapter)

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