Chapter 858 Yue Shan’s Thoughts (3)
Take a closer look at the entire restaurant of the Jun family, from the decoration to the decorations, everything is meticulous, making Wang Yueshan seem to be in a huge and magnificent golden cage, which makes Wang Yueshan involuntarily think of those ancient monarchs and princes extravagant pomp.

"Yueshan, why are you in a daze?" Tang Shishi, who was on Wang Yueshan's right hand, noticed that Wang Yueshan's expression was a little strange, and couldn't help asking.

During this meal, I didn't see this guy eat a few mouthfuls, and he always looked absent-minded. "Is it because the dishes don't suit your appetite?"

"No! No!" Wang Yueshan shook her head quickly when she came back to her senses, thinking, she is not a picky person, so many dishes, not to mention that every dish is in line with her appetite, but only those she likes , each eating two chopsticks, her stomach is full!
"Did you not rest well and feel unwell?" Tang Shishi looked at Wang Yueshan's face worriedly and asked.

"Yueshan, is it because you didn't take care of your body after giving birth?" Cai Xiaofen asked worriedly after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

"Xiao Shanshan, do you have a cold?" Du Haoyang sat on Wang Yueshan's left, and when he noticed that Wang Yueshan's expression was not right, he immediately stretched out his hand to wipe her forehead.

"No, auntie, I'm fine!" Wang Yueshan smiled embarrassedly, slapped Du Haoyang's paw off dissatisfied, and then looked at everyone with a guilty conscience.

"You child, this is not someone else's house. If you feel uncomfortable, don't hold back. After dinner, let your second aunt show you. This child is thinner than when he lived in Jun's house last time. A lot!" Mr. Jun also spoke.

"Grandpa Jun, I'm really fine!" Wang Yueshan was even more embarrassed. She didn't expect that she lost her mind and attracted everyone's attention to herself. She didn't want to attract so much attention. I got up, "I just saw that the vase looks good, so I took a second look, it's really all right!"

Forced to be helpless, Wang Yueshan immediately changed the topic.

"What's so good about that vase, it's just an object from the Tang Dynasty. If you like vases, wait for me to give you a good one!" Mo Youyou, who was diagonally opposite, glanced back at the vase Wang Yueshan was talking about, and said indifferently.

"I just think it's pretty, take a second look, I don't dare to put this at home, Hengyu will learn to walk soon, don't accidentally break it!" After Mo Youyou said this, Wang Yueshan couldn't sit still anymore, unexpectedly Mo Youyou, who is usually a little dazed, can tell that the vase is an object from the Tang Dynasty with just one glance, but compared to her, he is useless except for a few conversations that can't make it to the stage.
I don't know why, the more she gets along with Du Haoyang, the more inferior Wang Yueshan will feel, because her background is very different from education, Du Haoyang is as noble and elegant as these people here, and only she...

"You!" Du Haoyang picked up a chopstick of Wang Yueshan's favorite dish and put it in Wang Yueshan's bowl. In fact, he could clearly see the twinkles in Wang Yueshan's eyes, and he sighed in his heart. It's rare that this carefree woman began to pay attention to these things. Although he knew that it was because of him that Wang Yueshan started to care about these things, he also knew more clearly that it wasn't that he said he didn't care about this kind of thing, so Wang Yueshan would have no grudges in her heart. Just like invading herself into her world, it will take time to smooth it out.

After dinner, Yunmo took Wang Yueshan to the living room to cut her pulse, then asked about her physical condition, and finally gave Wang Yueshan careful instructions on what Wang Yueshan should pay attention to in her diet, and told Wang Yueshan Said the names of several medicinal foods.

Wang Yueshan didn't like those awkward and unheard of Chinese medicine names, but Du Haoyang beside her wrote down all the words Yunmo said one by one, put them in the memo on the phone, and explained the things she didn't understand. Ask questions, carefully and carefully like a primary school student doing homework.

"Second aunt, when is Yueshan's body suitable for another pregnancy?" Just as Wang Yueshan got up to go to the bathroom and came back, she heard Du Haoyang ask.

"Haoyang, it's not easy for you and Yueshan to walk together. Auntie asks you, what will you do if Yueshan can no longer get pregnant?" Yunmo took a sip of tea, looked at Du Haoyang and asked.

Wang Yueshan, who was outside the door, heard Yunmo's words, her heart suddenly fell to the bottom, and she couldn't - get pregnant again? !

"Auntie, then I don't want a child. Anyway, we have Xiao Hengyu, and Yueshan's child is my child. Besides, this child is also surnamed Du!" Du Haoyang blurted out almost without thinking, he paused, Said: "As long as Yueshan's body is fine!"

"Auntie really saw you right!" Yunmo nodded approvingly after listening to Du Haoyang's words, and then said: "According to the prescription I just gave you, her body is still young. It's not hopeless at all, maybe—"

"Well, thank you, auntie! I understand!" Du Haoyang said gratefully.

"Yueshan, why are you standing here, go and see the gift we prepared for Xiao Hengyu!" Tang Shishi saw Wang Yueshan stuck at the door and refused to go in for a long time, so she came up and took her hand and said.

"En." Wang Yueshan raised the corners of her mouth hard, and followed Tang Shishi upstairs, but her heart became heavy because of what Yun Mo said to Du Haoyang just now.

"Look, do you like it?" Tang Shishi pushed open a door, which was full of children's utensils and gifts, each with a small card with words of blessing written on it.

"These are all for Hengyu?" Wang Yueshan looked at the pile of Lao Gao's gifts and asked in surprise.

This is a bit too exaggerated!
"Of course, everyone is prepared! Take a look!" Tang Shishi said happily as she pulled Wang Yueshan to the pile of presents.

Wang Yueshan picked up a small box casually, but who knew that the box was quite heavy, she looked at the beautiful little card on the box, which read: I wish the baby good health and no poisons!The signature is from Mrs. Ling.

The calligraphy is a good calligraphy, but it is invulnerable to a hundred poisons?Wang Yueshan twitched the corner of her mouth, how could this be like a line in a martial arts movie!Grandpa Jun, Grandpa Ling, and Grandpa Bai are really looking more and more like old urchins.

Under the expectation of Tang Shishi, Wang Yueshan opened the small gift box, and inside was a set of finely crafted silver tableware, silver bowls, silver spoons, silver chopsticks, and silver forks. She kind of understood why Mrs. Ling I can write such blessings, this set of tableware is really anti-virus!
Then Wang Yueshan unwrapped other people's gifts one by one, this time it was really hard to unwrap the presents, especially looking at the sincere blessings written on each gift, Wang Yueshan felt warm in her heart, Very warm.

(End of this chapter)

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