Chapter 859 Wife Competition! (1)
"Are you in a better mood?" Tang Shishi looked at Wang Yueshan's eye circles a little red, and asked with a hook on Wang Yueshan's shoulder.

"Yeah!" Wang Yueshan nodded vigorously with some sobs, she didn't care about the value of those things, but cared about those thoughts.

"Actually, there are some things that you don't need to care too much about. Just be yourself. You don't need to be too forceful. No matter what other people are, you will always be the unique Wang Yueshan!" Tang Shishi hugged Wang Yueshan vigorously. shoulder, said.

Wang Yueshan's tears could no longer be controlled and rolled down. She knew that Tang Shishi had noticed her discomfort at the dinner table, and she was even more moved and cheerful.

That self-pitying Wang Yueshan is indeed not her type!

"No matter what, you must remember that this is your natal home. In your natal home, there are so many things to estimate. Just be true! Even if the dishes are broken every meal, no one Blame you!" Tang Shishi remembered Wang Yueshan's reserved look when she was eating, and couldn't help joking: "Don't be like a woman!"

When Wang Yueshan was in school, Wang Yueshan often used it to hurt her. The reason was nothing more than Tang Shishi's beautiful boxing skills, which made Wang Yueshan's blood boil every time she played it. She completely regarded Tang Shishi as a girl. Shi has a beautiful woman's face!

"Cut! This old lady is a real girl!" Wang Yueshan raised her chest and stared at Tang Shishi, yelling loudly.

Immediately, the two looked at each other and laughed, and Wang Yueshan's discomfort was drowned out by the laughter!

When going to bed at night, originally Wang Yueshan didn't want to share a bedroom with Du Haoyang, but Du Haoyang hugged Du Hengyu in one hand, angrily pushed Wang Yueshan into his arms in front of everyone, and threw a cold knife at Wang Yueshan dissatisfied with his eyes: "What are you pretending to be? We're not outsiders. Who here doesn't know about the two of us?"

Wang Yueshan stared at Du Haoyang fiercely from embarrassment, and then pinched Du Haoyang's waist forcefully.

Du Haoyang gasped in pain, and when he saw Wang Yueshan's smug eyes, he groaned, intentionally screaming very ecstasy, which aroused people's daydreams!

Everyone looked like they were watching a good show, but there were also those who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, such as Jun Mubei.

"Haoyang, tell us, what's the matter with you two? Why don't I know?" Jun Mubei always found the right time to make trouble, and asked with a loud voice, looking at the backs of Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan.

"You're so stupid, of course it's because the two of them have been living together for a long time!" Mo Youyou had an expression of truth.

Jun Mubei shut his mouth in embarrassment, well, to find a woman who will tear down his stage anytime and anywhere, is to be mentally prepared to be exposed to the truth at any time.

Wang Yueshan, who was hugged by Du Haoyang, turned red with embarrassment, but Mo Youyou didn't know what happened, she blinked her big eyes, looked at the people around her who were holding back their laughter, and asked in puzzlement, "Did I say something wrong?" gone?"

"Haha!" Quan Shaobai couldn't help it first, he burst out laughing, and said to Jun Mubei: "Second brother, it doesn't seem so easy for an old cow to gnaw tender grass! Haha!"

"You are envious!" Junmu Peking University hugged Mo Youyou on his lap, looking at Quan Shaobai with awe!

"Cut! What is there for me to envy? Who can compare to my heart?!" Jun Mubei looked like a proud wife with everything going on!
"Since Shaobai has mentioned the above, I think I, the person who has the most right to speak, have to say a few words!" Ling Rui, who was breastfeeding Ling Ziqi, walked over slowly and said, "Your daughter-in-law, Who can compare to my family's poetry?"

After hearing Ling Rui's words, Tang Shishi, who was playing with Ling Yue and Sun Xiaofen, turned her head to look at the man who was hugging his daughter among a group of elders, and shook his head helplessly.Is there anything like this?
"My family, Shishi, can go to the hall, enter the kitchen, fight monsters, and play with pistols. There are so many advantages. Who can compare?" Ling Rui swept the people sitting around, and said proudly .

"Third brother, I don't agree with what you said. My Yueshan can draw comics, but can your family know Shishi?" Du Haoyang first shouted in disapproval.

"What are you talking about, you are childish!" Wang Yueshan abducted Du Haoyang with her arm, and gouged him out.

Isn't this group of old men too busy? It's too bad for the Li family, who is like the seven aunts and eight aunts!
"Although my house is a little cute, but those eyes, as long as you sweep them lightly like this, even if they are genuine fakes, they can't escape her eyes. They are more powerful than X-rays. Who of you can?" Mo Youyou shuttled through her hair, while putting on an appearance of being arrogant.

"My Xinxin eats delicious food all over the world. As long as the food passes her mouth, what kind of seasoning is put in it, how much heat is used, it's the same!" Compared with other people, although Quan Shaobai is inferior in momentum So lost, but full of confidence.

The black line on Jun Nuanxin's forehead fell down with a splash. Is this guy afraid that others will not know that she is a foodie?There is no need to spread it around like this!
"What you said is nothing!" Ling Rui said with disapproval, holding Ling Ziqi firmly in one arm.

"Then what do you say is the most important thing? You draw a path, let's compete!" Jun Mubei rolled his eyes, and his eyes seemed to pass over Jun Haodong who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea and watching the show, booing road.

"That's right, tell me, or we'll have a group arena!" Du Haoyang yelled not to be outdone.

"You're not finished, are you?" Wang Yueshan secretly slammed Du Haoyang again, pinched Du Haoyang forcefully, and threatened in a low voice, these men are simply full and have nothing to do.

But even though Du Haoyang bared his teeth after being pinched, he still persisted.In his heart, no one can compare to Wang Yueshan.

Ling Rui cut, and threw back the bottle that his daughter had finished drinking, Zhou Hu behind him immediately reached out to catch it, he looked slowly and said: "Which of you can compare to my family's Shishi, who can give birth to three at once? Huh? I won’t talk about Wang Yueshan, it’s already in effect. Nuanxin is not planning to have children now, and Yoyo is advocating DINK. So, based on this alone, there is hope for everyone here except the elder brother’s family. Except for Shi Shi competing against each other, the rest of them are useless!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he tapped Ling Ziqi's small mouth with his finger and said, "Is that right, my little princess?"

Ling Ziqi clicked her mouth very forcefully, and gave a cute smile. Although it was an unconscious behavior, in Ling Rui's eyes, it was agreeing with him!

"Big brother, big brother is single, maybe he won't get married in this life!" Jun Mubei followed Ling Rui's words, glanced at Jun Haodong, found that his hand holding the teacup stopped, and said again: " Besides, the eldest brother is so old, who knows if he can still be born!"

(End of this chapter)

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